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public function ServerTaskTest::testUpdateIndex in Search API 8

Tests task system integration for the server's updateIndex() method.


tests/src/Kernel/Server/ServerTaskTest.php, line 160


Tests whether the server task system works correctly.




public function testUpdateIndex() {

  // Set exception for updateIndex().
    ->setError('backend', 'updateIndex');

  // Try to update the index.
    ->assertEquals([], $this
    ->getCalledMethods('backend'), 'updateIndex correctly threw an exception.');
  $tasks = $this
  if (count($tasks) == 1) {
    $task_created = $tasks[0]->type === 'updateIndex';
    ->assertTrue(!empty($task_created), 'The updateIndex task was successfully added.');
  if ($tasks) {
      ->id(), $tasks[0]->index_id, 'The right index ID was used for the updateIndex task.');

  // Check whether other task-system-integrated methods now fail, too.
    ->assertEquals([], $this
    ->getCalledMethods('backend'), 'deleteAllIndexItems was not executed.');
  $tasks = $this
  if (count($tasks) == 2) {
      ->assertTrue(TRUE, "Second task ('deleteAllIndexItems') was added.");
      ->assertEquals('updateIndex', $tasks[0]->type, 'First task stayed the same.');
      ->assertEquals('deleteAllIndexItems', $tasks[1]->type, 'New task was queued as last.');
  else {
      ->fail("Second task (deleteAllIndexItems) was not added.");

  // Let updateIndex() succeed again, then trigger the task execution with a
  // call to indexItems().
    ->setError('backend', 'updateIndex', FALSE);
    ->indexItems($this->index, []);
  $expected_methods = [
    ->assertEquals([], $this
    ->getServerTasks(), 'Server tasks were correctly executed.');
    ->assertEquals($expected_methods, $this
    ->getCalledMethods('backend'), 'Right methods were called during task execution.');