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public function TranslationTest::testSingleLanguage in Search API sorts 8

Test search_api_sorts with one language enabled.


tests/src/Functional/TranslationTest.php, line 63


Tests Search API sorts translation.




public function testSingleLanguage() {

  // Remove the FR language so we can test the search api sorts admin screens
  // without multiple languages enabled.
  $language = ConfigurableLanguage::load('fr');
    ->drupalGet('admin/config/search/search-api/index/' . $this->indexId . '/sorts/' . $this->escapedDisplayId);

  // Check if the translation warning is not shown.
    ->pageTextNotContains('You are currently editing the English version of the search api sorts fields.');

  // Check if the translate column is not present.
    ->elementNotContains('css', 'table#edit-sorts thead th:last-child', 'Translate');

  // Check if translate link is not present.
    ->linkByHrefNotExists(sprintf('admin/config/search/search-api/sorts/%s/translate', $this->escapedDisplayId . '_' . 'id'));
  $edit = [
    'sorts[id][status]' => TRUE,
    'default_sort' => 'id',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save settings');

  // Check if the config is saved in the default language.
  $search_api_sorts_field = $this->searchApiSortsFieldStorage
    ->load($this->escapedDisplayId . '_' . 'id');
    ->assertEquals('en', $search_api_sorts_field

  // Check if translate link is still not present.
    ->linkByHrefNotExists(sprintf('admin/config/search/search-api/sorts/%s/translate', $this->escapedDisplayId . '_' . 'id'));

  // Visit the EN version of the search_api overview and check if the labels
  // are shown in the default language.