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public static function Utility::getLanguageSpecificSolrDynamicFieldNameForSolrDynamicFieldName in Search API Solr 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Utility/Utility.php \Drupal\search_api_solr\Utility\Utility::getLanguageSpecificSolrDynamicFieldNameForSolrDynamicFieldName()
  2. 4.x src/Utility/Utility.php \Drupal\search_api_solr\Utility\Utility::getLanguageSpecificSolrDynamicFieldNameForSolrDynamicFieldName()

Maps a Solr field name to its language-specific equivalent.

For example the dynamic field tm_* will become tm;en* for English. Following this pattern we also have fall backs automatically:

  • tm;de-AT_*
  • tm;de_*
  • tm_*

This concept bases on the fact that "longer patterns will be matched first. If equal size patterns both match,the first appearing in the schema will be used." This is not obvious from the example above. But you need to take into account that the real field name for solr will be encoded. So the real values for the example above are:

  • tm_X3b_de_X2d_AT_*
  • tm_X3b_de_*
  • tm_*


string $field_name: The field name.

string $language_id: The Drupal language code.

Return value

string The language-specific name.

See also



src/Utility/Utility.php, line 332


Provides various helper functions for Solr backends.




public static function getLanguageSpecificSolrDynamicFieldNameForSolrDynamicFieldName($field_name, $language_id) {
  if ('twm_suggest' === $field_name) {
    return 'twm_suggest';
  return Utility::modifySolrDynamicFieldName($field_name, '@^([a-z]+)_@', '$1' . SolrBackendInterface::SEARCH_API_SOLR_LANGUAGE_SEPARATOR . $language_id . '_');