search_api_location_views.module in Search API Location 8
Provide Views integration for Search API Location.
modules/search_api_location_views/search_api_location_views.moduleView source
* @file
* Provide Views integration for Search API Location.
use Drupal\search_api\Entity\Index;
* Implements hook_views_data_alter().
function search_api_location_views_views_data_alter(&$data) {
/** @var \Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $index */
foreach (Index::loadMultiple() as $index) {
$table =& $data['search_api_index_' . $index
/** @var \Drupal\search_api\Item\FieldInterface $field */
foreach ($index
->getFields(TRUE) as $field_id => $field) {
if ($field
->getType() == 'location') {
$field_alias = _search_api_location_views_get_field_alias($field_id, $table);
// Adding filter to location fields.
$table[$field_alias]['filter']['title'] = $field
$table[$field_alias]['filter']['id'] = 'search_api_location';
$table[$field_alias]['filter']['help'] = $field
$table[$field_alias]['argument']['id'] = 'search_api_location_point';
// We currently have no way of knowing the alias of the distance pseudo
// field (e.g. Solr backend doesn't add any info when defining the
// field).
// So for now we just appending '__distance' to the field_id, but this
// should be defined in the back-ends.
/* @see \Drupal\search_api_solr\Plugin\search_api\backend\SearchApiSolrBackend::getBackendDefinedFields */
$distance_field_alias = _search_api_location_views_get_field_alias($field_id . '__distance', $table);
// Set separate sort and argument plugin for the distance psuedo field.
$table[$distance_field_alias]['sort']['id'] = 'search_api_location_distance';
$table[$distance_field_alias]['argument']['id'] = 'search_api_location_radius';
// Remove filtering on the pseudo distance field, as the location field
// does this.
* Finds the field alias for a field in a Views table definition.
* @param string $field_id
* The original ID of the Search API field.
* @param array $table
* The Views table definition.
* @return string|false
* The field alias of the field or FALSE.
function _search_api_location_views_get_field_alias($field_id, array $table) {
// We need to determine the Views field alias based on the Search API
// field_id.
// We can't use _search_api_views_find_field_alias, as that would generate
// a new name.
$field_alias = FALSE;
if (isset($table[$field_id])) {
$field_alias = $field_id;
else {
foreach ($table as $field_name => $field_info) {
if (!empty($field_info['real field']) && $field_info['real field'] == $field_id) {
$field_alias = $field_name;
return $field_alias;
Name![]() |
Description |
search_api_location_views_views_data_alter | Implements hook_views_data_alter(). |
_search_api_location_views_get_field_alias | Finds the field alias for a field in a Views table definition. |