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protected function IntegrationTestBase::getAutocompleteSuggestions in Search API Autocomplete 8

Retrieves autocomplete suggestions from a field on the current page.


string $field_html_id: (optional) The HTML ID of the field.

string $input: (optional) The input to write into the field. The default contains uppercase characters and accents to verify input is properly preprocessed.

Return value

\Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement[] The suggestion elements from the page.

4 calls to IntegrationTestBase::getAutocompleteSuggestions()
IntegrationTest::checkCustomAutocompleteScript in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php
Tests whether using a custom autocomplete script is properly supported.
IntegrationTest::checkLiveResultsAutocomplete in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php
Tests autocomplete with the "Live results" suggester.
IntegrationTest::checkSearchAutocomplete in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTest.php
Tests autocompletion in the search form.
PagesIntegrationTest::checkAutocompleteFunctionality in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/PagesIntegrationTest.php
Checks that autocomplete works correctly.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/IntegrationTestBase.php, line 42


Provides a base class for integration tests of this module.




protected function getAutocompleteSuggestions($field_html_id = 'edit-keys', $input = 'Tést') {
  $page = $this
  $assert_session = $this
  $field = $assert_session
    ->elementExists('css', "input[data-drupal-selector=\"{$field_html_id}\"]");
    ->getXpath(), substr($input, -1));
  $element = $assert_session
    ->assertTrue($element && $element

  // Contrary to documentation, this can also return NULL. Therefore, we need
  // to make sure to return an array even in this case.
  return $page
    ->findAll('css', '.ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item') ?: [];