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SolrProxyController.php in Search API Federated Solr 8.3


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namespace Drupal\search_api_federated_solr\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Drupal\search_api\Entity\Server;
use Drupal\search_api\SearchApiException;
use Drupal\search_api_federated_solr\Utility\Helpers;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class SolrProxyController extends ControllerBase {

   * Uses the selected index server's backend connector to execute
   * a select query on the index based on request qs params passed from the app.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableJsonResponse
   *  Structure mirrors the solr api response object written with the JSON
   *    Response Writer with the addition of a '#cache' key for cache metadata.
   *  @see
  public function getResultsJson(Request $request) {
    $data = [];

    // \Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase::config loads config with overrides
    $config = $this

    // Get index id from search app config.
    $index_id = $config

    // Get the server id from index config.
    $index_config = \Drupal::config('search_api.index.' . $index_id);
    $server_id = $index_config

    // Load the server.

    /** @var \Drupal\search_api\ServerInterface $server */
    $server = Server::load($server_id);

    // Get query data from route variables.
    $qs = $request

    // Parse the querystring, with support for multiple values for a key,
    // not using array[] syntax.
    // Can't use \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface::getParameters()
    //   because the route doesn't / can't define qs params as parameters.
    // Can't use \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::parse() because it uses
    //   str_parse which requires array brackets [] syntax for param keys with
    //   multiple values and that is not the syntax that solr expects.
    // @see:
    $params = Helpers::parseStrMultiple($qs);
    try {

      /** @var \Drupal\search_api_solr\SolrBackendInterface $backend */
      $backend = $server

      /** @var \Drupal\search_api_solr\SolrConnectorInterface $connector */
      $connector = $backend

      // Create the select query.
      // Note: this proxy will only execute select queries.
      // @see:
      $query = $connector

      // Use supplied query fields if configured in settings.php.
      $query_fields_config = $config

      // Default to passed in query fields, if there are any.
      $query_fields = is_array($query_fields_config) && !empty($query_fields_config) ? $query_fields_config : [

      // Determine if we should validate passed in query fields against the schema.
      $is_validate_query_fields = $config
      if ($is_validate_query_fields && is_array($query_fields_config) && !empty($query_fields_config)) {

        // Load the index.
        $indexes = $server

        /** @var \Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $federated_search_index */
        $federated_search_index = $indexes[$index_id];

        // Get index field names mapped to their solr field name counterparts
        $backend_field_names_map = $backend

        // Get all full text fields from the index.
        $full_text_fields = $federated_search_index

        // We can only search full text fields, so validate supplied field names.
        $full_text_query_fields = array_intersect($query_fields_config, $full_text_fields);

        // Filter the field names map by our query fields.
        $query_fields_map = array_intersect_key($backend_field_names_map, array_flip($full_text_query_fields));

        // Get the solr field name for our supplied full text query fields.
        $query_fields = array_values($query_fields_map);

      // If there are any query fields, add them to the query.
      if (!empty($query_fields)) {

        // Get edismax query parser (used by the default request handler).
        $edismax = $query

        // Set default query fields, overriding solr config.
          ->setQueryFields(implode(' ', $query_fields));

      // Determine if we should add debug info to the proxy response object.
      $is_debug = $config
      if ($is_debug) {
        $debug = $query

      // Determine if we have issued a site_name query, and filter it as
      // required by the site list settings. Note that if we set a default
      // site name value, it will be passed to the proxy as an 'fq' value.
      $ignore_default = FALSE;
      if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {

        // Account for strings passed by the query.
        if (isset($params['fq'])) {
          if (is_string($params['fq'])) {
            $params['fq'] = [
        else {
          $params['fq'] = [];
        foreach ($params['fq'] as $key => $value) {
          if (substr_count($value, 'sm_site_name') > 0) {
            $fq = urldecode($value);
            $params['fq'][] = $fq;
            $ignore_default = TRUE;

      // If site search is restricted, enforce it here.
      if (!$ignore_default) {

        // Get the list of allowed sites.
        if ($allowed_sites = $config
          ->get('facet.site_name.allowed_sites')) {
          $site_list = array_keys(array_filter($allowed_sites));
        if (!empty($site_list)) {
          foreach ($site_list as $name) {
            $values[] = '"' . $name . '"';
          $params['fq'][] = 'sm_site_name:(' . implode(' OR ', $values) . ')';

      // Set main query param.
      $q = is_array($params) && array_key_exists('q', $params) ? urldecode($params['q']) : '*';

      // Set query conditions.
      $start = is_array($params) && array_key_exists('start', $params) ? $params['start'] : 0;
      $rows = is_array($params) && array_key_exists('rows', $params) ? $params['rows'] : 20;

      // Set query start + number of results.

      // Set query sort, default to score (relevance).
      // Note: app only supports 1 sort at a time: date or score, desc
      $sort = is_array($params) && array_key_exists('sort', $params) ? urldecode($params['sort']) : 'score=desc';
      if ($sort_parts = explode("=", $sort)) {
          $sort_parts[0] => $sort_parts[1],

      // Configure highlight component.
      $hl_field = array_key_exists('hl.fl', $params) ? $params['hl.fl'] : 'tm_rendered_item';
      $hl_use_phrase_highlighter = array_key_exists('hl.usePhraseHighlighter', $params) ? $params['hl.usePhraseHighlighter'] : TRUE;
      $hl = $query

      // Configure FacetSet component.
      $facet_set = $query

      // Set FacetSet limit + sort.
      $facet_limit = is_array($params) && array_key_exists('facet.limit', $params) ? $params['facet.limit'] : -1;
      $facet_sort = is_array($params) && array_key_exists('facet.sort', $params) ? $params['facet.sort'] : 'index';

      // Create FacetSet fields.
      if (is_array($params) && array_key_exists('facet.field', $params) && is_array($params['facet.field'])) {
        foreach ($params['facet.field'] as $facet_field) {

      // Create Filter Queries.
      if (is_array($params) && array_key_exists('fq', $params)) {

        // When there is only 1 filter query, make it an array.
        if (!is_array($params['fq'])) {
          $fq = $params['fq'];
          $params['fq'] = [

        // Write filter queries.
        foreach ($params['fq'] as $fq) {
          $fq = urldecode($fq);
          $parts = explode(':', $fq);

          // Sets a unique key for filter queries <facet.field>=<value> (required),
          // then sets query value <facet.field>:<value>
            ->createFilterQuery($parts[0] . '=' . $parts[1])

      // Fetch results.
      $query_response = $connector
      $data = $query_response
    } catch (SearchApiException $e) {
      watchdog_exception('search_api_federated_solr', $e, '%type while executed query on @server: @message in %function (line %line of %file).', array(
        '@server' => $server

    // Create json response with 200 response code.
    $response = new JsonResponse($data, 200);
    return $response;

