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Schema module enhancements to DatabaseSchema_pgsql


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 * @file
 * Schema module enhancements to DatabaseSchema_pgsql
class SchemaDatabaseSchema_pgsql extends DatabaseSchema_pgsql {

   * Retrieve generated SQL to create a new table from a Drupal schema definition.
   * @param $name
   *   The name of the table to create.
   * @param $table
   *   A Schema API table definition array.
   * @return
   *   An array of SQL statements to create the table.
  public function getCreateTableSql($name, $table) {
    return parent::createTableSql($name, $table);
  public function schema_type_map() {
    static $map;
    if (!isset($map)) {
      $map = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', $this
      $map['character varying'] = 'varchar:normal';
      $map['integer'] = 'int:normal';
    return $map;

   * Overrides DatabaseSchema_pgsql::getFieldTypeMap().
  public function getFieldTypeMap() {
    $map =& drupal_static('SchemaDatabaseSchema_pgsql::getFieldTypeMap');
    if (!isset($map)) {
      $map = parent::getFieldTypeMap();
      drupal_alter('schema_field_type_map', $map, $this, $this->connection);
    return $map;
  public function inspect($connection = NULL, $table_name = NULL) {

    // Support the deprecated connection parameter.
    if (isset($connection) && $connection != $this->connection
      ->getKey()) {
      $this->connection = Database::getConnection('default', $connection);

    // Get the current database name
    $info = $this->connection
    $database = $info['database'];

    // Apply table prefixes.
    if (isset($table_name)) {
      $table_info = $this

      // @todo What do we do with $table_info['schema']?
      $table_name = $table_info['table'];

    // Retrieve information about all columns in the database from the
    // 'columns' table of 'information_schema'.  In pgsql, TABLE_CATALOG
    // is the database name and we provide $database to query() below.
    // We sort the columns by table_name and ordinal_position so the get
    // added to our array in the same order.
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS ' . 'WHERE table_catalog=:database AND table_schema=current_schema()';
    $tokens = array(
      ':database' => $database,
    if (isset($table_name)) {
      $sql .= 'AND table_name = :table ';
      $tokens[':table'] = $table_name;
    $sql .= 'ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position';
    $res = $this->connection
      ->query($sql, $tokens);

    // Add an entry to $tables[<tablename>]['fields'] for each column.  $r
    // is a row from information_schema.columns.  $col is the Schema
    // column structure we build up from it.
    foreach ($res as $r) {
      $col = array();
      $r->new_table_name = schema_unprefix_table($r->table_name, $this->connection);

      // We treat numeric columns slightly differently and identify them
      // because they have a 'numeric_precision_radix' property.
      $numeric = !is_null($r->numeric_precision_radix);

      // Determine the Schema type and size from the database data_type.
      list($col['type'], $col['size']) = schema_schema_type($r->data_type, $r->table_name, $r->column_name, 'pgsql');

      // Non-numeric columns (e.g. varchar) can have a 'length'.
      if (!$numeric && $r->character_maximum_length) {
        $col['length'] = $r->character_maximum_length;

      // Type 'numeric' columns have precision and scale
      if ($col['type'] == 'numeric') {
        $col['precision'] = (int) $r->numeric_precision;
        $col['scale'] = (int) $r->numeric_scale;

      // Any column can have NOT NULL.
      $col['not null'] = $r->is_nullable == 'YES' ? FALSE : TRUE;

      // Any column might have a default value.  We have to set
      // $col['default'] to the correct type of data.  Remember that '',
      // 0, and '0' are all different types.
      if (!is_null($r->column_default)) {

        // pgsql's column_default can have ::typename appended,
        // nextval('<sequence_name>') if it is serial, etc.  Here, we're
        // just splitting out the actual default value.
        if (strpos($r->column_default, '::') !== FALSE) {
          list($col['default'], $def_type) = explode('::', $r->column_default);
        else {
          $col['default'] = $r->column_default;
          $def_type = '';
        if ($numeric) {

          // $col['default'] is currently a string.  If the column is
          // numeric, use intval() or floatval() to extract the value as a
          // numeric type.
          // The value is actually an expression, and may be stored with parentheses
          $col['default'] = preg_replace('/^\\((.*)\\)$/', '\\1', $col['default']);

          // more pgsql-specific stuff
          if (strpos($col['default'], 'nextval(\'') !== FALSE && $def_type == 'regclass)') {
            $col['type'] = 'serial';
          elseif ($col['type'] == 'float') {
            $col['default'] = floatval($col['default']);
          else {
            $col['default'] = intval($col['default']);
        else {

