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public function NewResultsCheck::getSearchesToCheck in Search API Saved Searches 8

Determines the saved searches that should be checked for new results.


string|null $type_id: (optional) The type of saved searches to check, or NULL to check searches for all enabled types that have at least one notification plugin set.

Return value

int[] The entity IDs of all saved searches that should be checked.

1 call to NewResultsCheck::getSearchesToCheck()
NewResultsCheck::checkAll in src/Service/NewResultsCheck.php
Checks all saved searches that are "due" for new results.


src/Service/NewResultsCheck.php, line 139


Provides a service for checking saved searches for new results.




public function getSearchesToCheck($type_id = NULL) {
  $now = $this->time
  $query = $this
    ->condition('status', TRUE)
    ->condition('next_execution', $now + 15, '<=');
  if ($type_id !== NULL) {
      ->condition('type', $type_id);
  else {
    $types = $this
    if ($types !== NULL) {
      if (!$types) {
        return [];
        ->condition('type', $types, 'IN');

  // Limit the number of searches to check in a single request, unless we're
  // running in the CLI (where we don't have to worry about the maximum
  // execution time).
  if (!Utility::isRunningInCli()) {
    $limit = $this->configFactory
    if ($limit > 0) {
        ->range(0, $limit);

  // Add a tag to make it easy for other modules to alter this query.
  return $query