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CHANGELOG.txt in Search API 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
Search API 1.x, dev (xxxx-xx-xx):
- #3228533 by drunken monkey: Fixed mock object type hints in comments.
- #3212925 by drunken monkey, DiegoPino: Fixed some processors removing "(not)
  empty" conditions.
- #3228210 by drunken monkey, DiegoPino: Fixed current test failures.
- #3201305 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, Sam152: Added more options
  (including customized ones) for fulltext field boost values.
- #3206362 by drunken monkey, zviryatko: Fixed serialization of fields.
- #3226933 by drunken monkey: Fixed some exception handling problems.
- #3065771 by New Zeal, drunken monkey, onedotover, PaulDinelle: Fixed passing
  multiple values to "All taxonomy term fields" Views contextual filter.
- #3220988 by varshith, drunken monkey: Fixed display of Stemmer processor on
  non-English sites.
- #3198412 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling in tracker plugin methods.
- #3193690 by jungle, drunken monkey, Charlie ChX Negyesi, longwave: Fixed
  creation of duplicate tasks.
- #3195199 by drunken monkey, claudiu.cristea: Fixed config schema for Views
  bulk form.
- #3013663 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, merauluka: Added performance
  improvement for item tracking.
- #3226699 by drunken monkey: Added explicit accessCheck() call to all entity
- #2348117 by ekes, drunken monkey: Added support for core REST data views.
- #3226642 by drunken monkey: Added "lifecycle" key to .info.yml file.

Search API 1.20 (2021-07-19):
- #3216762 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with boost factors
  on non-English locales.
- #3207578 by penyaskito, drunken monkey: Fixed logging of Basic tracker
- #3199355 by drunken monkey: Fixed error when indexing strings with trailing
  spaces in the DB backend.
- #3168161 by gabesullice, drunken monkey: Fixed deprecated use of constructor
  of database Condition class.
- #3219648 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Fixed backend-defined fields
  without datasource do not appear in Views.
- #3215658 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of multi-byte spaces
  in the "Multiple words" parse mode.
- #3055173 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added the "Number field-based
  boosting" processor.
- #3198944 by bogdan.racz, drunken monkey: Fixed ignored changes in the
  "indexing items" event.
- #3196782 by Ericmaster, drunken monkey: Issue #3196782 by Ericmaster, drunken
  monkey: Fixed use of excerpt in Views "Rendered item" field.
- #3195587 by dewalt, drunken monkey: Fixed bundles for custom fields not
  reflected in "Add fields" UI.
- #3194931 by kaszarobert, drunken monkey: Added a "select all" checkbox to the
  Views bulk form.
- #3195590 by dewalt, drunken monkey: Fixed "Add fields" dialog to not show
  plus (+) icon for properties with only hidden sub-properties.
- #3195389 by attiks, drunken monkey: Fixed error in Views when target of
  entity reference field is not available.
- #3193312 by cgoffin, drunken monkey: Added entity objects to Views result set.
- #3187134 by drunken monkey: Fixed display of date range end values in Views.
- #3106342 by claudiu.cristea, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a public method
  for indexing a given entity.
- #3192387 by shelane, drunken monkey: Fixed too narrow Drush version
- #3202693 by drunken monkey: Added a "Don't include" option for individual
  bundles in the Views "Rendered item" field.
- #3202696 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling when creating links in Views.
- #3199552 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up Views code.
- #3190751 by drunken monkey: Fixed unsafe form value access in several config
- #3178307 by carolpettirossi, drunken monkey: Fixed changes in related
  entities not being re-indexed for all levels of entity references.
- #2898334 by andreasderijcke, drunken monkey, Sam152, DrColossos, borisson_:
  Added the "Role-based access" processor.
- #1396222 by drunken monkey, loziju, capysara: Added the "First letter"
  aggregation type.

Search API 1.19 (2021-02-01):
- #3182306 by drunken monkey: Improved output from the "rebuild tracker" batch
- #3111383 by liquidcms, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with exposed, grouped
  Views date filters.
- #3127099 by Grimreaper, drunken monkey: Added option to expose searched
  fields in Views fulltext filter.
- #2944371 by Upchuk, jasonschweb, drunken monkey: Fixed random sort for DB
- Issue #3194016 by mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Fixed PHP 8 compatibility.
- #3181827 by brunodbo, drunken monkey: Fixed wrong @var type doc in
- #3179045 by sebish, joelpittet, drunken monkey: Fixed parameter type hint in
- #3178417 by SivaprasadC, drunken monkey: Fixed two typos in the Database
  backend plugin class.
- #3174778 by drunken monkey: Fixed some encoding errors.
- #3178941 by drunken monkey, cspitzlay, MegaChriz, ooziedie, bakulahluwalia:
  Fixed fatal error when saving entities with certain setups.
- #3036504 by kfritsche, drunken monkey: Fixed memory issues during indexing
  via Drush.
- #3136277 by drunken monkey, pfrenssen, Berdir, dwinters, calmforce: Fixed
  issue with modifying condition group via pre-execute event/hook.
- #3174657 by drunken monkey: Fixed "keep facets" feature for search views when
  facet source wasn't saved.
- #3181936 by drunken monkey: Fixed tests on Drupal 9.1.x HEAD.

Search API 1.18 (2020-10-22):
- #3153153 by mkalkbrenner, cristiroma, drunken monkey: Fixed serialization of
  backends using BackendPluginBase.
- #3169531 by akalam, drunken monkey: Fixed warning when non-array "f"
  parameter is present in URL.
- #3173400 by drunken monkey: Removed drupalPostForm() calls from functional
- #3160757 by JordanDukart, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of NULL values in
  "Ignore characters" processor.
- #2936043 by froboy, drunken monkey, ressa, agentrickard, navneet0693: Added
  an option to the "URI" field to make the created URL absolute.
- #3151966 by robin.ingelbrecht, drunken monkey: Fixed parsing of keywords with
  stand-alone dash (-).
- #3157958 by maximpodorov, ankithashetty, ressa, drunken monkey: Fixed display
  of Media entities in Views.
- #3137627 by SimeonKesmev, drunken monkey: Added a test for field value
  extraction in edge cases.
- #3150764 by bendev, drunken monkey: Fixed documentation for Drush "sapi-i"
- #3145955 by b_sharpe, drunken monkey: Added Tokenizer option to configure
  ignored characters.
- #3164255 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for the excerpt field to
  the Views "Rendered item" field.
- #3157397 by Murz, drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of complex properties with
  computed main properties.
- #3155965 by Ramya Balasubramanian, solideogloria, drunken monkey: Fixed
  missing single quote in search_api.index.schema.yml.
- #3136543 by deulenko, drunken monkey: Replaced assertTrue(isset()) with
  assertArrayNotHasKey() where appropriate.
- #3168114 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails against Drupal 9.1.x.
- #3165015 by penyaskito: search_api_test_example_content_references test
  module broke D9 build
- #3131384 by lolandese, drunken monkey: Fixed Composer license value.
- #2007692 by bucefal91, drunken monkey, marassa: Added automatic re-indexing
  when indexed related entities are changed.
- #3082868 by Raunak.singh, drunken monkey: Changed README.txt to
- #3158559 by drunken monkey: Updated coding standards and fixed adherence.
- #3126367 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error after module upgrade due to
  changed service definition.
- #2976339 by drunken monkey, sker101, vflirt: Fixed bug when importing server
- #2873023 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed handling of special characters
  in searches on DB backend.

Search API 1.17 (2020-06-02):
- #3126751 by douggreen, drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed calls to deprecated
  PHPUnit methods.
- #3121637 by mbovan, drunken monkey, Berdir: Replaced theme functions with
- #3133011 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up
- #3119335 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, Ivan616: Added a "rebuild-tracker"
  Drush command.
- #3115343 by drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Highlight processor when
  preg_split() doesn't work.
- #3116489 by drunken monkey: Improved the warning message for missing
  "Rendered item" configuration during indexing.
- #3123173 by drunken monkey: Fixed uncaught exception when trying to change
  locked field type.
- #3126120 by drunken monkey: Fixed coding standards.
- #3125383 by marassa, drunken monkey: Added negation support to the "Multiple
  words" parser.
- #3125444 by Rajesh Kairamkonda, drunken monkey: Removed $this->container from
  Functional tests.
- #3120909 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up @throws tags in Drush code.
- #3023170 by drunken monkey, Berdir, milindk, pfrenssen, phenaproxima,
  geek-merlin, chr.fritsch: Updated Core requirement to 8.8 and removed all
  use of deprecated Core code.

Search API 1.16 (2020-04-08):
- #3120997 by thalles, drunken monkey: Updated the "source" composer value.
- #3117171 by claudiu.cristea, drunken monkey, pfrenssen: Added support for the
  Views Bulk Form field.
- #3115214 by mpp, drunken monkey: Added Search API support for the Behat
  Drupal extension.
- #3118224 by JeroenT, drunken monkey: Fixed DisplayPluginManager no longer
  implementing DisplayPluginManagerInterface.
- #3111130 by bwaindwain, drunken monkey: Fixed reference to out-dated
  "Drupal.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing" PhpCs sniff.
- #3106515 by drunken monkey, nbaosullivan: Added support for Views filters on
  any bundle entity type.
- #3056940 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling in the "Add hierarchy"
- #3102603 by drunken monkey: Deprecated EntityDatasourceInterface.
- #3103594 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up the Database backend plugin code.
- #3103585 by drunken monkey: Converted hook_search_api_db_query_alter() to an
- #3044782 by drunken monkey, stefvanlooveren: Increased PHP version
  requirement to 7.0.
- #3100556 by JeroenT, drunken monkey: Fixed "Rendered entity" Views row style
  not immediately available when creating first index.
- #3101607 by manuel.adan, drunken monkey: Added support for nested data
- #3109755 by Vladimirrem, drunken monkey: Added $view property to entities
  when viewed via the Views "Rendered entity" row plugin.
- #3111635 by alexpott, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed duplicate dependencies
  in index config.
- #3098350 by abrar_arshad, drunken monkey: Fixed immediate indexing of items
  marked during indexing.
- #3102662 by drunken monkey: Declared IndexingItemsEvent class as final.
- #3099001 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Marked PluginDependencyTrait
  methods in ConfigurablePluginBase as deprecated.
- #3099048 by andreyjan, drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed Drupal 8.8 deprecations
  that do not require Drupal 8.8.
- #3096581 by andreyjan, drunken monkey: Converted TaxonomyTermArgumentTest to
  a unit test.
- #3101998 by lostkangaroo, drunken monkey: Fixed small bug in "results alter"
  event processing.
- #3004270 by stefvanlooveren, drunken monkey: Fixed caching of the "Execute
  pending tasks" local action.
- #3092347 by drunken monkey: Fixed batch size when indexing for multiple
  indexes via Drush.
- #3091785 by cedric_a, drunken monkey, borisson_: Improved styling of disabled
  servers/indexes in overview.
- #3096573 by mudassar774, drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Highlight processor
  in some edge cases.
- #2824640 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, sardara, idimopoulos, geek.merlin aka
  axel.rutz, borisson_, claudiu.cristea: Fixed caching of Views results.
- #3001743 by drunken monkey: Adapted to use the new
  ConditionInterface::alwaysFalse() method.
- #3098722 by drunken monkey, milindk: Increased the Core version requirement to
- #3065112 by gdejonghe, mbovan, wengerk, drunken monkey: Adapted the
  SearchApiTerm Views argument plugin to use dependency injection for loading
- #2381823 by cedric_a, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a link to the
  documentation to the Processors tab.

