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protected function ProcessorTestBase::generateItems in Search API 8

Generates some test items.


array[] $items: Array of items to be transformed into proper search item objects. Each item in this array is an associative array with the following keys:

  • datasource: The datasource plugin ID.
  • item: The item object to be indexed.
  • item_id: The datasource-specific raw item ID.
  • *: Any other keys will be treated as property paths, and their values as a single value for a field with that property path.

Return value

\Drupal\search_api\Item\ItemInterface[] The generated test items.

5 calls to ProcessorTestBase::generateItems()
ContentAccessTest::testContentAccessAll in tests/src/Kernel/Processor/ContentAccessTest.php
Tests comment indexing when all users have access to content.
ContentAccessTest::testContentAccessWithNodeGrants in tests/src/Kernel/Processor/ContentAccessTest.php
Tests comment indexing when hook_node_grants() takes effect.
RenderedItemTest::testAddFieldValues in tests/src/Kernel/Processor/RenderedItemTest.php
Tests whether the rendered_item field is correctly filled by the processor.
RenderedItemTest::testHideRenderedItem in tests/src/Kernel/Processor/RenderedItemTest.php
Tests that hiding a rendered item works.
TypeBoostTest::testEntityBundleBoost in tests/src/Kernel/Processor/TypeBoostTest.php
Tests that the correct boost is set on items.


tests/src/Kernel/Processor/ProcessorTestBase.php, line 149


Provides a base class for Drupal unit tests for processors.




protected function generateItems(array $items) {

  /** @var \Drupal\search_api\Item\ItemInterface[] $extracted_items */
  $extracted_items = [];
  foreach ($items as $values) {
    $item = $this
      ->getId()] = $item;
  return $extracted_items;