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9 calls to SchemaNameBase::t() in Metatag 7

SchemaDateBase::getForm in src/SchemaDateBase.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.
SchemaIsAccessibleForFreeBase::getForm in src/SchemaIsAccessibleForFreeBase.php
Build the form for this meta tag.
SchemaItemListElementBase::getForm in src/SchemaItemListElementBase.php
Build the form for this meta tag.
SchemaItemListElementBreadcrumbBase::getForm in src/SchemaItemListElementBreadcrumbBase.php
Build the form for this meta tag.
SchemaItemListElementViewsBase::getForm in src/SchemaItemListElementViewsBase.php
Build the form for this meta tag.
SchemaMainEntityOfPageBase::getForm in src/SchemaMainEntityOfPageBase.php
Build the form for this meta tag.
SchemaMovieHasPart::getForm in schema_movie/src/SchemaMovieHasPart.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.
SchemaTrueFalseBase::getForm in src/SchemaTrueFalseBase.php
Build the form for this meta tag.
SchemaTypeBase::getForm in src/SchemaTypeBase.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.