Search API 1.15 (2019-11-07):
- #3022881 by MahtabAlam, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed unintentional
  scrolling in the "Add fields" dialog.
- #3068180 by drunken monkey: Fixed ambiguous column names in SQL queries
  constructed by the database backend.
- #3068645 by drunken monkey: Fixed problem with entity references in Views.
- #3081885 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed discouraged
  processors to be visible but disabled in UI.
- #3089960 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed to use PHP ternary operator
  where possible.
- #3064479 by ducktape, drunken monkey, mpp, borisson_: Fixed taxonomy term
  Views argument title not translated.
- #2931562 by drunken monkey, RajabNatshah, nedjo, borisson_: Fixed problem
  running batch process during module install.
- #2916534 by drunken monkey, Johnny vd Laar, ricovandevin, Marty2081: Fixed
  duplicate results for partial matching with database backend.
- #3084839 by ckaotik, drunken monkey: Fixed missing config schema for Views
  date filter.
- #3083923 by aalin, drunken monkey: Fixed ResultRow name conflict in PHP 5.
- #3083269 by leontin, drunken monkey: Fixed error when combining multiple
  fulltext keywords.
- #3086004 by drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests.
- #3079147 by drunken monkey: Fixed Views click-sorting for ID and datasource.
- #3067640 by DamienMcKenna, drunken monkey: Fixed "missing module" error for
- #3071591 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey: Fixed plugin not found error during
  site/config install.
- #3075417 by Adrian Liegmann, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of 'is_list' =>
  FALSE in property definitions.
- #3074852 by littlepixiez, drunken monkey: Fixed message class for failed
  status change.
- #3068196 by Adrian Liegmann, lpeabody, drunken monkey: Fixed problem with
  multiple Drush batch operations in Drush 9.6+.
- #1960684 by drunken monkey, geek.merlin aka axel.rutz, mkalkbrenner,
  borisson_, andypost, DanielVeza: Added support for language fallbacks.
- #3067143 by drunken monkey, mpp, borisson_: Fixed potential fatal error when
  accessing parse mode of broken Views.
- #3073283 by mkalkbrenner, idebr, drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests on Drupal
  Core 8.8.x.
- #3062400 by drunken monkey, jonathan_hunt, borisson_: Fixed the reindexing
  message in the UI.

Search API 1.14 (2019-07-08):
- #3065550 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Declared a conflict for most older
  Search API Solr versions.
- #2983606 by StryKaizer, borisson_, drunken monkey, sgurlt: Added an excerpt
  field to use in view modes.
- #3065359 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed fatal error in all
  Drush commands.
- #2718045 by drunken monkey, joelpittet: Fixed "Rendered entity" Views row
  style being available for all base tables in some cases.
- #3023704 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_: Converted all hooks to
- #3059312 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed warning when trying to add
  hierarchical data to fulltext fields.
- #2674750 by drunken monkey, Niklan, borisson_: Fixed display of computed
  fields in Views.
- #3015114 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_, weseze: Improved the
  performance of the Highlight processor.
- #3053200 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Increased Core version
  requirement to 8.6.
- #3055151 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Content Access Index Processor
  statusFixed data type plugins to properly convert values.
- #3058300 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed access methods to
  work with AccessResult objects instead of booleans.
- #3059070 by fconnolly, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed Item::__toString() to
  not extract fields.
- #3055775 by legolasbo, drunken monkey: Fixed documentation of
- #3054875 by mpp, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed help text for
  "Type-specific boosting" processor.
- #3052877 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "no backend plugins"
  case in "Add server" form.
- #2986222 by idebr, drunken monkey: Switched Javascript tests to
- #2840272 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error in certain Views error
- #3057510 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed inconsistent package names for
  test modules.
- #3031621 by drunken monkey, DeFr, borisson_: Fixed fields returned by backend
  sometimes ignored by Views.
- #3053603 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed reported cardinality of
  entity-valued processor properties.
- #2881689 by pwolanin, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added performance
  improvement for initial tracking of existing entities.

Search API 1.13 (2019-05-07):
- #3043930 by kfritsche, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed issue with nested
  Drush batch operations.
- #3049801 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Cleaned up some minor code style
- #3049777 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for Drupal 8.7 HEAD.
- #3039142 by drunken monkey, ali-3a, LaravZ: Fixed all results returned when
  query has keywords but no fulltext fields.
- #3045396 by drunken monkey: Adapted to PHPCS changes in Core.
- #3044867 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed namespace of
- #3041144 by jonnyeom, drunken monkey, LaravZ: Fixed the form submission logic
  of the "Ignore Characters" processor.
- #2867479 by drunken monkey, odavydyuk, VitaliyB98, idebr, borisson_: Removed
  the "Search API Taxonomy Term Handlers" module.

Search API 1.12 (2019-03-11):
- #3037972 by ifrik, borisson_, drunken monkey: Added facets support for Views
  Feed displays.
- #3026526 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, legolasbo: Fixed performance of
- #2898327 by drunken monkey, Renrhaf, justanothermark, legolasbo: Improved
  performance in SearchApiQuery::addResults().
- #3039181 by drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests.
- #2693071 by drunken monkey, herved: Fixed nested properties getting removed
  from aggregated fields.
- #3036173 by hanoii, drunken monkey, vinlaurens: Fixed bundle boost option
  defaults for "Type-specific boosts" processor.
- #3033040 by herved, drunken monkey, vinlaurens: Fixed error when enabling the
  Database Search Defaults module.
- #3031991 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed edge case errors when combining
  multiple fulltext search filters in Views.
- #2949962 by drunken monkey, legolasbo, Keule, borisson_: Fixed negated
  fulltext keywords with partial matching.
- #3032916 by chr.fritsch, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed caching of entity
  operations in Views field.
- #2985131 by drunken monkey, brettboylen, borisson_, Kleve: Fixed
  "Type-specific boosting" processor to not overwrite pre-existing boosts.
- #3031990 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed exception handling in
- #2867479 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an update hook
  uninstalling the "Search API Taxonomy Term Handlers" module.
- #2998853 by drunken monkey, borisson_, legolasbo: Updated links throughout
  the module.
- #3023142 by legolasbo, drunken monkey: Added Kernel tests for the taxonomy
  term Views argument plugin.
- #3011859 by drunken monkey: Fixed Tokenizer not removing short words at
  search time.
- #3024753 by drunken monkey, ressa: Added overridden query() method to the
  Views query plugin.
- #3014641 by drunken monkey, legolasbo: Fixed memory problems when indexing
  large amounts of items at once.
- #3022724 by drunken monkey, legolasbo, borisson_: Fixed infinite loop when
  creating excerpts.
- #1696434 by orakili, drunken monkey, ldweeks, ericchew, legolasbo, borisson_:
  Added a Views contextual filter for all taxonomy term fields.
- #3022693 by drunken monkey, kashandarash, legolasbo: Fixed fatal error when
  Node module is not installed.
- #2378945 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, bdlangton, DamienMcKenna, JPHuxley,
  lpeabody, legolasbo: Added option to keep facets when submitting Views
  exposed form.
- #3023168 by drunken monkey, legolasbo, borisson_: Fixed missing notices for
  deprecated methods.
- #3023255 by drunken monkey, legolasbo: Removed installation of schema
  system.router from tests.
- #2820410 by recrit, drunken monkey, miiimooo, abramm, borisson_, ndf: Added a
  Views field for rendering an entity.
- #3023247 by drunken monkey, legolasbo: Updated references to
- #3007933 by drunken monkey: Fixed bug in config form of "Ignore characters"
- #2948707 by trwill, drunken monkey: Fixed "Content access" processor not
  taking all grant records into account.
- #3022452 by drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests on PHP 5.
- #2861832 by mkalkbrenner, mtodor, drunken monkey: Added support for showing
  entity operations in Views.
- #3021717 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added

Search API 1.11 (2018-11-18):
- #3012778 by Shashwat Purav, pamatt, drunken monkey: Fixed several doc comment
- #3011340 by pfrenssen, idimopoulos, drunken monkey: Fixed problem when
  updating multiple indexes' datasource settings via "drush cim".
- #2986623 by drunken monkey, valic: Added the "Reverse entity references"
- #3009136 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Added the
  "search_api_retrieved_field_values" query option.
- #3006267 by idebr, drunken monkey: Removed conditional code for Drupal 8.5.
- #3007311 by drunken monkey: Fixed catch clause in
- #2994022 by drunken monkey, Watergate, borisson_: Fixed facets when there are
  no search results in Database backend.
- #2898917 by Lennard Westerveld, RoSk0, drunken monkey: Fixed Views filters
  with checkboxes and "is all of" operator.
- #3001259 by klausi, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed HTML escaping throughout
  the module.
- #3001030 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, mvantuch: Fixed excerpt not taking
  Solr filters into account.
- #3004017 by idebr, drunken monkey: Fixed server/index config schemas to use
  UUID field from Core definition.
- #2971619 by idebr, drunken monkey: Refactored the access check for the
  "Execute pending tasks" local action.
- #2995342 by AndrewsizZ, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added stripping of
  script/style HTML tags in excerpts to Highlight processor.

Search API 1.10 (2018-09-17):
- #2993787 by drunken monkey, borisson_, mkalkbrenner: Added the possibility to
  boost fields in MLT queries.
- #2936631 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for the "no_ui"
  definition key for plugins.
- #2996936 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added suggested packages to
- #2987156 by hchonov, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed missing dependency on
  modules providing fields.
- #2994638 by drunken monkey, Grayle, borisson_: Fixed warning in aggregated
  fields without values.
- #2987237 by quicksketch, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed requirements hook
  for the Taxonomy Term Handlers module preventing updates from running.
- #2992662 by capysara, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed the reindexing link
  when saving index processors or fields.
- #2989689 by drunken monkey, valthebald, borisson_: Fixed bug in Views cache
  plugin alter hook.
- #2919676 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed server entity link definitions.
- #2996278 by drunken monkey: Removed one pointless variable.
- #2987245 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of account_switcher service for
  switching the currently active account.
- #2996907 by zerolab, drunken monkey: Fixed entity tracking using access
- #2993434 by jasonawant, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of comma-separated
  values in Views contextual filters.
- #2983843 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed suggestion of installing default
  module when dependencies aren't met.
- #2979316 by drunken monkey, Sutharsan: Fixed highlighting problems with
  multi-byte characters.
- #2986310 by capysara, drunken monkey: Added link to reindexing when saving
- #2986013 by tim-diels, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed casting of
  nun-numeric strings in the database backend.
- #2983630 by chipway, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed format of System
  dependency in
- #2982660 by jhedstrom, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed indexed time of
  date-only fields.
- #2986216 by drunken monkey: Added the "legacy" group to
- #2920943 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling for "Rendered item"

Search API 1.9 (2018-07-19):
- #2956012 by drunken monkey, DuaelFr: Added uncustomized view modes as options
  when rendering items.
- #2980903 by drunken monkey, kristofferwiklund, borisson_: Fixed undefined
  index notice in Views date filter.
- #2982693 by jhedstrom, borisson_, drunken monkey: Adapted tests to latest
  Core changes.
- #2971033 by mErilainen, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an option for prefix
  matching to the database backend.
- #2973034 by idebr, drunken monkey: Removed outdated @todo comment.
- #2972510 by msankhala, drunken monkey: Replaced Unicode::* methods with mb_*
- #2973047 by idebr, drunken monkey: Fixed misnamed test config files.
- #2860167 by drunken monkey, borisson_, fenstrat: Added "orderby" to our
  config schema definitions.
- #2948820 by capysara, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a link to the "need to
  reindex" message on the Filters tab.
- #2965803 by capysara, drunken monkey: Fixed left-over use of @url placeholder.
- #2957650 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed two minor problems.
- #2939010 by nedjo, drunken monkey: Fixed deleted fields when index is created
  during module install.
- #2931730 by drunken monkey, borisson_, chanderbhushan: Adapted to changes in
- #2955607 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Removed our custom Query::__wakeup()
- #2940138 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Switched to new Core tempstore service.
- #2936630 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Adapted override detection code to use
- #2961537 by drunken monkey: Increased Core dependency to Drupal 8.5.
- #2959809 by drunken monkey, Rob230, mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Fixed small
  coding mistake in the "URL field" processor.
- #2960931 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed viewing of multiple content
  entity items.

Search API 1.8 (2018-04-16):
- #2960854 by nedjo, drunken monkey: Fixed "Database search defaults" index.
- #2930839 by drunken monkey: Update tests according to latest PHPUnit
  compatibility changes
- #2921022 by drunken monkey, marcvangend: Fixed automatic task execution with
- #2955887 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a way to re-execute a query.
- #2925464 by drunken monkey, borisson_, .jch: Fixed problem with missing "NOT
  NULL" attribute in database backend.
- #2953266 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a helper method for
  "selected"/"default" checks.
- #2953267 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed REST dependency of Views test
- #2945870 by Dropa, drunken monkey: Fixed timezone of indexed date strings.
- #2948659 by drunken monkey, borisson_, bskibinski: Added support for HTML5
  placeholder in Views exposed filters.
- #2951055 by bradjones1, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed documentation for
- #2945560 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed handling of
  existing highlighting data in Highlight processor.
- #2946386 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed typo in Query::getAbortMessage().
- #2945675 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Unified use of self and static.