          // The column is not numeric, so $col['default'] should remain
          // a string.  However, pgsql returns $r->column_default
          // wrapped in single-quotes.  We just want the string value,
          // so strip off the quotes.
          $col['default'] = substr($col['default'], 1, -1);

      // Set $col['unsigned'] if the column is unsigned.  These
      // domains are currently defined in system.install (they should
      // probably eventually be moved into
      switch ($r->domain_name) {
        case 'int_unsigned':
        case 'smallint_unsigned':
        case 'bigint_unsigned':
          $col['unsigned'] = 1;
      if (isset($r->check_clause) && $r->check_clause == '((' . $r->column_name . ' => 0))') {
        $col['unsigned'] = 1;

      // Save the column definition we just derived from $r.
      $tables[$r->table_name]['fields'][$r->column_name] = $col;

      // At this point, $tables is indexed by the raw db table name - save the unprefixed
      // name for later use
      $tables[$r->table_name]['name'] = $r->new_table_name;

    // Make sur we caught all the unsigned columns.  I could not get
    // this to work as a left join on the previous query.
    $res = $this->connection
      ->query('SELECT ccu.*, cc.check_clause
                     FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu
                     INNER JOIN information_schema.check_constraints cc ON ccu.constraint_name=cc.constraint_name
                     WHERE table_schema=current_schema()');
    foreach ($res as $r) {
      $r->table_name = schema_unprefix_table($r->table_name, $this->connection);
      if ($r->check_clause == '((' . $r->column_name . ' >= 0))' || $r->check_clause == '((' . $r->column_name . ' >= (0)::numeric))') {
        $tables[$r->table_name]['fields'][$r->column_name]['unsigned'] = TRUE;

    // Retrieve information about all keys in the database from the pg
    // system catalogs.  This query is derived from phpPgAdmin's
    // getIndexes() function.  The pg_get_indexdef() function returns
    // the CREATE INDEX statement to create the index; we parse it to
    // produce our data structure.  Ick.
    $res = $this->connection
      ->query('SELECT n.nspname, c.relname AS tblname, ' . '   c2.relname AS indname, i.indisprimary, i.indisunique, ' . '   pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) AS inddef ' . 'FROM pg_class c, pg_class c2, pg_index i, pg_namespace n ' . 'WHERE c.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid AND ' . '      c.relnamespace=n.oid AND n.nspname=current_schema() ' . 'ORDER BY c2.relname');
    foreach ($res as $r) {
      $r->tblname = schema_unprefix_table($r->tblname, $this->connection);
      $r->indname = schema_unprefix_table($r->indname, $this->connection);
      if (preg_match('@CREATE(?: UNIQUE)? INDEX \\w+ ON "?(\\w+)"?(?: USING \\w+)? \\((.*)\\)@', $r->inddef, $m)) {
        list($all, $table, $keys) = $m;
        $name = $r->indname;
        if (preg_match('@^' . $r->tblname . '_(.*)_(?:idx|key)$@', $name, $m)) {
          $name = $m[1];
        preg_match_all('@((?:"?\\w+"?)|(?:substr\\(\\(?"?(\\w+)\\"?.*?, 1, (\\d+)\\)))(?:, |$)@', $keys, $m);
        foreach ($m[1] as $idx => $colname) {
          if ($m[2][$idx]) {
            $key = array(
          else {
            $key = str_replace('"', '', $colname);
          if ($r->indisprimary == 't') {
            $tables[$r->tblname]['primary key'][] = $key;
          elseif ($r->indisunique == 't') {
            $tables[$r->tblname]['unique keys'][$name][] = $key;
          else {
            $tables[$r->tblname]['indexes'][$name][] = $key;
      else {
        watchdog('schema', 'unrecognized pgsql index definition: @stmt', array(
          '@stmt' => $r->inddef,

    // Now, for tables which we have unprefixed, index $tables by the unprefixed name
    foreach ($tables as $tablename => $table) {
      $newname = $tables[$tablename]['name'];
      if ($tablename != $newname) {
        $tables[$newname] = $table;

    // All done!  Visit admin/structure/schema/inspect to see the
    // pretty-printed version of what gets returned here and verify if
    // it is correct.
    return $tables;



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SchemaDatabaseSchema_pgsql @file Schema module enhancements to DatabaseSchema_pgsql