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search_api_ranges.module in Search API ranges 7

Performs min/max queries through Search API and provides UI Slider display widget for Facet API


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 * @file
 * Performs min/max queries through Search API
 * and provides UI Slider display widget for Facet API

 * Implements hook_theme().
function search_api_ranges_theme() {
  $themes = array(
    'search_api_ranges_slider' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'slider' => '',
      'file' => '',
    'search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form' => array(
      'template' => 'search-api-ranges-block-slider-view-form',
      'render element' => 'form',
  return $themes;

 * Implements hook_facetapi_widgets().
function search_api_ranges_facetapi_widgets() {
  return array(
    'search_api_ranges_ui_slider' => array(
      'handler' => array(
        'label' => t('Ranges: Min/Max UI Slider'),
        'class' => 'SearchApiRangesWidgetUISlider',
        'query types' => array(
    'search_api_ranges_ui_links' => array(
      'handler' => array(
        'label' => t('Ranges: Text links'),
        'class' => 'SearchApiRangesWidgetLinks',
        'query types' => array(
    'search_api_ranges_ui_checkbox_links' => array(
      'handler' => array(
        'label' => t('Ranges: Text links with checkboxes'),
        'class' => 'SearchApiRangesWidgetCheckboxLinks',
        'query types' => array(
    'search_api_ranges_ui_select' => array(
      'handler' => array(
        'label' => t('Ranges: Drop down list'),
        'class' => 'SearchApiRangesWidgetSelect',
        'query types' => array(

 * Implements hook_facetapi_facet_info().
function search_api_ranges_facetapi_facet_info_alter(array &$facet_info, array $searcher_info) {
  $adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($searcher_info['name']);
  foreach ($facet_info as &$facet) {
    $facet_settings = $adapter
    if (isset($facet_settings->settings['widget'])) {
      switch ($facet_settings->settings['widget']) {
        case 'search_api_ranges_ui_slider':
          $facet['facetapi pretty paths coder'] = 'default';
        case 'search_api_ranges_ui_links':
          $facet['map options']['map callback'] = 'search_api_ranges_map_label';

 * Find the lowest/highest valuse for the active facets
 * @param array $variables
 *   An array with at least the following keys => values:
 *   - (string) range_field: the name of the slider range field
 *   - (array) query: the Search API query object
 * @param string $order
 *   Either ASC (for min) or DESC (for max)
 * @return string|null
 *   The rounded integer value for min/max, or NULL.
function search_api_ranges_minmax($variables, $order = 'ASC') {

  // Allow the other modules to modify the query parameters.
  drupal_alter('search_api_ranges_minmax', $variables, $order);

  // If query is empty, ignore sending the query.
  // This allows other modules to decide
  // whenever we want to perform the query.
  if (empty($variables['query'])) {
    return isset($variables['result']) ? $variables['result'] : NULL;

  /** @var SearchApiQuery $query */
  $query = $variables['query'];

  /** @var SearchApiIndex $index */
  $index = $variables['index'];
  $order_lower = strtolower($order);

  // Generate a facet tag using the base field.
  $tag = 'facet:' . $variables['range_field'];

  // Check if min or max values are indexed for multiple fields.
  if (search_api_is_list_type($index->options['fields'][$variables['range_field']]['type'])) {
    $field_name = str_replace(':', '_', $variables['range_field']) . '_' . $order_lower;
    if (isset($index->options['fields'][$field_name])) {
      $variables['range_field'] = $field_name;

  // Alter sort.
  $sort =& $query
  $sort = array(
    $variables['range_field'] => $order,

  // Alter options.
  $options =& $query
  $options['limit'] = 1;
  $options['search id'] = 'search_api_ranges:' . $variables['range_field'] . ':minmax/' . $order;

  // For performance, we don't need to return any facets.
  $options['search_api_facets'] = array();

  // Do not take into account pager query.
  $options['offset'] = 0;

  // Set some metadata to allow modules to alter based on that information.
    ->setOption('search_api_ranges', array(
    'range_field' => $variables['range_field'],