Search API 1.7 (2018-02-23):
- #2922525 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed "Index items immediately" to
  delay indexing until the end of the page request.
- #2930720 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a UI for rebuilding the tracking
  table for an index.
- #2912246 by drunken monkey: Fixed inconsistent array indices in query
- #2939405 by bserem, borisson_, drunken monkey, yoroy: Improved UI text on
  what is included in the index.
- #2943705 by kevin.dutra, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed performance
  problems with LIFO tracker.
- #2942846 by idebr, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added empty/not empty operators
  to Views fulltext field filters.
- #2940255 by drunken monkey: Updated the DB autocomplete implementation to the
  stable API version.
- #2938646 by drunken monkey, Johnny vd Laar: Fixed item-boosts in database
- #2939085 by mattgill, drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error in Views when trying
  to set keywords conjunction on aborted query.
- #2933811 by drunken monkey: Fixed coding standards in new Drush code.
- #2932347 by drunken monkey, ghaya: Fixed case insensitive matching for
  highlighting non-ASCII text.
- #2938288 by drunken monkey: Fixed problems with PHP 7.2.
- #2934321 by Graber, drunken monkey: Fixed Views total for views with pager
- #2932347 by drunken monkey, ghaya: Fixed case insensitive matching for
  highlighting non-ASCII text.
- #2933309 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Made some helper methods in the
  CommandHelper class public.
- #2928279 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a test for the default tracker

Search API 1.6 (2017-12-24):
- #2669962 by kevin.dutra, drunken monkey, kristofferwiklund, borisson_: Added
  option to change the order in which items are indexed.
- #2917399 by drunken monkey, andypost, borisson_, zenimagine: Fixed definition
  of Views taxonomy term plugins.
- #2922874 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed DBMS compatibility handling when
  a non-default database is used with the Database backend.
- #2923910 by George Bills, drunken monkey, eft, borisson_, robin.ingelbrecht:
  Fixed handling of array-valued Views fulltext filter input.
- #2914478 by borisson_, mpp, drunken monkey, pfrenssen, claudiu.cristea,
  kevin.dutra, SylvainM, jhedstrom, bircher: Added integration with Drush 9.
- #2926733 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed indexing of leading/trailing
  whitespace in fulltext tokens on database backend.
- #2922024 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed Stemmer incorrectly processing
  non-English searches.
- #2931730 by drunken monkey: Adapted tests to changes in drupal_set_message().
- #2929739 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Improved adherence to coding standards.
- #2927748 by mkalkbrenner, mstiem, drunken monkey: Fixed Views field handler
  for multiple processor-defined fields returned by the server.
- #2928944 by drunken monkey: Removed assert() calls with string parameters.
- #2923976 by Martijn Houtman, drunken monkey: Fixed facets with random sorting
  on Database backend.
- #2921582 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey: Fixed saving of "database_text" form
  field for Database servers.
- #2919884 by samuel.mortenson, borisson_, drunken monkey: Improved performance
  for saving an index's reindexing state.
- #2855254 by dev.patrick, drunken monkey, borisson_: Removed the remaining
  @codingStandardsIgnoreFile directive.
- #2916754 by chr.fritsch, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed failure to detect
  whether a view is executed in the current request.
- #2910638 by drunken monkey, borisson_, phillipHG: Fixed handling of
  entity-valued processor properties.
- #2917036 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed illegal return values in
- #2916225 by tilenav, borisson_, drunken monkey: Replaced manual config
  setting with installConfig() in our Kernel tests.
- #2917779 by mkalkbrenner, edurenye, drunken monkey: Fixed fatal errors in
  views on PHP 5.
- #2905562 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Increased the minimum Core version to
- #2916208 by drunken monkey: Fixed AJAX display of plugin forms.
- #2278433 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added option to Views field handlers
  to use highlighted fields data.

Search API 1.5 (2017-10-14):
- #2913688 by kevin.dutra, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed display plugin for
  Views pages with contextual filters.
- #2911734 by drunken monkey, borisson_, mkalkbrenner: Fixed Views display of
  fields returned from the backend.
- #2910918 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed error in fields configuration
- #2650986 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed various problems with Views
  field handling.
- #2907518 by drunken monkey, jrockowitz, borisson_: Fixed index
  creation/update via CLI on large sites.
- #2908440 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed UnsavedIndexConfiguration documentation.
- #2899678 by drunken monkey, Graber, borisson_: Added support for VBO.
- #2909153 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed fatal error for test fails under
  certain conditions.
- #2907756 by drunken monkey, bojanz: Fixed "Entity status" processor to
  support other publishable entity types.
- #2904377 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added Autocomplete tests for the DB
- #2907943 by drunken monkey: Fixed warnings on PHP 5.
- #2906099 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of field's underlying property label in
- #2896073 by drunken monkey, New Zeal: Fixed warnings when indexing empty text
- #2898082 by drunken monkey: Re-organized our test class namespaces.
- #2907334 by drunken monkey: Fixed some more Drupal coding standards
- #2903407 by drunken monkey, alan-ps: Added #optional to form containers where

Search API 1.4 (2017-09-07):
- #2905117 by drunken monkey: Fixed problems with multi-valued
  processor-generated fields on Solr.
- #2884034 by drunken monkey: Fixed highlighting for processed keywords.
- #2902947 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Thousands marker" setting for Views fields.
- #2902907 by drunken monkey, juagarc4: Fixed indexing of multibyte text on
- #2903805 by drunken monkey: Disabled fields processors for hidden fields.
- #2903014 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Enable for all fields" processor option.
- #2904976 by drunken monkey: Fixed the current test fails.
- #2902810 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Made query serialization in tests
- #2903834 by drunken monkey: Adapted to latest changes in Autocomplete module.
- #2903633 by drunken monkey: Fixed current test fails.
- #2899920 by kfritsche: Fixed stored value of boolean Views filters.
- #2896312 by kerasai, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with Views options list
- #2896878 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails due to latest Core changes.
- #2665476 by ericgsmith, drunken monkey: Fixed paging in cached views.

Search API 1.3 (2017-07-19):
- #2888584 by drunken monkey: Fixed index description for "cron batch size" of
- #2895142 by drunken monkey: Made our test classes more useful for other
- #2851436 by Erik Frèrejean, andywhale, beltofte, drunken monkey: Added a
  "Type-specific boosting" processor.
- #2889426 by cspitzlay, drunken monkey: Fixed test fails on Drupal 8.3.
- #2891387 by drunken monkey: Fixed some new code style issues.
- #2891246 by drunken monkey: Fixed error detection in plugin helper.
- #2884451 by drunken monkey: Fixed missing primary key for denormalized index
  tables in DB backend.
- #2886978 by drunken monkey: Fixed tracking of entities in disabled languages.

Search API 1.2 (2017-06-25):
- #2881198 by jzavrl, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added property paths to "Add
  fields" form.
- #2883475 by Matthijs, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for "Language
  not applicable".
- #2883807 by LammensJ, drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Views UI for
  contextual filters.
- #2880239 by acbramley, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed logic for multiple
  sorts on the same field.
- #2889426 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for latest Core changes.
- #2884720 by blake.thompson: Added a display plugin for the Views Embed
  display type.
- #2882347 by mkalkbrenner: Fixed forms to not have unserializable properties.
- #2676468 by acbramley, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed stale cache in search
  view with tag-based caching.
- #2876398 by drunken monkey: Fixed operator description of Views "Fulltext
  search" filter.
- #2881945 by drunken monkey: Removed unnecessary check in
- #2886981 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for latest Core changes.
- #2880026 by Anton4yk, drunken monkey: Fixed bugs in entity datasource's item
  discovery code for edge cases.
- #2881631 by jzavrl, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added alphabetic sort for
  properties in "Add fields" form.
- #2867809 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an option to enable a processor
  for all compatible fields.
- #2878974 by acbramley: Added the date Views argument plugin.
- #2840274 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Updated the Core dependency to 8.3.
- #2874895 by harsha012, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed OOP code to use the
  t() method instead of the global t() function.
- #2624876 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a query option for "properties
  to retrieve".
- #2682949 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Adapted to changes in the Autocomplete

Search API 1.1 (2017-05-10):
- #2858303 by beluoctavian, drunken monkey: Fixed "is empty" Views filters for
  taxonomy term references.
- #2873246 by drunken monkey: Fixed a second error for cached aborted search
  queries in Views.
- #2862289 by hoebekewim, drunken monkey: Fixed oversized column for fulltext
  fields in denormalized index table.
- #2859683 by drunken monkey: Added a note to fields processors explaining that
  per-field keywords processing isn't supported.
- #2871497 by drunken monkey: Fixed validation of "Whitespace characters"
  setting for the Tokenizer processor.
- #2868704 by drunken monkey: Fixed old removed fields being present on query
- #2863955 by alan-ps, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed unsupported processors
  remaining enabled.
- #2870988 by sahilsharma011, c.nish2k3, kala4ek: Removed translations from all
- #2871030 by drunken monkey: Fixed error for cached aborted search queries in
- #2230935 by shkiper, drunken monkey: Added the "search-api-server-clear"
  Drush command.

Search API 1.0 (2017-04-26):
- #2871145 by opdavies, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed link to for
  PCRE reference.
- #2543472 by drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of multiple indexes via Drush.
- #2871549 by drunken monkey: Added note about backwards compatibility to

Search API 1.0, RC 4 (2017-04-21):
- #2869121 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error when required fulltext filter is
  in exposed form block.

Search API 1.0, RC 3 (2017-04-20):
- #2869121 by drunken monkey, Wim Leers, wouter.adem, borisson_: Added improved
  "Required" handling for the Views "Fulltext search" filter.
- #2870782 by drunken monkey: Fixed the tests for Drupal 8.2.
- #2868851 by acbramley, drunken monkey: Fixed wrong interface used for loggers.
- #2868427 by dbjpanda, drunken monkey: Fixed use of d.o URL alias in

Search API 1.0, RC 2 (2017-04-10):
- #2846932 by drunken monkey, killua99, borisson_: Fixed error when changing
  boost values with a Postgres database backend.
- #2866454 by phenaproxima, drunken monkey: Fixed problems in update 8103.
- #2844945 by drunken monkey: Fixed uncaught exception when adding too many

Search API 1.0, RC 1 (2017-04-09):
- #2776659 by drunken monkey, drholera: Removed the deprecated Utility methods.
- #2268809 by drunken monkey: Converted all arrays in the code to use the short
- #2863736 by fran seva, drunken monkey: Added a setDataDefinition() method to
  the Field class.
- #2867118 by drunken monkey: Fixed reported coding standards problems.
- #2839932 by drunken monkey,  borisson_, bmcclure, jacktonkin: Fixed Views
  problems with "Rendered item" fields.
- #2765317 by vasike: Added a "Last" aggregation for aggregated fields.
- #2861657 by drunken monkey: Removed remaining usages of "e.g.".

