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10 calls to IntegrationTest::getIndex() in Search API 8

IntegrationTest::addFieldsToIndex in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests whether adding fields to the index works correctly.
IntegrationTest::changeIndexDatasource in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Changes the index's datasources and checks if it reacts correctly.
IntegrationTest::checkIndexActions in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests the various actions on the index status form.
IntegrationTest::checkUnsavedChanges in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests whether unsaved fields changes work correctly.
IntegrationTest::configureFilter in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests that configuring a processor works.
IntegrationTest::createIndex in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests creating a search index via the UI.
IntegrationTest::editIndex in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests editing a search index via the UI.
IntegrationTest::removeFieldsDependencies in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests whether removing fields on which the index depends works correctly.
IntegrationTest::removeFieldsFromIndex in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Tests whether removing fields from the index works correctly.
IntegrationTest::setReadOnly in tests/src/Functional/IntegrationTest.php
Sets an index to "read only" and checks if it reacts correctly.