in Schemata 8
schemata_json_schema/ source
- services:
- serializer.encoder.json_schema.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Encoder\JsonSchemaEncoder
- arguments: ['@serializer.encoder.json']
- tags:
- - { name: encoder, priority: 10, format: 'schema_json:json' }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - NORMALIZERS for each format.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - 1. JSON format.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # References should be converted to other schema resources for the type.
- # This priority ensures the DataReferenceDefinition is handled before
- # DataDefinition. Since it is orthogonal to ComplexDataDefinition, they share
- # the same priority.
- serializer.normalizer.data_reference_definition.schema_json.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\json\DataReferenceDefinitionNormalizer
- arguments: ['@entity_type.manager']
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 25 }
- # Normalize complex data properties.
- # This priority ensures the ComplexDataDefinition is handled before
- # DataDefinition. Since it is orthagonal to DataReferenceDefinition, they
- # share the same priority.
- serializer.normalizer.complex_data_definition.schema_json.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\json\ComplexDataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 20 }
- # Field definitions are a variant of List definitions, with additional access
- # to the particular schema and configuration pieces from the field system. As
- # a subclass of ListDataDefinitionInterface, FieldDefinitionInterface needs a
- # higher priority.
- serializer.normalizer.field_definition.schema_json.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\json\FieldDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 30 }
- # If the typed data definition is a list (as most are somewhere along the
- # property hierarchy) this triggers the recursion to the next layer.
- serializer.normalizer.list_data_definition.schema_json.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\json\ListDataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 20 }
- # Typed data definitions in general can take many forms. This handles final items.
- serializer.normalizer.data_definition.schema_json.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\json\DataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 10 }
- # This is the main JSON Schema normalizer.
- serializer.normalizer.schema.schema_json.json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\json\SchemataSchemaNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 10 }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - 2. JSON API format.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- serializer.normalizer.complex_data_definition.schema_json.jsonapi:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\ComplexDataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 20 }
- serializer.normalizer.field_definition.schema_json.jsonapi:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\FieldDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 30 }
- serializer.normalizer.relationship_field_definition.schema_json.jsonapi:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\RelationshipFieldDefinitionNormalizer
- arguments: ['@plugin.manager.field.field_type']
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 35 }
- serializer.normalizer.list_data_definition.schema_json.jsonapi:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\ListDataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 20 }
- serializer.normalizer.data_definition.schema_json.jsonapi:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\DataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 10 }
- serializer.normalizer.schema.schema_json.jsonapi:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\jsonapi\SchemataSchemaNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 10 }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - 3. HAL+JSON format.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Note: The HAL+JSON version of the Data Reference normalizer depends on the
- # HAL module and is in registered in SchemataJsonSchemaServiceProvider.
- # Normalize complex data properties for HAL.
- # This services is primarily used to short-circuit merging normalization of
- # data references to the schema root.
- serializer.normalizer.complex_data_definition.schema_json.hal_json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\hal\ComplexDataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 25 }
- # HAL version of FieldDefinition.
- # This services is primarily used to short-circuit merging normalization of
- # data references to the schema root.
- serializer.normalizer.field_definition.schema_json.hal_json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\hal\FieldDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 35 }
- # HAL version of the ListDataDefinition.
- # This services is primarily used to short-circuit merging normalization of
- # data references to the schema root.
- serializer.normalizer.list_data_definition.schema_json.hal_json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\hal\ListDataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 25 }
- serializer.normalizer.schema.schema_json.hal_json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\hal\SchemataSchemaNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 15 }
- serializer.normalizer.data_definition.schema_json.hal_json:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Normalizer\hal\DataDefinitionNormalizer
- tags:
- - { name: normalizer, priority: 10 }
- plugin.manager.schemata_json_schema.type_mapper:
- class: Drupal\schemata_json_schema\Plugin\Type\TypeMapperPluginManager
- arguments: ['@container.namespaces', '@module_handler']