Search API 1.0, Beta 5 (2017-04-02):
- #2842029 by vasike, drunken monkey: Added a "plugin helper" service for
  creating index plugins.
- #2863253 by drunken monkey: Added hook infos for all our hooks.
- #2856050 by StryKaizer, drunken monkey, marthinal, borisson_: Added getPath()
  to display plugins and deprecated getUrl().
- #2856003 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added "index" and "path" to search
  display annotation definition.
- #2842557 by StryKaizer, Boobaa, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "is rendered
  on current page" checks for Views displays with contextual filters.
- #2855157 by dbjpanda: Fixed a small CSS error.
- #2842007 by shashank.mundhra: Fixed DB comment of search_api_item.status
- #2682369 by Alumei, drunken monkey, swentel, Crell, stBorchert, prics,
  borisson_: Fixed problems with overridden config entities.
- #2645882 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "items could not be indexed"
  message for "Index now".
- #2641388 by mallezie, drunken monkey, borisson_, janusman: Added various UX
  improvements for the "Fields" tab.
- #2861587 by alexpott: Fixed the DB/Defaults integration tests.
- #2855758 by StryKaizer, drunken monkey: Fixed "is rendered" checks for Views
  block displays.
- #2855444 by drunken monkey: Added language-specific test for the "Rendered
  item" processor.
- #2794295 by isramv, drunken monkey, alan-ps: Fixed default index indexing term
  names instead of IDs.
- #2343161 by alan-ps, drunken monkey: Added per-datasource indexing stats.
- #2857017 by shkiper: Fixed copy-paste errors in js/index-active-formatters.js.
- #2311039 by drunken monkey: Fixed missing dependency injection for all form
  and plugin classes.
- #2745655 by drunken monkey: Added test for (NOT) NULL conditions on fulltext
  fields in DB backend.
- #2574889 by drunken monkey, ChristianAdamski: Added Tour module integration.
- #2814925 by kducharm, drunken monkey, Cyberwolf: Fixed indexing of computed
- #2852807 by alan-ps: Fixed CheckStyle warnings in this project.
- #2659868 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed CacheabilityTest to make sure it
  displays the rendered entities.
- #2853049 by Blanca.Esqueda: Fixed config schema error for Views date filters.
- #2847810 by JayKandari: Added Stemmer to ProcessorIntegrationTest.
- #2753667 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, borisson_, idimopoulos, sandervd,
  sardara: Improved Views cache plugins and their cache metadata.
- #2843854 by becw, drunken monkey: Fixed date filters in search views.
- #2753763 by drholera, drunken monkey: Added a logging trait which can also
  log exceptions.
- #2850025 by alan-ps: Added a "label_collection" property for our entity types.
- #2851533 by drunken monkey: Adapted the tests to the latest Core changes.
- #2491175 by drunken monkey, ptmkenny: Added a new "Entity status" processor
  to replace "Node status".
- #2681273 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added plugin descriptions consistently
  to the UI.
- #2642792 by drunken monkey: Fixed and expanded the RenderedItemTest.
- #2844527 by ayalon, drunken monkey: Added some contextual filters for Views.
- #2847307 by JayKandari, drunken monkey: Removed "Display" suffix from our
  search display plugins.
- #2849507 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails on Drupal 8.4.
- #2846255 by drunken monkey: Fixed displayed order of processors in UI.
- #2656916 by drunken monkey: Removed unused field dependency calculation
- #2844192 by BR0kEN, drunken monkey: Fixed failure in DB backend when setting
  field boost from 0 to other value.
- #2847588 by Nick_vh, drunken monkey: Improved the description of the
  search_api_views_taxonomy module.
- #2843632 by beram, drunken monkey: Fixed "contains any" for Views fulltext
  contextual filter.
- #2842971 by jespermb, borisson_: Fixed wrong URL for block search displays.
- #2842546 by alan-ps: Fixed Drush commands for enabling and disabling indexes.
- #2840675 by nicrodgers, drunken monkey: Added support for Views filters with
  option lists.
- #2841550 by drunken monkey: Fixed execution of pending tasks.
- #2841827 by umed91, drunken monkey: Fixed some code style issues.
- #2682615 by drunken monkey: Added tests for object serialization and cloning.
- #2794879 by drunken monkey: Added property paths to the "Fields" tab.
- #2840261 by alan-ps: Fixed usage of outdated hash functions.

Search API 1.0, Beta 4 (2016-10-24):
- #2839981 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed search ID for non-page views.
- #2834350 by alan-ps: Fixed missing field restriction in DB backend
  autocomplete code.
- #2809469 by StryKaizer, borisson_, drunken monkey, pfrenssen: Fixed
  incompatible cache modes used for Search API views.
- #2839142 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added new test for Defaults module
  index creation.
- #2831436 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added dependency information to
  display plugins.
- #2836994 by dermario: Fixed order of facets in DB backend unreliable.
- #2839445 by borisson_: Fixed test failure in for some Core versions.
- #2833229 by timcosgrove: Removed array type hinting for batch contexts.
- #2656052 by drunken monkey: Removed the "plugin_id"/"settings" sub-level of
  index plugin settings.
- #2837099 by drunken monkey: Fixed the tests in latest Drupal 8.3 dev version.
- #2709351 by drunken monkey: Fixed invalid processor configurations when field
  configuration changes.
- #2829351 by SchnWalter, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed
  $entity->search_api_skip_tracking for nodes.
- #2827961 by drunken monkey, Steven Jones: Fixed problems with giant scores in
  DB backend.
- #2823985 by felribeiro, dermario, borisson_: Added an integration test for
  the "Role filter" processor.
- #2832015 by mkalkbrenner: Removed translations from functional tests.
- #2828184 by ekes: Fixed bug in Stemmer config form validation.
- #2828848 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Prepared IntegrationTest
  to be executed with different backends.
- #2828148 by ekes, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed problem when stemming
  multiple words at once.
- #2826822 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of illegal typed data type "text".
- #2826308 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Fixed unwanted filter in Views
- #2734897 by niko-, drunken monkey: Added tests for preIndexSave()
- #2650364 by drunken monkey: Added a "skip access checks" option to the Views
  relationship plugin.
- #2826160 by keboca, drunken monkey: Fixed config form of "Role filter"
  processor to be more robust.
- #2753815 by niko-, drunken monkey, itsekhmistro, borisson_: Ported Simpletest
  web tests to BrowserTestBase tests.
- #2358065 by tstoeckler: Added the option for highlighting of partial matches
  to the processor.
- #2470837 by sinn, drunken monkey: Added documentation on why to disable Core
- #2767609 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added backend tests for empty value
- #2789431 by phenaproxima, drunken monkey: Added possibility to display
  processor-generated fields in Views.
- #2822553 by niko-: Removed a test assertion that failed when run via GUI.
- #2821445 by drunken monkey: Fixed warning in HTML filter for non-HTML fields.
- #2733185 by sinn, drunken monkey: Added documentation and tests for tracker
  and display plugin alter hooks.
- #2824326 by Jo Fitzgerald: Fixed generated autocomplete suggestions of the DB
- #2824932 by mkalkbrenner: Fixed incorrect indexing call in backend tests.
- #2821498 by stBorchert: Increased our required minimum Core version to 8.2.
- #2816979 by drunken monkey: Added click-sorting for indexed fields in Views.
- #2779159 by mark_fullmer, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a Stemmer
- #2799497 by drunken monkey: Added a getter for the Views query's "where"
- #2574583 by drunken monkey: Fixed loading of entities from excluded bundles.
- #2795861 by sinn: Removed some deprecated methods.
- #2748323 by sinn: Fixed comment reference to removed method
- #2809753 by drunken monkey: Fixed issues with multiple OR facets.
- #2821955 by mkalkbrenner: Adapted processor test base for use with other
- #2819637 by alan-ps: Renamed use of the DB layer rollback() method to

Search API 1.0, Beta 3 (2016-10-24):
- #2625152 by jhedstrom, drunken monkey, borisson_, mpp, stijn.blomme,
  Rodlangh: Added an "Index hierarchy" processor.
- #2818621 by alan-ps: Fixed overly accurate index status percentage.
- #2792277 by drunken monkey: Fixed issues during config syncing of our
- #2813525 by drunken monkey, alan-ps: Fixed incorrect indexing of
  nodes/comments with excluded bundle.
- #2803701 by drunken monkey, rbayliss: Fixed strict warnings from
- #2711017 by drunken monkey: Adapted Core's UncacheableDependencyTrait.
- #2690229 by drunken monkey: Adapted Core's SubformState solution.
- #2575641 by rbayliss, dazz, drunken monkey: Fixed behavior of "Save and edit"
  button for indexes.
- #2769021 by drunken monkey: Added the generated Search API query to the Views
- #2817341 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added PluginDependencyTrait to
- #2809211 by cristiroma: Fixed size of text fields on "Fields" tab.
- #2684465 by Dropa, david.gil, drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of
  non-translated entity references.
- #2695627 by dermario, drunken monkey: Added support for (NOT) IN and (NOT)
  BETWEEN operators to Views.
- #2782577 by drunken monkey, zuhair_ak: Fixed extraction of configurable
  properties in processors.

Search API 1.0, Beta 2 (2016-09-28):
- #2798643 by drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed handling of enforced dependencies
  for search indexes.
- #2799475 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added support for Views block and REST
  displays in the Views search display deriver.
- #2763161 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed cache issues with Views search
  display plugins.
- #2800011 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed display of hidden properties
  when adding fields.
- #2794093 by drunken monkey, borisson_, kamalrajsahu21: Fixed the processor
  reordering CSS.
- #2640982 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "unsaved changes" code in the
  Fields UI.
- #2727697 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed serialization of modified
- #2747767 by joachim: Changed the "Aggregation type" form element to radios.
- #2565621 by LKS90, drunken monkey: Added a test for the database defaults
- #2684465 by drunken monkey, marthinal: Fixed indexing of related entities on
  multilingual sites.
- #2566241 by drunken monkey: Fixed index tracker select default value.
- #2555177 by drunken monkey: Fixed empty bundle selects in datasource config

Search API 1.0, Beta 1 (2016-09-05):
First Beta release of the project's Drupal 8 version. The API can be considered
mostly stable and an upgrade path will be provided for all data structure
changes from this point forward.