  // Remove current range field from the filters
  // otherwise our min/max would always equal user input.
  $filters =& $query
  foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
    if (isset($filter->tags) && is_array($filter->tags) && in_array($tag, $filter->tags)) {

  // Filter out results with no values for that field.
    ->condition($variables['range_field'], NULL, '<>');

  // Execute the query and process results.
  $results = search_api_ranges_minmax_execute($query);
  foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {

    // Remove $query->condition($variables['range_field'], NULL, '<>'); to prevent this condition influence on other facets
    if (is_array($filter)) {
      if ($filter[0] == $variables['range_field']) {

  // Return current filter with digital ranges to the query
  if (isset($current_filter) && is_array($current_filter)) {
    if ($current_filter[1] != NULL && $current_filter[2] != '<>') {
        ->condition($variables['range_field'], $current_filter[1], $current_filter[2]);
    if ($current_filter[1] != NULL && $current_filter[2] != '<>') {
        ->condition($variables['range_field'], $current_filter[1], $current_filter[2]);
  if (!$results['results']) {
    return NULL;
  $result_ids = array();
  foreach ($results['results'] as $result) {

    // Support search_api_et module (multilingual indexes)
    if (strpos($index->item_type, 'search_api_et_') !== FALSE) {

      // search_api_et prefixes the entity id with a language code, so we'll
      // just remove any non-numeric characters to get the entity id
      $result_ids[] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $result['id']);
    else {
      $result_ids[] = $result['id'];
  $entities = entity_load($index
    ->getEntityType(), $result_ids);
  $orphan_ids = array();
  foreach ($result_ids as $id) {
    if (!isset($entities[$id])) {
      $orphan_ids[] = $id;
    else {
      $entity = $entities[$id];
      $wrapper = $index
  if (!empty($orphan_ids)) {
    $warning = t('Orphan ids detected in search index: @orphan_ids.' . "\n" . 'Re-indexing is recommended.', array(
      '@orphan_ids' => implode(', ', $orphan_ids),
    drupal_set_message($warning, 'warning');
  if (!isset($wrapper)) {
    return NULL;
  $fields[$variables['range_field']]['type'] = 'integer';
  $round_precision = isset($variables['round-precision']) ? $variables['round-precision'] : 0;
  if ($round_precision == 0) {
    $fields[$variables['range_field']]['type'] = 'integer';
  else {
    $fields[$variables['range_field']]['type'] = 'float';
  $fields = search_api_extract_fields($wrapper, $fields);

  // We have to round because jQuery slider cannot handle decimals.
  $return = $fields[$variables['range_field']]['value'];
  switch ($order) {
    case 'DESC':
      if ($round_precision == 0) {
        $return = ceil($return);
      elseif ($round_precision > 0) {
        $return = round($return, $round_precision, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
      if ($round_precision == 0) {
        $return = floor($return);
      elseif ($round_precision > 0) {
        $return = round($return, $round_precision, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
  return $return;

 * Executes the min/max search query.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array containing the search results. The following keys
 *   are standardized:
 *   - 'result count': The overall number of results for this query, without
 *     range restrictions. Might be approximated, for large numbers.
 *   - results: An array of results, ordered as specified. The array keys are
 *     the items' IDs, values are arrays containing the following keys:
 *     - id: The item's ID.
 *     - score: A float measuring how well the item fits the search.
 *     - entity (optional): If set, the fully loaded entity. This field should
 *       always be used by modules using search results, to avoid duplicate
 *       entity loads.
 *     - excerpt (optional): If set, an HTML text containing highlighted
 *       portions of the fulltext that match the query.
 *   - warnings: A numeric array of translated warning messages that may be
 *     displayed to the user.
 *   - ignored: A numeric array of search keys that were ignored for this
 *     search (e.g., because of being too short or stop words).
 *   - performance: An associative array with the time taken (as floats, in
 *     seconds) for specific parts of the search execution:
 *     - complete: The complete runtime of the query.
 *     - hooks: Hook invocations and other server-independent processing.
 *     - preprocessing: Preprocessing of the service class.
 *     - execution: The actual query to the search server, in whatever form.
 *     - postprocessing: Preparing the results for returning.
 *   Additional metadata may be returned in other keys. Only 'result count'
 *   and 'results' always have to be set, all other entries are optional.
function search_api_ranges_minmax_execute(SearchApiQuery $query) {
  $start = microtime(TRUE);

