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namespace Drupal\search_api in Search API 8

Classsort descending Location Description
ConsoleException src/ConsoleException.php Represents an exception that occurred in the console code of Search API.
FacetsQueryTypeMappingInterface src/FacetsQueryTypeMappingInterface.php Defines a method for mapping Search API data types to Facets query types.
IndexBatchHelper src/IndexBatchHelper.php Provides helper methods for indexing items using Drupal's Batch API.
IndexInterface src/IndexInterface.php Defines the interface for index entities.
IndexListBuilder src/IndexListBuilder.php Builds a listing of search index entities.
LoggerTrait src/LoggerTrait.php Provides helper methods for logging with dependency injection.
SearchApiException src/SearchApiException.php Represents an exception that occurred in some part of the Search API.
SearchApiPluginManager src/SearchApiPluginManager.php Extends the default plugin manager to add support for alter events.
ServerInterface src/ServerInterface.php Defines the interface for server entities.
UnsavedConfigurationInterface src/UnsavedConfigurationInterface.php Represents a piece of configuration that was not permanently saved yet.
UnsavedIndexConfiguration src/UnsavedIndexConfiguration.php Represents a configuration of an index that was not yet permanently saved.