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public function HighlightTest::regressionBug3022724DataProvider in Search API 8

Provides test data for testRegressionBug3022724().

Return value

array An array of argument arrays for testRegressionBug3022724().


tests/src/Unit/Processor/HighlightTest.php, line 1093


Tests the "Highlight" processor.




public function regressionBug3022724DataProvider() {
  return [
    'multiple snippets' => [
      'text' => 'field value 1 … field value 2 … field value with first foo match … then long text of no matches, interspersed with some Hungarian: Jó napot kívánok! Hogy vagy? … then a field value with a second foo match – will it get highlighted?',
      'keys' => [
      'expected' => '… field value 1 … field value 2 … field value with first <strong>foo</strong> match … then long text of no matches, interspersed with … kívánok! Hogy vagy? … then a field value with a second <strong>foo</strong> match – will it get highlighted? …',
    'overlong word in prefix' => [
      'text' => 'field value 1 … field value 2 … this is someVeryLongTextWhichHasNoSpacesInItWhichCanLeadToProblemsGettingAContextForHighlightingThis.Foo.Match',
      'keys' => [
      'expected' => '… nItWhichCanLeadToProblemsGettingAContextForHighlightingThis.<strong>Foo</strong>.Match …',