View source
  1. Search API 1.x, dev (xxxx-xx-xx):
  2. ---------------------------------
  3. - #3228533 by drunken monkey: Fixed mock object type hints in comments.
  4. - #3212925 by drunken monkey, DiegoPino: Fixed some processors removing "(not)
  5. empty" conditions.
  6. - #3228210 by drunken monkey, DiegoPino: Fixed current test failures.
  7. - #3201305 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, Sam152: Added more options
  8. (including customized ones) for fulltext field boost values.
  9. - #3206362 by drunken monkey, zviryatko: Fixed serialization of fields.
  10. - #3226933 by drunken monkey: Fixed some exception handling problems.
  11. - #3065771 by New Zeal, drunken monkey, onedotover, PaulDinelle: Fixed passing
  12. multiple values to "All taxonomy term fields" Views contextual filter.
  13. - #3220988 by varshith, drunken monkey: Fixed display of Stemmer processor on
  14. non-English sites.
  15. - #3198412 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling in tracker plugin methods.
  16. - #3193690 by jungle, drunken monkey, Charlie ChX Negyesi, longwave: Fixed
  17. creation of duplicate tasks.
  18. - #3195199 by drunken monkey, claudiu.cristea: Fixed config schema for Views
  19. bulk form.
  20. - #3013663 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, merauluka: Added performance
  21. improvement for item tracking.
  22. - #3226699 by drunken monkey: Added explicit accessCheck() call to all entity
  23. queries.
  24. - #2348117 by ekes, drunken monkey: Added support for core REST data views.
  25. - #3226642 by drunken monkey: Added "lifecycle" key to .info.yml file.
  26. Search API 1.20 (2021-07-19):
  27. -----------------------------
  28. - #3216762 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with boost factors
  29. on non-English locales.
  30. - #3207578 by penyaskito, drunken monkey: Fixed logging of Basic tracker
  31. exceptions.
  32. - #3199355 by drunken monkey: Fixed error when indexing strings with trailing
  33. spaces in the DB backend.
  34. - #3168161 by gabesullice, drunken monkey: Fixed deprecated use of constructor
  35. of database Condition class.
  36. - #3219648 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Fixed backend-defined fields
  37. without datasource do not appear in Views.
  38. - #3215658 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of multi-byte spaces
  39. in the "Multiple words" parse mode.
  40. - #3055173 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added the "Number field-based
  41. boosting" processor.
  42. - #3198944 by bogdan.racz, drunken monkey: Fixed ignored changes in the
  43. "indexing items" event.
  44. - #3196782 by Ericmaster, drunken monkey: Issue #3196782 by Ericmaster, drunken
  45. monkey: Fixed use of excerpt in Views "Rendered item" field.
  46. - #3195587 by dewalt, drunken monkey: Fixed bundles for custom fields not
  47. reflected in "Add fields" UI.
  48. - #3194931 by kaszarobert, drunken monkey: Added a "select all" checkbox to the
  49. Views bulk form.
  50. - #3195590 by dewalt, drunken monkey: Fixed "Add fields" dialog to not show
  51. plus (+) icon for properties with only hidden sub-properties.
  52. - #3195389 by attiks, drunken monkey: Fixed error in Views when target of
  53. entity reference field is not available.
  54. - #3193312 by cgoffin, drunken monkey: Added entity objects to Views result set.
  55. - #3187134 by drunken monkey: Fixed display of date range end values in Views.
  56. - #3106342 by claudiu.cristea, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a public method
  57. for indexing a given entity.
  58. - #3192387 by shelane, drunken monkey: Fixed too narrow Drush version
  59. constraint.
  60. - #3202693 by drunken monkey: Added a "Don't include" option for individual
  61. bundles in the Views "Rendered item" field.
  62. - #3202696 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling when creating links in Views.
  63. - #3199552 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up Views code.
  64. - #3190751 by drunken monkey: Fixed unsafe form value access in several config
  65. forms.
  66. - #3178307 by carolpettirossi, drunken monkey: Fixed changes in related
  67. entities not being re-indexed for all levels of entity references.
  68. - #2898334 by andreasderijcke, drunken monkey, Sam152, DrColossos, borisson_:
  69. Added the "Role-based access" processor.
  70. - #1396222 by drunken monkey, loziju, capysara: Added the "First letter"
  71. aggregation type.
  72. Search API 1.19 (2021-02-01):
  73. -----------------------------
  74. - #3182306 by drunken monkey: Improved output from the "rebuild tracker" batch
  75. job.
  76. - #3111383 by liquidcms, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with exposed, grouped
  77. Views date filters.
  78. - #3127099 by Grimreaper, drunken monkey: Added option to expose searched
  79. fields in Views fulltext filter.
  80. - #2944371 by Upchuk, jasonschweb, drunken monkey: Fixed random sort for DB
  81. backend.
  82. - Issue #3194016 by mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Fixed PHP 8 compatibility.
  83. - #3181827 by brunodbo, drunken monkey: Fixed wrong @var type doc in
  84. ContentEntityTrackingManager.
  85. - #3179045 by sebish, joelpittet, drunken monkey: Fixed parameter type hint in
  86. ContentEntityTrackingManager.
  87. - #3178417 by SivaprasadC, drunken monkey: Fixed two typos in the Database
  88. backend plugin class.
  89. - #3174778 by drunken monkey: Fixed some encoding errors.
  90. - #3178941 by drunken monkey, cspitzlay, MegaChriz, ooziedie, bakulahluwalia:
  91. Fixed fatal error when saving entities with certain setups.
  92. - #3036504 by kfritsche, drunken monkey: Fixed memory issues during indexing
  93. via Drush.
  94. - #3136277 by drunken monkey, pfrenssen, Berdir, dwinters, calmforce: Fixed
  95. issue with modifying condition group via pre-execute event/hook.
  96. - #3174657 by drunken monkey: Fixed "keep facets" feature for search views when
  97. facet source wasn't saved.
  98. - #3181936 by drunken monkey: Fixed tests on Drupal 9.1.x HEAD.
  99. Search API 1.18 (2020-10-22):
  100. -----------------------------
  101. - #3153153 by mkalkbrenner, cristiroma, drunken monkey: Fixed serialization of
  102. backends using BackendPluginBase.
  103. - #3169531 by akalam, drunken monkey: Fixed warning when non-array "f"
  104. parameter is present in URL.
  105. - #3173400 by drunken monkey: Removed drupalPostForm() calls from functional
  106. tests.
  107. - #3160757 by JordanDukart, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of NULL values in
  108. "Ignore characters" processor.
  109. - #2936043 by froboy, drunken monkey, ressa, agentrickard, navneet0693: Added
  110. an option to the "URI" field to make the created URL absolute.
  111. - #3151966 by robin.ingelbrecht, drunken monkey: Fixed parsing of keywords with
  112. stand-alone dash (-).
  113. - #3157958 by maximpodorov, ankithashetty, ressa, drunken monkey: Fixed display
  114. of Media entities in Views.
  115. - #3137627 by SimeonKesmev, drunken monkey: Added a test for field value
  116. extraction in edge cases.
  117. - #3150764 by bendev, drunken monkey: Fixed documentation for Drush "sapi-i"
  118. command.
  119. - #3145955 by b_sharpe, drunken monkey: Added Tokenizer option to configure
  120. ignored characters.
  121. - #3164255 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for the excerpt field to
  122. the Views "Rendered item" field.
  123. - #3157397 by Murz, drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of complex properties with
  124. computed main properties.
  125. - #3155965 by Ramya Balasubramanian, solideogloria, drunken monkey: Fixed
  126. missing single quote in search_api.index.schema.yml.
  127. - #3136543 by deulenko, drunken monkey: Replaced assertTrue(isset()) with
  128. assertArrayNotHasKey() where appropriate.
  129. - #3168114 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails against Drupal 9.1.x.
  130. - #3165015 by penyaskito: search_api_test_example_content_references test
  131. module broke D9 build
  132. - #3131384 by lolandese, drunken monkey: Fixed Composer license value.
  133. - #2007692 by bucefal91, drunken monkey, marassa: Added automatic re-indexing
  134. when indexed related entities are changed.
  135. - #3082868 by Raunak.singh, drunken monkey: Changed README.txt to
  136. - #3158559 by drunken monkey: Updated coding standards and fixed adherence.
  137. - #3126367 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error after module upgrade due to
  138. changed service definition.
  139. - #2976339 by drunken monkey, sker101, vflirt: Fixed bug when importing server
  140. configs.
  141. - #2873023 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed handling of special characters
  142. in searches on DB backend.
  143. Search API 1.17 (2020-06-02):
  144. -----------------------------
  145. - #3126751 by douggreen, drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed calls to deprecated
  146. PHPUnit methods.
  147. - #3121637 by mbovan, drunken monkey, Berdir: Replaced theme functions with
  148. templates.
  149. - #3133011 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up
  150. AutocompleteTest::assertSuggestionsEqual().
  151. - #3119335 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, Ivan616: Added a "rebuild-tracker"
  152. Drush command.
  153. - #3115343 by drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Highlight processor when
  154. preg_split() doesn't work.
  155. - #3116489 by drunken monkey: Improved the warning message for missing
  156. "Rendered item" configuration during indexing.
  157. - #3123173 by drunken monkey: Fixed uncaught exception when trying to change
  158. locked field type.
  159. - #3126120 by drunken monkey: Fixed coding standards.
  160. - #3125383 by marassa, drunken monkey: Added negation support to the "Multiple
  161. words" parser.
  162. - #3125444 by Rajesh Kairamkonda, drunken monkey: Removed $this->container from
  163. Functional tests.
  164. - #3120909 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up @throws tags in Drush code.
  165. - #3023170 by drunken monkey, Berdir, milindk, pfrenssen, phenaproxima,
  166. geek-merlin, chr.fritsch: Updated Core requirement to 8.8 and removed all
  167. use of deprecated Core code.
  168. Search API 1.16 (2020-04-08):
  169. -----------------------------
  170. - #3120997 by thalles, drunken monkey: Updated the "source" composer value.
  171. - #3117171 by claudiu.cristea, drunken monkey, pfrenssen: Added support for the
  172. Views Bulk Form field.
  173. - #3115214 by mpp, drunken monkey: Added Search API support for the Behat
  174. Drupal extension.
  175. - #3118224 by JeroenT, drunken monkey: Fixed DisplayPluginManager no longer
  176. implementing DisplayPluginManagerInterface.
  177. - #3111130 by bwaindwain, drunken monkey: Fixed reference to out-dated
  178. "Drupal.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing" PhpCs sniff.
  179. - #3106515 by drunken monkey, nbaosullivan: Added support for Views filters on
  180. any bundle entity type.
  181. - #3056940 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling in the "Add hierarchy"
  182. processor.
  183. - #3102603 by drunken monkey: Deprecated EntityDatasourceInterface.
  184. - #3103594 by drunken monkey: Cleaned up the Database backend plugin code.
  185. - #3103585 by drunken monkey: Converted hook_search_api_db_query_alter() to an
  186. event.
  187. - #3044782 by drunken monkey, stefvanlooveren: Increased PHP version
  188. requirement to 7.0.
  189. - #3100556 by JeroenT, drunken monkey: Fixed "Rendered entity" Views row style
  190. not immediately available when creating first index.
  191. - #3101607 by manuel.adan, drunken monkey: Added support for nested data
  192. properties.
  193. - #3109755 by Vladimirrem, drunken monkey: Added $view property to entities
  194. when viewed via the Views "Rendered entity" row plugin.
  195. - #3111635 by alexpott, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed duplicate dependencies
  196. in index config.
  197. - #3098350 by abrar_arshad, drunken monkey: Fixed immediate indexing of items
  198. marked during indexing.
  199. - #3102662 by drunken monkey: Declared IndexingItemsEvent class as final.
  200. - #3099001 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Marked PluginDependencyTrait
  201. methods in ConfigurablePluginBase as deprecated.
  202. - #3099048 by andreyjan, drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed Drupal 8.8 deprecations
  203. that do not require Drupal 8.8.
  204. - #3096581 by andreyjan, drunken monkey: Converted TaxonomyTermArgumentTest to
  205. a unit test.
  206. - #3101998 by lostkangaroo, drunken monkey: Fixed small bug in "results alter"
  207. event processing.
  208. - #3004270 by stefvanlooveren, drunken monkey: Fixed caching of the "Execute
  209. pending tasks" local action.
  210. - #3092347 by drunken monkey: Fixed batch size when indexing for multiple
  211. indexes via Drush.
  212. - #3091785 by cedric_a, drunken monkey, borisson_: Improved styling of disabled
  213. servers/indexes in overview.
  214. - #3096573 by mudassar774, drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Highlight processor
  215. in some edge cases.
  216. - #2824640 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, sardara, idimopoulos, geek.merlin aka
  217. axel.rutz, borisson_, claudiu.cristea: Fixed caching of Views results.
  218. - #3001743 by drunken monkey: Adapted to use the new
  219. ConditionInterface::alwaysFalse() method.
  220. - #3098722 by drunken monkey, milindk: Increased the Core version requirement to
  221. 8.7.
  222. - #3065112 by gdejonghe, mbovan, wengerk, drunken monkey: Adapted the
  223. SearchApiTerm Views argument plugin to use dependency injection for loading
  224. terms.
  225. - #2381823 by cedric_a, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a link to the
  226. documentation to the Processors tab.
  227. Search API 1.15 (2019-11-07):
  228. -----------------------------
  229. - #3022881 by MahtabAlam, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed unintentional
  230. scrolling in the "Add fields" dialog.
  231. - #3068180 by drunken monkey: Fixed ambiguous column names in SQL queries
  232. constructed by the database backend.
  233. - #3068645 by drunken monkey: Fixed problem with entity references in Views.
  234. - #3081885 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed discouraged
  235. processors to be visible but disabled in UI.
  236. - #3089960 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed to use PHP ternary operator
  237. where possible.
  238. - #3064479 by ducktape, drunken monkey, mpp, borisson_: Fixed taxonomy term
  239. Views argument title not translated.
  240. - #2931562 by drunken monkey, RajabNatshah, nedjo, borisson_: Fixed problem
  241. running batch process during module install.
