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public static function SchemaOrganizationAdditionalType::labels in Metatag 8

Return a list of object labels.

This is generally the only method that needs to be extended for type tags. Either return a simple array of types, or prefix the type names with dashes and spaces to indicate their hierarchy. The prefixed dashes and spaces will be removed when creating the raw list of available types.

Overrides SchemaTypeBase::labels

See also



schema_organization/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/SchemaOrganizationAdditionalType.php, line 31


Plugin for the 'schema_organization_additional_type' meta tag.




public static function labels() {
  return [
    '- CollegeOrUniversity',
    '- ElementarySchool',
    '- HighSchool',
    '- MiddleSchool',
    '- Preschool',
    '- School',
    '- AnimalShelter',
    '- AutomotiveBusiness',
    '-- AutoBodyShop',
    '-- AutoDealer',
    '-- AutoPartsStore',
    '-- AutoRental',
    '-- AutoRepair',
    '-- AutoWash',
    '-- GasStation',
    '-- MotorcycleDealer',
    '-- MotorcycleRepair',
    '- ChildCare',
    '- Dentist',
    '- DryCleaningOrLaundry',
    '- EmergencyService',
    '-- FireStation',
    '-- Hospital',
    '-- PoliceStation',
    '- EmploymentAgency',
    '- EntertainmentBusiness',
    '-- AdultEntertainment',
    '-- AmusementPark',
    '-- ArtGallery',
    '-- Casino',
    '-- ComedyClub',
    '-- MovieTheater',
    '-- NightClub',
    '- FinancialService',
    '-- AccountingService',
    '-- AutomatedTeller',
    '-- BankOrCreditUnion',
    '-- InsuranceAgency',
    '- FoodEstablishment',
    '-- Bakery',
    '-- BarOrPub',
    '-- Brewery',
    '-- CafeOrCoffeeShop',
    '-- FastFoodRestaurant',
    '-- IceCreamShop',
    '-- Restaurant',
    '-- Winery',
    '- GovernmentOffice',
    '-- PostOffice',
    '- HealthAndBeautyBusiness',
    '-- BeautySalon',
    '-- DaySpa',
    '-- HairSalon',
    '-- HealthClub',
    '-- NailSalon',
    '-- TattooParlor',
    '- HomeAndConstructionBusiness',
    '-- Electrician',
    '-- GeneralContractor',
    '-- HVACBusiness',
    '-- HousePainter',
    '-- Locksmith',
    '-- MovingCompany',
    '-- Plumber',
    '-- RoofingContractor',
    '- InternetCafe',
    '- LegalService',
    '-- Attorney',
    '-- Notary',
    '- Library',
    '- LodgingBusiness',
    '-- BedAndBreakfast',
    '-- Campground',
    '-- Hostel',
    '-- Hotel',
    '-- Motel',
    '-- Resort',
    '- ProfessionalService',
    '- RadioStation',
    '- RealEstateAgent',
    '- RecyclingCenter',
    '- SelfStorage',
    '- ShoppingCenter',
    '- SportsActivityLocation',
    '-- BowlingAlley',
    '-- ExerciseGym',
    '-- GolfCourse',
    '-- HealthClub',
    '-- PublicSwimmingPool',
    '-- SkiResort',
    '-- SportsClub',
    '-- StadiumOrArena',
    '-- TennisComplex',
    '- Store',
    '-- AutoPartsStore',
    '-- BikeStore',
    '-- BookStore',
    '-- ClothingStore',
    '-- ComputerStore',
    '-- ConvenienceStore',
    '-- DepartmentStore',
    '-- ElectronicsStore',
    '-- Florist',
    '-- FurnitureStore',
    '-- GardenStore',
    '-- GroceryStore',
    '-- HardwareStore',
    '-- HobbyShop',
    '-- HomeGoodsStore',
    '-- JewelryStore',
    '-- LiquorStore',
    '-- MensClothingStore',
    '-- MobilePhoneStore',
    '-- MovieRentalStore',
    '-- MusicStore',
    '-- OfficeEquipmentStore',
    '-- OutletStore',
    '-- PawnShop',
    '-- PetStore',
    '-- ShoeStore',
    '-- SportingGoodsStore',
    '-- TireShop',
    '-- ToyStore',
    '-- WholesaleStore',
    '- TelevisionStation',
    '- TouristInformationCenter',
    '- TravelAgency',
    '- Dentist',
    '- Hospital',
    '- Pharmacy',
    '- Physician',
    '- DanceGroup',
    '- MusicGroup',
    '- TheaterGroup',
    '- SportsTeam',