  // Prepare the query for execution by the server.
  $pre_search = microtime(TRUE);

  // Execute query.
  $response = $query
  $post_search = microtime(TRUE);

  // Postprocess the search results.
  $end = microtime(TRUE);
  $response['performance']['complete'] = $end - $start;
  $response['performance']['hooks'] = $response['performance']['complete'] - ($post_search - $pre_search);
  return $response;

 * Implements hook_forms().
function search_api_ranges_forms($form_id, $args) {

  // Map all form IDs starting with search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form
  // to our callback.
  if (strpos($form_id, 'search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form') === 0) {
    $forms[$form_id] = array(
      'callback' => 'search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form',
    return $forms;

 * Generates the jQuery range slider form for range facet blocks.
 * @see search_api_ranges_forms()
function search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form($form, &$form_state, $variables) {
  $form = array();

  // Add JS.
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'search_api_ranges');
  $form['#attached']['library'][] = array(
  $form['#attached']['js'][] = $module_path . '/jquery.numeric.js';
  $form['#attached']['js'][] = $module_path . '/search_api_ranges.js';

  // For compatibility with Search API ajax,
  // we generate the 'ajax target URL' as a hidden field.
  $params = drupal_get_query_parameters($_GET, array(
  foreach ($variables['active_items'] as $key => $active_item) {
    if ($active_item['field alias'] == $variables['range_field']) {
      $pos = $active_item['pos'];

  // Get path or facetapi_pretty_paths.
  $path = $variables['target'];
  if (module_exists('facetapi_pretty_paths')) {
    $path = request_path();
  $form['text-range'] = array(
    '#markup' => '<p class="text-range">' . t('!field_name ranges from !prefix_' . $variables['range_field'] . '@from!suffix_' . $variables['range_field'] . ' to !prefix_' . $variables['range_field'] . '@to!suffix_' . $variables['range_field'], array(
      '!field_name' => t($variables['name']),
      '@from' => $variables['min'],
      '@to' => $variables['max'],
      '!prefix_' . $variables['range_field'] => $variables['prefix'],
      '!suffix_' . $variables['range_field'] => $variables['suffix'],
    )) . '</p>',
  $form['range-from'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('From'),
    '#size' => 10,
    '#default_value' => $variables['from'],
  $form['range-slider'] = array(
    '#markup' => '<div class="range-slider"></div>',
  $form['range-to'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('To'),
    '#size' => 10,
    '#default_value' => $variables['to'],
  $form['range-min'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $variables['min'],
  $form['range-max'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $variables['max'],
  $form['path'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $path,
  $form['range-field'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $variables['range_field'],
  if ($variables['auto_submit_delay']) {
    $form['delay'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $variables['auto_submit_delay'],
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Go'),
  return $form;

 * Handle slider block submit
function search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $values = $form_state['values'];
  $range_field = $form_state['input']['range-field'];

  // Prepare params and existing filter $pos (if any)
  $params = drupal_get_query_parameters($_GET, array(

  // Get pretty path path and goto()
  if (drupal_multilingual() && variable_get('locale_language_negotiation_url_part') == LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_PREFIX) {
    list($language, $path) = language_url_split_prefix(request_path(), language_list());
    $language = $language ? $language : NULL;
  else {
    $path = request_path();
    $language = NULL;
  if (module_exists('facetapi_pretty_paths')) {
    $exists = FALSE;
    $split_path = explode('/', $path);
    foreach ($split_path as $key => $value) {
      if ($value == $range_field) {
        $exists = $split_path[$key + 1];