  242. - #2916534 by drunken monkey, Johnny vd Laar, ricovandevin, Marty2081: Fixed
  243. duplicate results for partial matching with database backend.
  244. - #3084839 by ckaotik, drunken monkey: Fixed missing config schema for Views
  245. date filter.
  246. - #3083923 by aalin, drunken monkey: Fixed ResultRow name conflict in PHP 5.
  247. - #3083269 by leontin, drunken monkey: Fixed error when combining multiple
  248. fulltext keywords.
  249. - #3086004 by drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests.
  250. - #3079147 by drunken monkey: Fixed Views click-sorting for ID and datasource.
  251. - #3067640 by DamienMcKenna, drunken monkey: Fixed "missing module" error for
  252. search_api_views_taxonomy.
  253. - #3071591 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey: Fixed plugin not found error during
  254. site/config install.
  255. - #3075417 by Adrian Liegmann, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of 'is_list' =>
  256. FALSE in property definitions.
  257. - #3074852 by littlepixiez, drunken monkey: Fixed message class for failed
  258. status change.
  259. - #3068196 by Adrian Liegmann, lpeabody, drunken monkey: Fixed problem with
  260. multiple Drush batch operations in Drush 9.6+.
  261. - #1960684 by drunken monkey, geek.merlin aka axel.rutz, mkalkbrenner,
  262. borisson_, andypost, DanielVeza: Added support for language fallbacks.
  263. - #3067143 by drunken monkey, mpp, borisson_: Fixed potential fatal error when
  264. accessing parse mode of broken Views.
  265. - #3073283 by mkalkbrenner, idebr, drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests on Drupal
  266. Core 8.8.x.
  267. - #3062400 by drunken monkey, jonathan_hunt, borisson_: Fixed the reindexing
  268. message in the UI.
  269. Search API 1.14 (2019-07-08):
  270. -----------------------------
  271. - #3065550 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Declared a conflict for most older
  272. Search API Solr versions.
  273. - #2983606 by StryKaizer, borisson_, drunken monkey, sgurlt: Added an excerpt
  274. field to use in view modes.
  275. - #3065359 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed fatal error in all
  276. Drush commands.
  277. - #2718045 by drunken monkey, joelpittet: Fixed "Rendered entity" Views row
  278. style being available for all base tables in some cases.
  279. - #3023704 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_: Converted all hooks to
  280. events.
  281. - #3059312 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed warning when trying to add
  282. hierarchical data to fulltext fields.
  283. - #2674750 by drunken monkey, Niklan, borisson_: Fixed display of computed
  284. fields in Views.
  285. - #3015114 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_, weseze: Improved the
  286. performance of the Highlight processor.
  287. - #3053200 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Increased Core version
  288. requirement to 8.6.
  289. - #3055151 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Content Access Index Processor
  290. statusFixed data type plugins to properly convert values.
  291. - #3058300 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed access methods to
  292. work with AccessResult objects instead of booleans.
  293. - #3059070 by fconnolly, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed Item::__toString() to
  294. not extract fields.
  295. - #3055775 by legolasbo, drunken monkey: Fixed documentation of
  296. hook_search_api_query_alter().
  297. - #3054875 by mpp, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed help text for
  298. "Type-specific boosting" processor.
  299. - #3052877 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "no backend plugins"
  300. case in "Add server" form.
  301. - #2986222 by idebr, drunken monkey: Switched Javascript tests to
  302. WebDriverTestBase.
  303. - #2840272 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error in certain Views error
  304. conditions.
  305. - #3057510 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed inconsistent package names for
  306. test modules.
  307. - #3031621 by drunken monkey, DeFr, borisson_: Fixed fields returned by backend
  308. sometimes ignored by Views.
  309. - #3053603 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed reported cardinality of
  310. entity-valued processor properties.
  311. - #2881689 by pwolanin, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added performance
  312. improvement for initial tracking of existing entities.
  313. Search API 1.13 (2019-05-07):
  314. -----------------------------
  315. - #3043930 by kfritsche, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed issue with nested
  316. Drush batch operations.
  317. - #3049801 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Cleaned up some minor code style
  318. issues.
  319. - #3049777 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for Drupal 8.7 HEAD.
  320. - #3039142 by drunken monkey, ali-3a, LaravZ: Fixed all results returned when
  321. query has keywords but no fulltext fields.
  322. - #3045396 by drunken monkey: Adapted to PHPCS changes in Core.
  323. - #3044867 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed namespace of
  324. TaxonomyTermArgumentTest.
  325. - #3041144 by jonnyeom, drunken monkey, LaravZ: Fixed the form submission logic
  326. of the "Ignore Characters" processor.
  327. - #2867479 by drunken monkey, odavydyuk, VitaliyB98, idebr, borisson_: Removed
  328. the "Search API Taxonomy Term Handlers" module.
  329. Search API 1.12 (2019-03-11):
  330. -----------------------------
  331. - #3037972 by ifrik, borisson_, drunken monkey: Added facets support for Views
  332. Feed displays.
  333. - #3026526 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, legolasbo: Fixed performance of
  334. SearchApiTagCache::getRowId().
  335. - #2898327 by drunken monkey, Renrhaf, justanothermark, legolasbo: Improved
  336. performance in SearchApiQuery::addResults().
  337. - #3039181 by drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests.
  338. - #2693071 by drunken monkey, herved: Fixed nested properties getting removed
  339. from aggregated fields.
  340. - #3036173 by hanoii, drunken monkey, vinlaurens: Fixed bundle boost option
  341. defaults for "Type-specific boosts" processor.
  342. - #3033040 by herved, drunken monkey, vinlaurens: Fixed error when enabling the
  343. Database Search Defaults module.
  344. - #3031991 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed edge case errors when combining
  345. multiple fulltext search filters in Views.
  346. - #2949962 by drunken monkey, legolasbo, Keule, borisson_: Fixed negated
  347. fulltext keywords with partial matching.
  348. - #3032916 by chr.fritsch, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed caching of entity
  349. operations in Views field.
  350. - #2985131 by drunken monkey, brettboylen, borisson_, Kleve: Fixed
  351. "Type-specific boosting" processor to not overwrite pre-existing boosts.
  352. - #3031990 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed exception handling in
  353. SearchApiQuery.
  354. - #2867479 by legolasbo, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an update hook
  355. uninstalling the "Search API Taxonomy Term Handlers" module.
  356. - #2998853 by drunken monkey, borisson_, legolasbo: Updated links throughout
  357. the module.
  358. - #3023142 by legolasbo, drunken monkey: Added Kernel tests for the taxonomy
  359. term Views argument plugin.
  360. - #3011859 by drunken monkey: Fixed Tokenizer not removing short words at
  361. search time.
  362. - #3024753 by drunken monkey, ressa: Added overridden query() method to the
  363. Views query plugin.
  364. - #3014641 by drunken monkey, legolasbo: Fixed memory problems when indexing
  365. large amounts of items at once.
  366. - #3022724 by drunken monkey, legolasbo, borisson_: Fixed infinite loop when
  367. creating excerpts.
  368. - #1696434 by orakili, drunken monkey, ldweeks, ericchew, legolasbo, borisson_:
  369. Added a Views contextual filter for all taxonomy term fields.
  370. - #3022693 by drunken monkey, kashandarash, legolasbo: Fixed fatal error when
  371. Node module is not installed.
  372. - #2378945 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey, bdlangton, DamienMcKenna, JPHuxley,
  373. lpeabody, legolasbo: Added option to keep facets when submitting Views
  374. exposed form.
  375. - #3023168 by drunken monkey, legolasbo, borisson_: Fixed missing notices for
  376. deprecated methods.
  377. - #3023255 by drunken monkey, legolasbo: Removed installation of schema
  378. system.router from tests.
  379. - #2820410 by recrit, drunken monkey, miiimooo, abramm, borisson_, ndf: Added a
  380. Views field for rendering an entity.
  381. - #3023247 by drunken monkey, legolasbo: Updated references to
  382. NodeCreationTrait.
  383. - #3007933 by drunken monkey: Fixed bug in config form of "Ignore characters"
  384. processor.
  385. - #2948707 by trwill, drunken monkey: Fixed "Content access" processor not
  386. taking all grant records into account.
  387. - #3022452 by drunken monkey: Fixed failing tests on PHP 5.
  388. - #2861832 by mkalkbrenner, mtodor, drunken monkey: Added support for showing
  389. entity operations in Views.
  390. - #3021717 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added
  391. ExampleContentTrait::removeTestEntity().
  392. Search API 1.11 (2018-11-18):
  393. -----------------------------
  394. - #3012778 by Shashwat Purav, pamatt, drunken monkey: Fixed several doc comment
  395. typos.
  396. - #3011340 by pfrenssen, idimopoulos, drunken monkey: Fixed problem when
  397. updating multiple indexes' datasource settings via "drush cim".
  398. - #2986623 by drunken monkey, valic: Added the "Reverse entity references"
  399. processor.
  400. - #3009136 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Added the
  401. "search_api_retrieved_field_values" query option.
  402. - #3006267 by idebr, drunken monkey: Removed conditional code for Drupal 8.5.
  403. - #3007311 by drunken monkey: Fixed catch clause in
  404. PostRequestIndexing::destruct().
  405. - #2994022 by drunken monkey, Watergate, borisson_: Fixed facets when there are
  406. no search results in Database backend.
  407. - #2898917 by Lennard Westerveld, RoSk0, drunken monkey: Fixed Views filters
  408. with checkboxes and "is all of" operator.
  409. - #3001259 by klausi, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed HTML escaping throughout
  410. the module.
  411. - #3001030 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, mvantuch: Fixed excerpt not taking
  412. Solr filters into account.
  413. - #3004017 by idebr, drunken monkey: Fixed server/index config schemas to use
  414. UUID field from Core definition.
  415. - #2971619 by idebr, drunken monkey: Refactored the access check for the
  416. "Execute pending tasks" local action.
  417. - #2995342 by AndrewsizZ, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added stripping of
  418. script/style HTML tags in excerpts to Highlight processor.
  419. Search API 1.10 (2018-09-17):
  420. -----------------------------
  421. - #2993787 by drunken monkey, borisson_, mkalkbrenner: Added the possibility to
  422. boost fields in MLT queries.
  423. - #2936631 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for the "no_ui"
  424. definition key for plugins.
  425. - #2996936 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added suggested packages to
  426. composer.json.
  427. - #2987156 by hchonov, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed missing dependency on
  428. modules providing fields.
  429. - #2994638 by drunken monkey, Grayle, borisson_: Fixed warning in aggregated
  430. fields without values.
  431. - #2987237 by quicksketch, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed requirements hook
  432. for the Taxonomy Term Handlers module preventing updates from running.
  433. - #2992662 by capysara, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed the reindexing link
  434. when saving index processors or fields.
  435. - #2989689 by drunken monkey, valthebald, borisson_: Fixed bug in Views cache
  436. plugin alter hook.
  437. - #2919676 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed server entity link definitions.
  438. - #2996278 by drunken monkey: Removed one pointless variable.
  439. - #2987245 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of account_switcher service for
  440. switching the currently active account.
  441. - #2996907 by zerolab, drunken monkey: Fixed entity tracking using access
  442. checks.
  443. - #2993434 by jasonawant, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of comma-separated
  444. values in Views contextual filters.
  445. - #2983843 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed suggestion of installing default
  446. module when dependencies aren't met.
  447. - #2979316 by drunken monkey, Sutharsan: Fixed highlighting problems with
  448. multi-byte characters.
  449. - #2986310 by capysara, drunken monkey: Added link to reindexing when saving
  450. fields.
  451. - #2986013 by tim-diels, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed casting of
  452. nun-numeric strings in the database backend.
  453. - #2983630 by chipway, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed format of System
  454. dependency in
  455. - #2982660 by jhedstrom, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed indexed time of
  456. date-only fields.
  457. - #2986216 by drunken monkey: Added the "legacy" group to
  458. SearchApiDbUpdate8102Test.
  459. - #2920943 by drunken monkey: Fixed error handling for "Rendered item"
  460. processor.
  461. Search API 1.9 (2018-07-19):
  462. ----------------------------
  463. - #2956012 by drunken monkey, DuaelFr: Added uncustomized view modes as options
  464. when rendering items.
  465. - #2980903 by drunken monkey, kristofferwiklund, borisson_: Fixed undefined
  466. index notice in Views date filter.
  467. - #2982693 by jhedstrom, borisson_, drunken monkey: Adapted tests to latest
  468. Core changes.
  469. - #2971033 by mErilainen, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an option for prefix
  470. matching to the database backend.
  471. - #2973034 by idebr, drunken monkey: Removed outdated @todo comment.
  472. - #2972510 by msankhala, drunken monkey: Replaced Unicode::* methods with mb_*
  473. functions.
  474. - #2973047 by idebr, drunken monkey: Fixed misnamed test config files.
  475. - #2860167 by drunken monkey, borisson_, fenstrat: Added "orderby" to our
  476. config schema definitions.
  477. - #2948820 by capysara, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a link to the "need to
  478. reindex" message on the Filters tab.
  479. - #2965803 by capysara, drunken monkey: Fixed left-over use of @url placeholder.
  480. - #2957650 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed two minor problems.
