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public function MappedTerms::addFieldValues in Search API Field Map 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Plugin/search_api/processor/MappedTerms.php \Drupal\search_api_field_map\Plugin\search_api\processor\MappedTerms::addFieldValues()
  2. 8 src/Plugin/search_api/processor/MappedTerms.php \Drupal\search_api_field_map\Plugin\search_api\processor\MappedTerms::addFieldValues()
  3. 4.x src/Plugin/search_api/processor/MappedTerms.php \Drupal\search_api_field_map\Plugin\search_api\processor\MappedTerms::addFieldValues()

Adds the values of properties defined by this processor to the item.


\Drupal\search_api\Item\ItemInterface $item: The item whose field values should be added.

Overrides ProcessorPluginBase::addFieldValues


src/Plugin/search_api/processor/MappedTerms.php, line 51


Normalize multiple taxonomy terms into mapped terms.




public function addFieldValues(ItemInterface $item) {

  // Get all of the mapped terms fields on our index (there should only be one).
  $mapped_terms = $this
    ->getFields(), NULL, 'mapped_terms');

  // Get the entity object for the item being indexed, exit if there's somehow not one.
  $entity = $item
  if (!$entity) {

  // Define our array of mapped terms destination values.
  $mapped_terms_destination_values = [];

  // Set some helper vars for the entity and bundle type.
  $entity_type = $entity
  $bundle_type = $entity

  // Get the bundle's fields.
  $entityManager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
  $bundle_fields = $entityManager
    ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type, $bundle_type);

  // Define array of potential taxonomy fields.
  $bundle_taxonomy_fields = [];

  // Process and set values for each mapped field on the index.
  foreach ($mapped_terms as $mapped_term) {

    // Determine if / which taxonomy fields exist on the entity.
    foreach ($bundle_fields as $bundle_field) {
      $bundle_field_type = $bundle_field
      if ($bundle_field_type === "entity_reference") {
        $bundle_field_settings = $bundle_field
        if ($bundle_field_settings['target_type'] == 'taxonomy_term') {
            ->getName()] = $bundle_field

    // For each taxonomy field on the entity, get the terms.
    foreach ($bundle_taxonomy_fields as $taxonomy_field_id => $taxonomy_field_name) {

      // Get the entity's term data for that taxonomy field.
      $entity_terms = $entity->{$taxonomy_field_id}

      // If there are no taxonomy terms on this $entity, do nothing.
      if (empty($entity_terms)) {

      // Iterate through this item's taxonomy terms to find mapped_terms values.
      foreach ($entity_terms as $term) {

        // Load the taxonomy term entity.
        $term_entity = Term::load($term['target_id']);

        // Get the term's field definitions.
        $field_definitions = $term_entity
        $mapped_term_definitions = array_filter($field_definitions, function ($field_definition) {
          return $field_definition
            ->getType() === "mapped_terms";

        // Since we don't know the field name which was added, we need to identify it by the field type.
        $mapped_term_field_names = array_map(function ($mapped_term_definitions) {
          return $mapped_term_definitions
        }, $mapped_term_definitions);

        // Iterate through any mapped_terms fields and get their values.
        foreach ($mapped_term_field_names as $field_name) {
          $mapped_term_values = $term_entity->{$field_name}

          // If the mapped_terms field is populated, add its values to the destination_terms array.
          if (!empty($mapped_term_values)) {
            foreach ($mapped_term_values as $mapped_term_value) {

              // Avoid adding empty strings as values.
              if (strlen(trim($mapped_term_value['value']))) {
                $mapped_terms_destination_values[] = $mapped_term_value['value'];

    // Remove any duplicate mapped_term_destination_values.
    $mapped_terms_destination_values = array_unique($mapped_terms_destination_values);

    // If the value does not already exist for this item, then add it.
    foreach ($mapped_terms_destination_values as $value) {
      $existing_values = $mapped_term
      if (!array_search($value, $existing_values)) {