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protected function Database::getTableAlias in Search API 8

Joins a field's table into a database select query.


array $field: The field information array. The "table" key should contain the table name to which a join should be made.

\Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface $db_query: The database query used.

bool $new_join: (optional) If TRUE, a join is done even if the table was already joined to in the query.

string $join: (optional) The join method to use. Must be a method of the $db_query. Normally, "join", "innerJoin", "leftJoin" and "rightJoin" are supported.

string|null $additional_on: (optional) If given, an SQL string with additional conditions for the ON clause of the join.

array $on_arguments: (optional) Additional arguments for the ON clause.

Return value

string The alias for the field's table.

3 calls to Database::getTableAlias()
Database::createDbCondition in modules/search_api_db/src/Plugin/search_api/backend/Database.php
Creates a database query condition for a given search filter.
Database::getFacets in modules/search_api_db/src/Plugin/search_api/backend/Database.php
Computes facets for a search query.
Database::setQuerySort in modules/search_api_db/src/Plugin/search_api/backend/Database.php
Adds the appropriate "ORDER BY" statements to a search database query.


modules/search_api_db/src/Plugin/search_api/backend/Database.php, line 2343


Indexes and searches items using the database.




protected function getTableAlias(array $field, SelectInterface $db_query, $new_join = FALSE, $join = 'leftJoin', $additional_on = NULL, array $on_arguments = []) {
  if (!$new_join) {
    foreach ($db_query
      ->getTables() as $alias => $info) {
      $table = $info['table'];
      if (is_scalar($table) && $table == $field['table']) {
        return $alias;
  $condition = 't.item_id = %alias.item_id';
  if ($additional_on) {
    $condition .= ' AND ' . $additional_on;
  return $db_query
    ->{$join}($field['table'], 't', $condition, $on_arguments);