  481. - #2939010 by nedjo, drunken monkey: Fixed deleted fields when index is created
  482. during module install.
  483. - #2931730 by drunken monkey, borisson_, chanderbhushan: Adapted to changes in
  484. drupal_set_message().
  485. - #2955607 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Removed our custom Query::__wakeup()
  486. work-around.
  487. - #2940138 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Switched to new Core tempstore service.
  488. - #2936630 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Adapted override detection code to use
  489. Config::hasOverrides().
  490. - #2961537 by drunken monkey: Increased Core dependency to Drupal 8.5.
  491. - #2959809 by drunken monkey, Rob230, mkalkbrenner, borisson_: Fixed small
  492. coding mistake in the "URL field" processor.
  493. - #2960931 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed viewing of multiple content
  494. entity items.
  495. Search API 1.8 (2018-04-16):
  496. ----------------------------
  497. - #2960854 by nedjo, drunken monkey: Fixed "Database search defaults" index.
  498. - #2930839 by drunken monkey: Update tests according to latest PHPUnit
  499. compatibility changes
  500. - #2921022 by drunken monkey, marcvangend: Fixed automatic task execution with
  501. Drush.
  502. - #2955887 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a way to re-execute a query.
  503. - #2925464 by drunken monkey, borisson_, .jch: Fixed problem with missing "NOT
  504. NULL" attribute in database backend.
  505. - #2953266 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a helper method for
  506. "selected"/"default" checks.
  507. - #2953267 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed REST dependency of Views test
  508. module.
  509. - #2945870 by Dropa, drunken monkey: Fixed timezone of indexed date strings.
  510. - #2948659 by drunken monkey, borisson_, bskibinski: Added support for HTML5
  511. placeholder in Views exposed filters.
  512. - #2951055 by bradjones1, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed documentation for
  513. IndexInterface::addField().
  514. - #2945560 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed handling of
  515. existing highlighting data in Highlight processor.
  516. - #2946386 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed typo in Query::getAbortMessage().
  517. - #2945675 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Unified use of self and static.
  518. Search API 1.7 (2018-02-23):
  519. ----------------------------
  520. - #2922525 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed "Index items immediately" to
  521. delay indexing until the end of the page request.
  522. - #2930720 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a UI for rebuilding the tracking
  523. table for an index.
  524. - #2912246 by drunken monkey: Fixed inconsistent array indices in query
  525. languages.
  526. - #2939405 by bserem, borisson_, drunken monkey, yoroy: Improved UI text on
  527. what is included in the index.
  528. - #2943705 by kevin.dutra, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed performance
  529. problems with LIFO tracker.
  530. - #2942846 by idebr, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added empty/not empty operators
  531. to Views fulltext field filters.
  532. - #2940255 by drunken monkey: Updated the DB autocomplete implementation to the
  533. stable API version.
  534. - #2938646 by drunken monkey, Johnny vd Laar: Fixed item-boosts in database
  535. backend.
  536. - #2939085 by mattgill, drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error in Views when trying
  537. to set keywords conjunction on aborted query.
  538. - #2933811 by drunken monkey: Fixed coding standards in new Drush code.
  539. - #2932347 by drunken monkey, ghaya: Fixed case insensitive matching for
  540. highlighting non-ASCII text.
  541. - #2938288 by drunken monkey: Fixed problems with PHP 7.2.
  542. - #2934321 by Graber, drunken monkey: Fixed Views total for views with pager
  543. offset.
  544. - #2932347 by drunken monkey, ghaya: Fixed case insensitive matching for
  545. highlighting non-ASCII text.
  546. - #2933309 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Made some helper methods in the
  547. CommandHelper class public.
  548. - #2928279 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a test for the default tracker
  549. plugin.
  550. Search API 1.6 (2017-12-24):
  551. ----------------------------
  552. - #2669962 by kevin.dutra, drunken monkey, kristofferwiklund, borisson_: Added
  553. option to change the order in which items are indexed.
  554. - #2917399 by drunken monkey, andypost, borisson_, zenimagine: Fixed definition
  555. of Views taxonomy term plugins.
  556. - #2922874 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed DBMS compatibility handling when
  557. a non-default database is used with the Database backend.
  558. - #2923910 by George Bills, drunken monkey, eft, borisson_, robin.ingelbrecht:
  559. Fixed handling of array-valued Views fulltext filter input.
  560. - #2914478 by borisson_, mpp, drunken monkey, pfrenssen, claudiu.cristea,
  561. kevin.dutra, SylvainM, jhedstrom, bircher: Added integration with Drush 9.
  562. - #2926733 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed indexing of leading/trailing
  563. whitespace in fulltext tokens on database backend.
  564. - #2922024 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed Stemmer incorrectly processing
  565. non-English searches.
  566. - #2931730 by drunken monkey: Adapted tests to changes in drupal_set_message().
  567. - #2929739 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Improved adherence to coding standards.
  568. - #2927748 by mkalkbrenner, mstiem, drunken monkey: Fixed Views field handler
  569. for multiple processor-defined fields returned by the server.
  570. - #2928944 by drunken monkey: Removed assert() calls with string parameters.
  571. - #2923976 by Martijn Houtman, drunken monkey: Fixed facets with random sorting
  572. on Database backend.
  573. - #2921582 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey: Fixed saving of "database_text" form
  574. field for Database servers.
  575. - #2919884 by samuel.mortenson, borisson_, drunken monkey: Improved performance
  576. for saving an index's reindexing state.
  577. - #2855254 by dev.patrick, drunken monkey, borisson_: Removed the remaining
  578. @codingStandardsIgnoreFile directive.
  579. - #2916754 by chr.fritsch, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed failure to detect
  580. whether a view is executed in the current request.
  581. - #2910638 by drunken monkey, borisson_, phillipHG: Fixed handling of
  582. entity-valued processor properties.
  583. - #2917036 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed illegal return values in
  584. Database::getAutocompleteSuggestions().
  585. - #2916225 by tilenav, borisson_, drunken monkey: Replaced manual config
  586. setting with installConfig() in our Kernel tests.
  587. - #2917779 by mkalkbrenner, edurenye, drunken monkey: Fixed fatal errors in
  588. views on PHP 5.
  589. - #2905562 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Increased the minimum Core version to
  590. 8.4.
  591. - #2916208 by drunken monkey: Fixed AJAX display of plugin forms.
  592. - #2278433 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added option to Views field handlers
  593. to use highlighted fields data.
  594. Search API 1.5 (2017-10-14):
  595. ----------------------------
  596. - #2913688 by kevin.dutra, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed display plugin for
  597. Views pages with contextual filters.
  598. - #2911734 by drunken monkey, borisson_, mkalkbrenner: Fixed Views display of
  599. fields returned from the backend.
  600. - #2910918 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed error in fields configuration
  601. form.
  602. - #2650986 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed various problems with Views
  603. field handling.
  604. - #2907518 by drunken monkey, jrockowitz, borisson_: Fixed index
  605. creation/update via CLI on large sites.
  606. - #2908440 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed UnsavedIndexConfiguration documentation.
  607. - #2899678 by drunken monkey, Graber, borisson_: Added support for VBO.
  608. - #2909153 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed fatal error for test fails under
  609. certain conditions.
  610. - #2907756 by drunken monkey, bojanz: Fixed "Entity status" processor to
  611. support other publishable entity types.
  612. - #2904377 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added Autocomplete tests for the DB
  613. backend.
  614. - #2907943 by drunken monkey: Fixed warnings on PHP 5.
  615. - #2906099 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of field's underlying property label in
  617. - #2896073 by drunken monkey, New Zeal: Fixed warnings when indexing empty text
  618. fields.
  619. - #2898082 by drunken monkey: Re-organized our test class namespaces.
  620. - #2907334 by drunken monkey: Fixed some more Drupal coding standards
  621. violations.
  622. - #2903407 by drunken monkey, alan-ps: Added #optional to form containers where
  623. appropriate.
  624. Search API 1.4 (2017-09-07):
  625. ----------------------------
  626. - #2905117 by drunken monkey: Fixed problems with multi-valued
  627. processor-generated fields on Solr.
  628. - #2884034 by drunken monkey: Fixed highlighting for processed keywords.
  629. - #2902947 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Thousands marker" setting for Views fields.
  630. - #2902907 by drunken monkey, juagarc4: Fixed indexing of multibyte text on
  631. MySQL.
  632. - #2903805 by drunken monkey: Disabled fields processors for hidden fields.
  633. - #2903014 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Enable for all fields" processor option.
  634. - #2904976 by drunken monkey: Fixed the current test fails.
  635. - #2902810 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Made query serialization in tests
  636. safer.
  637. - #2903834 by drunken monkey: Adapted to latest changes in Autocomplete module.
  638. - #2903633 by drunken monkey: Fixed current test fails.
  639. - #2899920 by kfritsche: Fixed stored value of boolean Views filters.
  640. - #2896312 by kerasai, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with Views options list
  641. filter.
  642. - #2896878 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails due to latest Core changes.
  643. - #2665476 by ericgsmith, drunken monkey: Fixed paging in cached views.
  644. Search API 1.3 (2017-07-19):
  645. ----------------------------
  646. - #2888584 by drunken monkey: Fixed index description for "cron batch size" of
  647. -1.
  648. - #2895142 by drunken monkey: Made our test classes more useful for other
  649. modules.
  650. - #2851436 by Erik Frèrejean, andywhale, beltofte, drunken monkey: Added a
  651. "Type-specific boosting" processor.
  652. - #2889426 by cspitzlay, drunken monkey: Fixed test fails on Drupal 8.3.
  653. - #2891387 by drunken monkey: Fixed some new code style issues.
  654. - #2891246 by drunken monkey: Fixed error detection in plugin helper.
  655. - #2884451 by drunken monkey: Fixed missing primary key for denormalized index
  656. tables in DB backend.
  657. - #2886978 by drunken monkey: Fixed tracking of entities in disabled languages.
  658. Search API 1.2 (2017-06-25):
  659. ----------------------------
  660. - #2881198 by jzavrl, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added property paths to "Add
  661. fields" form.
  662. - #2883475 by Matthijs, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for "Language
  663. not applicable".
  664. - #2883807 by LammensJ, drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Views UI for
  665. contextual filters.
  666. - #2880239 by acbramley, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed logic for multiple
  667. sorts on the same field.
  668. - #2889426 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for latest Core changes.
  669. - #2884720 by blake.thompson: Added a display plugin for the Views Embed
  670. display type.
  671. - #2882347 by mkalkbrenner: Fixed forms to not have unserializable properties.
  672. - #2676468 by acbramley, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed stale cache in search
  673. view with tag-based caching.
  674. - #2876398 by drunken monkey: Fixed operator description of Views "Fulltext
  675. search" filter.
  676. - #2881945 by drunken monkey: Removed unnecessary check in
  677. AddURL::addFieldValues().
  678. - #2886981 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for latest Core changes.
  679. - #2880026 by Anton4yk, drunken monkey: Fixed bugs in entity datasource's item
  680. discovery code for edge cases.
  681. - #2881631 by jzavrl, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added alphabetic sort for
  682. properties in "Add fields" form.
  683. - #2867809 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an option to enable a processor
  684. for all compatible fields.
  685. - #2878974 by acbramley: Added the date Views argument plugin.
  686. - #2840274 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Updated the Core dependency to 8.3.
  687. - #2874895 by harsha012, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed OOP code to use the
  688. t() method instead of the global t() function.
  689. - #2624876 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a query option for "properties
  690. to retrieve".
  691. - #2682949 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Adapted to changes in the Autocomplete
  692. module.
  693. Search API 1.1 (2017-05-10):
  694. ----------------------------
  695. - #2858303 by beluoctavian, drunken monkey: Fixed "is empty" Views filters for
  696. taxonomy term references.
  697. - #2873246 by drunken monkey: Fixed a second error for cached aborted search
  698. queries in Views.
  699. - #2862289 by hoebekewim, drunken monkey: Fixed oversized column for fulltext
  700. fields in denormalized index table.
  701. - #2859683 by drunken monkey: Added a note to fields processors explaining that
  702. per-field keywords processing isn't supported.
  703. - #2871497 by drunken monkey: Fixed validation of "Whitespace characters"
  704. setting for the Tokenizer processor.
  705. - #2868704 by drunken monkey: Fixed old removed fields being present on query
  706. object.
  707. - #2863955 by alan-ps, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed unsupported processors
  708. remaining enabled.
  709. - #2870988 by sahilsharma011, c.nish2k3, kala4ek: Removed translations from all
  710. tests.
  711. - #2871030 by drunken monkey: Fixed error for cached aborted search queries in
  713. - #2230935 by shkiper, drunken monkey: Added the "search-api-server-clear"
  714. Drush command.
