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service search_api.index_task_manager in Search API 8




  • event_subscriber
7 string references to search_api.index_task_manager
Index::postSave in src/Entity/Index.php
Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked.
Index::preDelete in src/Entity/Index.php
Acts on entities before they are deleted and before hooks are invoked.
Index::reactToDatasourceSwitch in src/Entity/Index.php
Checks whether the index's datasources changed and reacts accordingly.
Index::reactToTrackerSwitch in src/Entity/Index.php
Checks whether the index switched tracker plugin and reacts accordingly.
Index::rebuildTracker in src/Entity/Index.php
Starts a rebuild of the index's tracking information.

... See full list



View source
  1. class: Drupal\search_api\Task\IndexTaskManager
  2. arguments:
  3. - '@search_api.task_manager'
  4. - '@entity_type.manager'
  5. tags:
  6. - { name: event_subscriber }