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static function SearchApiEtHelper::buildItemId in Search API Entity Translation 7.2

Helper function to build the complete item_id from.


string|int $entity_id: The entity ID

string $language: The entity language

Return value


9 calls to SearchApiEtHelper::buildItemId()
SearchApiEtDatasourceController::getItemId in includes/SearchApiEtDatasourceController.php
Retrieves the unique ID of an item.
SearchApiEtDatasourceController::getTrackableItemIds in includes/SearchApiEtDatasourceController.php
Retrieves all Item IDs from the given index, filtered by the Entity IDs.
SearchApiEtDatasourceController::loadItems in includes/SearchApiEtDatasourceController.php
Loads items of the type of this data source controller.
SearchApiEtTestCase::testIndex in tests/search_api_et.test
Tests adding, updating and deleting multilingual Search API items.
search_api_et_batch_queue_entities in ./
Batch API callback for the item queueing functionality.

... See full list


includes/SearchApiEtHelper.php, line 22
Helper class for SearchAPI ET


@file Helper class for SearchAPI ET


static function buildItemId($entity_id, $language) {
  return $entity_id . self::ITEM_ID_SEPARATOR . $language;