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public function ViewsDisplayCachingTest::testDisplayCacheability in Search API 8

Tests whether the search display plugin for a new view is available.

@dataProvider displayCacheabilityProvider


string $display_id: The tested Views display's ID.

string[] $expected_cache_tags: The expected cache tags for the executed view.

string[] $expected_cache_contexts: The expected cache contexts for the executed view.

int $expected_max_age: The expected max cache age for the executed view.

bool $expected_results_cache: TRUE if the results cache is expected to be populated after executing the view, FALSE otherwise.


tests/src/Kernel/Views/ViewsDisplayCachingTest.php, line 122


Tests the Search API caching plugins for Views.




public function testDisplayCacheability($display_id, array $expected_cache_tags, array $expected_cache_contexts, $expected_max_age, $expected_results_cache) {
  $view = $this
    ->getView('search_api_test_cache', $display_id);

  // Before the search is executed, the query should not be cached.

  // Execute the search and assert the cacheability metadata.
    ->assertViewsCacheability($view, $expected_cache_tags, $expected_cache_contexts, $expected_max_age);

  // AssertViewsCache() destroys the view, get a fresh copy to continue the
  // test.
  $view = $this
    ->getView('search_api_test_cache', $display_id);

  // The query has been executed. The query should now be cached if the test
  // case expects it.
  if ($expected_results_cache) {

    // Trigger the event that would cause a cache invalidation for the plugin
    // under test. Now the query result should not be cached any more.