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public function SearchController::searchPage in Search API Federated Solr 8

Returns a simple page.

Return value

array A simple renderable array.


src/Controller/SearchController.php, line 18


Provides route responses for the search results page.




public function searchPage() {
  $renderer = \Drupal::service('renderer');
  $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
  $index_config = \Drupal::config('search_api.index.' . $config

  // Define the federated search app configuration array.
  // The twig template will json_encode this array into the object expected by
  // the search app:
  $federated_search_app_config = [];

  // REQUIRED: The default solr backend.
  $federated_search_app_config['url'] = $config

   * The username and password for Basic Authentication on the server.
   * The username and password will be
   * combined and base64 encoded as per the application.
  $federated_search_app_config['userpass'] = base64_encode($config
    ->get('index.username') . ':' . $config

  // Validate that there is still a site name property set for this index.
  $site_name_property = $index_config
    ->set('index.has_site_name_property', $site_name_property ? TRUE : FALSE);

  // Determine if config option to set default site name is set.
  $set_default_site = $config

  /* We no longer have a site name property so unset the set default config.
   * See Drupal\search_api_federated_solr\Form\FederatedSearchPageForm class
   * The default "Site Name" facet value is passed by search form
   * in initial get request.
  if ($set_default_site && !$site_name_property) {
      ->set('facet.site_name.set_default', 0);

  // OPTIONAL: The text to display when the app loads with no search term.
  if ($search_prompt = $config
    ->get('content.search_prompt')) {
    $federated_search_app_config['searchPrompt'] = $search_prompt;

  // OPTIONAL: The text to display when a search returns no results.
  if ($no_results = $config
    ->get('content.no_results')) {
    $federated_search_app_config['noResults'] = $no_results;

  // OPTIONAL: The text to display when a search returns no results.
  if ($show_empty_search_results = $config
    ->get('content.show_empty_search_results')) {
    $federated_search_app_config['showEmptySearchResults'] = $show_empty_search_results;

  // OPTIONAL: The number of search results to show per page.
  if ($rows = $config
    ->get('results.rows')) {
    $federated_search_app_config['rows'] = intval($rows);

  // OPTIONAL: The number of page buttons to show for pagination.
  if ($pagination_buttons = $config
    ->get('pagination.buttons')) {
    $federated_search_app_config['paginationButtons'] = intval($pagination_buttons);

  // OPTIONAL: The rendered title of the search page.
  if ($page_title = $config
    ->get('page_title')) {
    $federated_search_app_config['pageTitle'] = $page_title;
  $element = [
    '#theme' => 'search_app',
    '#federated_search_app_config' => $federated_search_app_config,
    '#attached' => [
      'library' => [

  // Ensure that this render element cache is invalidated when search app or
  // index config is updated.
    ->addCacheableDependency($element, $config);
    ->addCacheableDependency($element, $index_config);
  return $element;