public function FieldsHelper::getNewFieldId in Search API 8
Finds a new unique field identifier on the given index.
\Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $index: The search index.
string $propertyPath: The property path on which the field identifier should be based. Only the last component of the property path will be considered.
Return value
string A new unique field identifier on the given index.
Overrides FieldsHelperInterface::getNewFieldId
1 call to FieldsHelper::getNewFieldId()
- FieldsHelper::createFieldFromProperty in src/
Utility/ FieldsHelper.php - Creates a new field on an index based on a property.
- src/
Utility/ FieldsHelper.php, line 477
- FieldsHelper
- Provides helper methods for dealing with Search API fields and properties.
public function getNewFieldId(IndexInterface $index, $propertyPath) {
list(, $suggestedId) = Utility::splitPropertyPath($propertyPath);
// Avoid clashes with reserved IDs by removing the reserved "search_api_"
// from our suggested ID.
$suggestedId = str_replace('search_api_', '', $suggestedId);
$fieldId = $suggestedId;
$i = 0;
while ($index
->getField($fieldId)) {
$fieldId = $suggestedId . '_' . ++$i;
while ($this
->isFieldIdReserved($fieldId)) {
$fieldId = '_' . $fieldId;
return $fieldId;