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public function Glossary::preIndexSave in Search API AZ Glossary 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 src/Plugin/search_api/processor/Glossary.php \Drupal\search_api_glossary\Plugin\search_api\processor\Glossary::preIndexSave()

Preprocesses the search index entity before it is saved.

This can, for example, be used to make sure fields needed by this processor are enabled on the index.

Overrides ProcessorPluginBase::preIndexSave


src/Plugin/search_api/processor/Glossary.php, line 211


Adds the item's AZ to the indexed data.




public function preIndexSave() {

  // Get glossary fields.
  $glossary_fields = $this

  // Get original fields from index.
  $fields = $this->index

  // Loop through the saved config from
  // Search API field settings form.
  foreach ($glossary_fields as $name => $glossary_field) {

    // If glossary is enabled on this field.
    if (isset($glossary_field['glossary']) && $glossary_field['glossary'] == 1 && isset($fields[$name])) {

      // Automatically add field to index if processor is enabled.
      $new_field_name = $this

      // ElasticSearch facets will need this field to be string.
      $field = $this
        ->ensureField(NULL, $new_field_name, 'string');

      // Hide the field.