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public function DatasourceInterface::getListCacheContexts in Search API 8

Returns the list cache contexts associated with this datasource.

List cache contexts ensure that if items from a datasource are included in a list that any caches containing this list are varied as necessary. For example a view might contain a number of items from this datasource that are visible only by users that have a certain role. These list cache contexts will ensure that separate cached versions exist for users with this role and without it. These contexts should be included whenever a list is rendered that contains items from this datasource.

Return value

string[] The list cache contexts associated with this datasource.

1 method overrides DatasourceInterface::getListCacheContexts()
DatasourcePluginBase::getListCacheContexts in src/Datasource/DatasourcePluginBase.php
Returns the list cache contexts associated with this datasource.


src/Datasource/DatasourceInterface.php, line 331


Describes a source for search items.




public function getListCacheContexts();