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11 calls to CommandHelper::loadIndexes() in Search API 8

CommandHelper::clearIndexCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Deletes all items from one or more indexes.
CommandHelper::disableIndexCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Disables one or more enabled search indexes.
CommandHelper::enableIndexCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Enables one or more disabled search indexes.
CommandHelper::getIndexCount in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Returns the total number of search indexes.
CommandHelper::indexItemsToIndexCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Indexes items on one or more indexes.
CommandHelper::indexListCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Lists all search indexes.
CommandHelper::indexStatusCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Lists all search indexes with their status.
CommandHelper::rebuildTrackerCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Rebuilds the tracker for an index.
CommandHelper::resetTrackerCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Resets the tracker for an index, optionally filtering on entity types.
CommandHelper::searchIndexCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Returns an array of results.
CommandHelper::setIndexServerCommand in src/Utility/CommandHelper.php
Switches an index to another server.