  715. Search API 1.0 (2017-04-26):
  716. ----------------------------
  717. - #2871145 by opdavies, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed link to for
  718. PCRE reference.
  719. - #2543472 by drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of multiple indexes via Drush.
  720. - #2871549 by drunken monkey: Added note about backwards compatibility to
  721. README.txt.
  722. Search API 1.0, RC 4 (2017-04-21):
  723. ----------------------------------
  724. - #2869121 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error when required fulltext filter is
  725. in exposed form block.
  726. Search API 1.0, RC 3 (2017-04-20):
  727. ----------------------------------
  728. - #2869121 by drunken monkey, Wim Leers, wouter.adem, borisson_: Added improved
  729. "Required" handling for the Views "Fulltext search" filter.
  730. - #2870782 by drunken monkey: Fixed the tests for Drupal 8.2.
  731. - #2868851 by acbramley, drunken monkey: Fixed wrong interface used for loggers.
  732. - #2868427 by dbjpanda, drunken monkey: Fixed use of d.o URL alias in
  733. README.txt.
  734. Search API 1.0, RC 2 (2017-04-10):
  735. ----------------------------------
  736. - #2846932 by drunken monkey, killua99, borisson_: Fixed error when changing
  737. boost values with a Postgres database backend.
  738. - #2866454 by phenaproxima, drunken monkey: Fixed problems in update 8103.
  739. - #2844945 by drunken monkey: Fixed uncaught exception when adding too many
  740. fields.
  741. Search API 1.0, RC 1 (2017-04-09):
  742. ----------------------------------
  743. - #2776659 by drunken monkey, drholera: Removed the deprecated Utility methods.
  744. - #2268809 by drunken monkey: Converted all arrays in the code to use the short
  745. syntax.
  746. - #2863736 by fran seva, drunken monkey: Added a setDataDefinition() method to
  747. the Field class.
  748. - #2867118 by drunken monkey: Fixed reported coding standards problems.
  749. - #2839932 by drunken monkey, borisson_, bmcclure, jacktonkin: Fixed Views
  750. problems with "Rendered item" fields.
  751. - #2765317 by vasike: Added a "Last" aggregation for aggregated fields.
  752. - #2861657 by drunken monkey: Removed remaining usages of "e.g.".
  753. Search API 1.0, Beta 5 (2017-04-02):
  754. ------------------------------------
  755. - #2842029 by vasike, drunken monkey: Added a "plugin helper" service for
  756. creating index plugins.
  757. - #2863253 by drunken monkey: Added hook infos for all our hooks.
  758. - #2856050 by StryKaizer, drunken monkey, marthinal, borisson_: Added getPath()
  759. to display plugins and deprecated getUrl().
  760. - #2856003 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added "index" and "path" to search
  761. display annotation definition.
  762. - #2842557 by StryKaizer, Boobaa, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "is rendered
  763. on current page" checks for Views displays with contextual filters.
  764. - #2855157 by dbjpanda: Fixed a small CSS error.
  765. - #2842007 by shashank.mundhra: Fixed DB comment of search_api_item.status
  766. column.
  767. - #2682369 by Alumei, drunken monkey, swentel, Crell, stBorchert, prics,
  768. borisson_: Fixed problems with overridden config entities.
  769. - #2645882 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "items could not be indexed"
  770. message for "Index now".
  771. - #2641388 by mallezie, drunken monkey, borisson_, janusman: Added various UX
  772. improvements for the "Fields" tab.
  773. - #2861587 by alexpott: Fixed the DB/Defaults integration tests.
  774. - #2855758 by StryKaizer, drunken monkey: Fixed "is rendered" checks for Views
  775. block displays.
  776. - #2855444 by drunken monkey: Added language-specific test for the "Rendered
  777. item" processor.
  778. - #2794295 by isramv, drunken monkey, alan-ps: Fixed default index indexing term
  779. names instead of IDs.
  780. - #2343161 by alan-ps, drunken monkey: Added per-datasource indexing stats.
  781. - #2857017 by shkiper: Fixed copy-paste errors in js/index-active-formatters.js.
  782. - #2311039 by drunken monkey: Fixed missing dependency injection for all form
  783. and plugin classes.
  784. - #2745655 by drunken monkey: Added test for (NOT) NULL conditions on fulltext
  785. fields in DB backend.
  786. - #2574889 by drunken monkey, ChristianAdamski: Added Tour module integration.
  787. - #2814925 by kducharm, drunken monkey, Cyberwolf: Fixed indexing of computed
  788. fields.
  789. - #2852807 by alan-ps: Fixed CheckStyle warnings in this project.
  790. - #2659868 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed CacheabilityTest to make sure it
  791. displays the rendered entities.
  792. - #2853049 by Blanca.Esqueda: Fixed config schema error for Views date filters.
  793. - #2847810 by JayKandari: Added Stemmer to ProcessorIntegrationTest.
  794. - #2753667 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, borisson_, idimopoulos, sandervd,
  795. sardara: Improved Views cache plugins and their cache metadata.
  796. - #2843854 by becw, drunken monkey: Fixed date filters in search views.
  797. - #2753763 by drholera, drunken monkey: Added a logging trait which can also
  798. log exceptions.
  799. - #2850025 by alan-ps: Added a "label_collection" property for our entity types.
  800. - #2851533 by drunken monkey: Adapted the tests to the latest Core changes.
  801. - #2491175 by drunken monkey, ptmkenny: Added a new "Entity status" processor
  802. to replace "Node status".
  803. - #2681273 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added plugin descriptions consistently
  804. to the UI.
  805. - #2642792 by drunken monkey: Fixed and expanded the RenderedItemTest.
  806. - #2844527 by ayalon, drunken monkey: Added some contextual filters for Views.
  807. - #2847307 by JayKandari, drunken monkey: Removed "Display" suffix from our
  808. search display plugins.
  809. - #2849507 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails on Drupal 8.4.
  810. - #2846255 by drunken monkey: Fixed displayed order of processors in UI.
  811. - #2656916 by drunken monkey: Removed unused field dependency calculation
  812. method.
  813. - #2844192 by BR0kEN, drunken monkey: Fixed failure in DB backend when setting
  814. field boost from 0 to other value.
  815. - #2847588 by Nick_vh, drunken monkey: Improved the description of the
  816. search_api_views_taxonomy module.
  817. - #2843632 by beram, drunken monkey: Fixed "contains any" for Views fulltext
  818. contextual filter.
  819. - #2842971 by jespermb, borisson_: Fixed wrong URL for block search displays.
  820. - #2842546 by alan-ps: Fixed Drush commands for enabling and disabling indexes.
  821. - #2840675 by nicrodgers, drunken monkey: Added support for Views filters with
  822. option lists.
  823. - #2841550 by drunken monkey: Fixed execution of pending tasks.
  824. - #2841827 by umed91, drunken monkey: Fixed some code style issues.
  825. - #2682615 by drunken monkey: Added tests for object serialization and cloning.
  826. - #2794879 by drunken monkey: Added property paths to the "Fields" tab.
  827. - #2840261 by alan-ps: Fixed usage of outdated hash functions.
  828. Search API 1.0, Beta 4 (2016-10-24):
  829. ------------------------------------
  830. - #2839981 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed search ID for non-page views.
  831. - #2834350 by alan-ps: Fixed missing field restriction in DB backend
  832. autocomplete code.
  833. - #2809469 by StryKaizer, borisson_, drunken monkey, pfrenssen: Fixed
  834. incompatible cache modes used for Search API views.
  835. - #2839142 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added new test for Defaults module
  836. index creation.
  837. - #2831436 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added dependency information to
  838. display plugins.
  839. - #2836994 by dermario: Fixed order of facets in DB backend unreliable.
  840. - #2839445 by borisson_: Fixed test failure in for some Core versions.
  841. - #2833229 by timcosgrove: Removed array type hinting for batch contexts.
  842. - #2656052 by drunken monkey: Removed the "plugin_id"/"settings" sub-level of
  843. index plugin settings.
  844. - #2837099 by drunken monkey: Fixed the tests in latest Drupal 8.3 dev version.
  845. - #2709351 by drunken monkey: Fixed invalid processor configurations when field
  846. configuration changes.
  847. - #2829351 by SchnWalter, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed
  848. $entity->search_api_skip_tracking for nodes.
  849. - #2827961 by drunken monkey, Steven Jones: Fixed problems with giant scores in
  850. DB backend.
  851. - #2823985 by felribeiro, dermario, borisson_: Added an integration test for
  852. the "Role filter" processor.
  853. - #2832015 by mkalkbrenner: Removed translations from functional tests.
  854. - #2828184 by ekes: Fixed bug in Stemmer config form validation.
  855. - #2828848 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Prepared IntegrationTest
  856. to be executed with different backends.
  857. - #2828148 by ekes, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed problem when stemming
  858. multiple words at once.
  859. - #2826822 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of illegal typed data type "text".
  860. - #2826308 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Fixed unwanted filter in Views
  861. tests.
  862. - #2734897 by niko-, drunken monkey: Added tests for preIndexSave()
  863. implementations.
  864. - #2650364 by drunken monkey: Added a "skip access checks" option to the Views
  865. relationship plugin.
  866. - #2826160 by keboca, drunken monkey: Fixed config form of "Role filter"
  867. processor to be more robust.
  868. - #2753815 by niko-, drunken monkey, itsekhmistro, borisson_: Ported Simpletest
  869. web tests to BrowserTestBase tests.
  870. - #2358065 by tstoeckler: Added the option for highlighting of partial matches
  871. to the processor.
  872. - #2470837 by sinn, drunken monkey: Added documentation on why to disable Core
  873. Search.
  874. - #2767609 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added backend tests for empty value
  875. conditions.
  876. - #2789431 by phenaproxima, drunken monkey: Added possibility to display
  877. processor-generated fields in Views.
  878. - #2822553 by niko-: Removed a test assertion that failed when run via GUI.
  879. - #2821445 by drunken monkey: Fixed warning in HTML filter for non-HTML fields.
  880. - #2733185 by sinn, drunken monkey: Added documentation and tests for tracker
  881. and display plugin alter hooks.
  882. - #2824326 by Jo Fitzgerald: Fixed generated autocomplete suggestions of the DB
  883. backend.
  884. - #2824932 by mkalkbrenner: Fixed incorrect indexing call in backend tests.
  885. - #2821498 by stBorchert: Increased our required minimum Core version to 8.2.
  886. - #2816979 by drunken monkey: Added click-sorting for indexed fields in Views.
  887. - #2779159 by mark_fullmer, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a Stemmer
  888. processor.
  889. - #2799497 by drunken monkey: Added a getter for the Views query's "where"
  890. property.
  891. - #2574583 by drunken monkey: Fixed loading of entities from excluded bundles.
  892. - #2795861 by sinn: Removed some deprecated methods.
  893. - #2748323 by sinn: Fixed comment reference to removed method
  894. alterPropertyDefinitions().
  895. - #2809753 by drunken monkey: Fixed issues with multiple OR facets.
  896. - #2821955 by mkalkbrenner: Adapted processor test base for use with other
  897. backends.
  898. - #2819637 by alan-ps: Renamed use of the DB layer rollback() method to
  899. rollBack().
  900. Search API 1.0, Beta 3 (2016-10-24):
  901. ------------------------------------
  902. - #2625152 by jhedstrom, drunken monkey, borisson_, mpp, stijn.blomme,
  903. Rodlangh: Added an "Index hierarchy" processor.
  904. - #2818621 by alan-ps: Fixed overly accurate index status percentage.
  905. - #2792277 by drunken monkey: Fixed issues during config syncing of our
  906. entities.
  907. - #2813525 by drunken monkey, alan-ps: Fixed incorrect indexing of
  908. nodes/comments with excluded bundle.
  909. - #2803701 by drunken monkey, rbayliss: Fixed strict warnings from
  910. UnsavedConfigurationFormTrait.
  911. - #2711017 by drunken monkey: Adapted Core's UncacheableDependencyTrait.
  912. - #2690229 by drunken monkey: Adapted Core's SubformState solution.
  913. - #2575641 by rbayliss, dazz, drunken monkey: Fixed behavior of "Save and edit"
  914. button for indexes.
  915. - #2769021 by drunken monkey: Added the generated Search API query to the Views
  916. preview.
  917. - #2817341 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added PluginDependencyTrait to
  918. ConfigurablePluginBase.
  919. - #2809211 by cristiroma: Fixed size of text fields on "Fields" tab.
  920. - #2684465 by Dropa, david.gil, drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of
  921. non-translated entity references.
  922. - #2695627 by dermario, drunken monkey: Added support for (NOT) IN and (NOT)
  923. BETWEEN operators to Views.
  924. - #2782577 by drunken monkey, zuhair_ak: Fixed extraction of configurable
  925. properties in processors.
  926. Search API 1.0, Beta 2 (2016-09-28):
  927. ------------------------------------
  928. - #2798643 by drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed handling of enforced dependencies
  929. for search indexes.
  930. - #2799475 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added support for Views block and REST
  931. displays in the Views search display deriver.
  932. - #2763161 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed cache issues with Views search
  933. display plugins.
  934. - #2800011 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed display of hidden properties
  935. when adding fields.
  936. - #2794093 by drunken monkey, borisson_, kamalrajsahu21: Fixed the processor
  937. reordering CSS.
  938. - #2640982 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "unsaved changes" code in the
  939. Fields UI.
  940. - #2727697 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed serialization of modified
  941. indexes.
  942. - #2747767 by joachim: Changed the "Aggregation type" form element to radios.
  943. - #2565621 by LKS90, drunken monkey: Added a test for the database defaults
  944. submodule.
  945. - #2684465 by drunken monkey, marthinal: Fixed indexing of related entities on
  946. multilingual sites.
  947. - #2566241 by drunken monkey: Fixed index tracker select default value.
  948. - #2555177 by drunken monkey: Fixed empty bundle selects in datasource config
  949. forms.
  950. Search API 1.0, Beta 1 (2016-09-05):
  951. ------------------------------------
  952. First Beta release of the project's Drupal 8 version. The API can be considered
  953. mostly stable and an upgrade path will be provided for all data structure
  954. changes from this point forward.