    // Decision: replace existing range or add new
    $new_range = '[' . $values['range-from'] . ' TO ' . $values['range-to'] . ']';
    if ($exists) {
      $path = str_replace($exists, $new_range, $path);
    else {
      $path .= '/' . $range_field . '/' . $new_range;

    // Unset non-pretty query
  else {

    // Not pretty path logic
    $query = $range_field . ':' . '[' . $values['range-from'] . ' TO ' . $values['range-to'] . ']';
    $pos = -1;
    if (isset($params['f'])) {
      foreach ($params['f'] as $key => $param) {
        if (strpos($param, $range_field . ':') !== FALSE) {
          $pos = $key;
    if ($pos != -1) {
      $params['f'][$pos] = $query;
    else {
      $params['f'][] = $query;
  drupal_goto($path, array(
    'query' => array(
    'language' => $language,

 * Implements hook_search_api_alter_callback_info().
function search_api_ranges_search_api_alter_callback_info() {
  $callbacks['search_api_ranges_alter'] = array(
    'name' => t('Search API ranges'),
    'description' => t('Adds the minimum and maximum values of selected numeric fields.'),
    'class' => 'SearchApiRangesAlter',
    'weight' => 100,
  return $callbacks;

 * Generate the available ranges given the active facets
 * @param array $variables
 *   An array with at least the following keys => values:
 *   - (string) range_field: the name of the slider range field
 *   - (array) query: the Search API query object
 * @param integer $step
 *   used as the increment between elements in the range sequence.
 * @return array
 *   An array of text link arrays, each with the following keys => values:
 *   - (string) text: A textrual representation of the range,
 *   - (integer) min: The minimum vaule for the range.
 *   - (integer) max: The maximum value for the range.
function search_api_ranges_generate_ranges_simple($variables, $step) {
  $element = $variables['element'];
  $params = drupal_get_query_parameters($_GET, array(
  $ranges = array();
  if (count($element)) {
    $values = array_keys($element);
    sort($values, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $min = floor($values[0] / $step) * $step;
    $max = $min + $step;
    $result_count = 0;
    foreach ($values as $val) {
      if ($val >= $max) {
        $ranges[$min . ' - ' . $max] = _search_api_generate_range($min, $max, $result_count, $variables, $params);
        $min = floor($val / $step) * $step;
        $max = $min + $step;
        $result_count = 0;
      $result_count += $element[$val]['#count'];
    if ($result_count) {
      $ranges[$min . ' - ' . $max] = _search_api_generate_range($min, $max, $result_count, $variables, $params);
  return $ranges;
function search_api_ranges_generate_ranges_advanced($variables, $steps) {
  $element = $variables['element'];

  // Calculate the min and max of the ranges.
  $values = array();
  foreach ($element as $key => $value) {

    // Exclude values that don't belong to ranges list
    if (is_numeric($key)) {
      $values[] = $key;
  sort($values, SORT_NUMERIC);
  $min_all = $values[0];
  $max_all = $values[count($values) - 1];
  $adv_ranges = _search_api_ranges_parse_advanced_range_settings($steps);
  $tmp_ranges = array();
  $ret_ranges = array();
  if (count($adv_ranges)) {
    foreach ($adv_ranges as $range) {
      if (substr_count($range['value'], '-') == 1) {
        $maxmin = explode("-", $range['value']);
        $min = trim($maxmin[0]);
        $max = trim($maxmin[1]);
        if (strlen($min) == 0) {
          $min = $min_all;
        if (strlen($max) == 0) {
          $max = $max_all;
        $tmp_ranges[] = array(
          'min' => $min,
          'max' => $max,
          'label' => $range['label'],
  if (count($tmp_ranges)) {
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters($_GET, array(
    $range_step = 0;
    foreach ($tmp_ranges as $tmp_range_id => $tmp_range) {
      $min = $tmp_range['min'];
      $max = $tmp_range['max'];
      $label = $tmp_range['label'];
      $result_count = 0;
      foreach ($values as $val) {
        if ($max != SEARCH_API_RANGES_ENDPOINT_INFINITE && $val > $max) {
        elseif ($min != SEARCH_API_RANGES_ENDPOINT_INFINITE && $val < $min) {
        $result_count += $element[$val]['#count'];
      if ($result_count) {
        $ret_ranges[$min . ' - ' . $max] = _search_api_generate_range($min, $max, $result_count, $variables, $params, $label);
  return $ret_ranges;

