You are here in Search API Location 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2
; $Id:
name = Search API Location
description = Provide location based search using Location and Search API Solr
core = 7.x
package = Search

dependencies[] = search_api_solr
dependencies[] = search_api_views
dependencies[] = location
dependencies[] = location_node
dependencies[] = views
dependencies[] = gmap

files[] = search_api_location.module
files[] = includes/
files[] = includes/
stylesheets[all][] = search_api_location.css

View source
  1. ; $Id:
  2. name = Search API Location
  3. description = Provide location based search using Location and Search API Solr
  4. core = 7.x
  5. package = Search
  6. dependencies[] = search_api_solr
  7. dependencies[] = search_api_views
  8. dependencies[] = location
  9. dependencies[] = location_node
  10. dependencies[] = views
  11. dependencies[] = gmap
  12. files[] = search_api_location.module
  13. files[] = includes/
  14. files[] = includes/
  15. stylesheets[all][] = search_api_location.css