 * Parse user submitted advanced range settings.
 * @param $settings_string
 * @return array $ranges Each consisting of a 'value' and 'label' element.
function _search_api_ranges_parse_advanced_range_settings($settings_string) {

  // This parsing code was lifted from core list.module
  $list = explode("\n", $settings_string);
  $list = array_map('trim', $list);
  $list = array_filter($list, 'strlen');
  $ranges = array();
  foreach ($list as $range) {

    // Check for an explicit key.
    $matches = array();
    if (preg_match('/(.*)\\|(.*)/', $range, $matches)) {
      $ranges[] = array(
        'value' => trim($matches[1]),
        'label' => trim($matches[2]),
    else {
      $ranges[] = array(
        'value' => trim($range),
        'label' => '',
  return $ranges;
function _search_api_generate_range($min, $max, $count, $variables, $params, $label = '') {

  // Generate the new query.
  $query = urlencode($variables['range_field']) . ":[{$min} TO {$max}]";
  $active = FALSE;

  // Add the new query or remove it if the range is already active.
  if (empty($params['f'])) {
    $params['f'] = array(
  else {
    $key = array_search($query, $params['f']);
    if ($key !== FALSE) {
      $active = TRUE;
    else {
      $params['f'][] = $query;
  if (empty($label)) {
    $label = $variables['prefix'] . number_format($min, 0) . $variables['suffix'] . '–' . $variables['prefix'] . number_format($max, 0) . $variables['suffix'];

  // Build up a render array.
  return array(
    '#markup' => $label,
    '#path' => $variables['target'],
    '#html' => FALSE,
    '#indexed_value' => 'TODO: what to put here?',
    '#count' => $count,
    '#query' => $params,
    '#active' => $active,

 * Maps facet ranges to their human readable label.
 * @param $values
 *   An array of ranges being mapped.
 * @param $options
 *   An associative array of map options.
 * @return
 *   An array mapping the ranges to their human readable label.
function search_api_ranges_map_label(array $values, array $options) {
  $adapter = facetapi_adapter_load('search_api@' . $options['index id']);
  $facet_settings = $adapter
    'name' => $options['field']['key'],
  $map = array();
  if (!empty($facet_settings->settings['range_advanced'])) {
    $ranges = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', $facet_settings->settings['range_advanced']);
    foreach ($ranges as $item) {
      $item = explode('|', $item, 2);
      if (isset($item[1])) {
        $item[0] = '[' . str_replace('-', ' TO ', $item[0]) . ']';
        $map[$item[0]] = $item[1];
  return $map;


Namesort descending Description
search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form Generates the jQuery range slider form for range facet blocks.
search_api_ranges_block_slider_view_form_submit Handle slider block submit
search_api_ranges_facetapi_facet_info_alter Implements hook_facetapi_facet_info().
search_api_ranges_facetapi_widgets Implements hook_facetapi_widgets().
search_api_ranges_forms Implements hook_forms().
search_api_ranges_generate_ranges_simple Generate the available ranges given the active facets
search_api_ranges_map_label Maps facet ranges to their human readable label.
search_api_ranges_minmax Find the lowest/highest valuse for the active facets
search_api_ranges_minmax_execute Executes the min/max search query.
search_api_ranges_search_api_alter_callback_info Implements hook_search_api_alter_callback_info().
search_api_ranges_theme Implements hook_theme().
_search_api_ranges_parse_advanced_range_settings Parse user submitted advanced range settings.
