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public function SchemaDatabaseSchema_mysql::inspect in Schema 7

Retrieves the schema for the database's actual structure.


$connection: (optional) The name of a database connection. If omitted, 'default' is used.

$table_name: (optional) The name of a table to limit the returned data to. If omitted, data on all tables is returned.

Return value

An array of data about the database, in the same format as used by the Schema API.


engines/, line 79
Schema module enhancements to DatabaseSchema_mysql


@file Schema module enhancements to DatabaseSchema_mysql


public function inspect($connection = NULL, $table_name = NULL) {

  // Support the deprecated connection parameter.
  if (isset($connection) && $connection != $this->connection
    ->getKey()) {
    $this->connection = Database::getConnection('default', $connection);

  // Get the current database name
  $info = $this->connection
  $database = $info['database'];

  // Apply table prefixes.
  if (isset($table_name)) {
    $table_info = $this
    if (!empty($table_info['database']) && $database != $table_info['database']) {
      $database = $table_info['database'];
    $table_name = $table_info['table'];
  $tables = array();
  $args = array(
    ':database' => $database,
  $sql = 'SELECT table_name, table_comment
            FROM information_schema.tables
            WHERE table_schema=:database ';
  if (isset($table_name)) {
    $sql .= 'AND table_name = :table ';
    $args[':table'] = $table_name;
  $res = $this->connection
    ->query($sql, $args);
  foreach ($res as $r) {
    $tables[$r->table_name]['description'] = $r->table_comment;
  $sql = 'SELECT table_name, column_type, column_name, column_default,
                   extra, is_nullable, numeric_scale, column_comment
            FROM information_schema.columns
            WHERE table_schema=:database ';
  if (isset($table_name)) {
    $sql .= 'AND table_name = :table ';
  $sql .= 'ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position';
  $res = $this->connection
    ->query($sql, $args);
  foreach ($res as $r) {
    $r->new_table_name = schema_unprefix_table($r->table_name, $this->connection);
    $numeric = !is_null($r->numeric_scale);
    $col = array();
    $col['type'] = $r->column_type;
    if (preg_match('@([a-z]+)(?:\\((\\d+)(?:,(\\d+))?\\))?\\s*(unsigned)?@', $col['type'], $matches)) {
      list($col['type'], $col['size']) = schema_schema_type($matches[1], $r->table_name, $r->column_name, 'mysql');
      if (isset($matches[2])) {
        if ($col['type'] == 'numeric' || $col['type'] == 'float' || $col['type'] == 'double') {
          $col['precision'] = $matches[2];
          $col['scale'] = $matches[3];
        elseif (!$numeric) {
          $col['length'] = $matches[2];
      if (isset($matches[4])) {
        $col['unsigned'] = TRUE;
    if ($col['type'] == 'int' && isset($r->extra) && $r->extra == 'auto_increment') {
      $col['type'] = 'serial';
    $col['not null'] = $r->is_nullable == 'YES' ? FALSE : TRUE;
    if (!is_null($r->column_default)) {
      if ($numeric) {

        // XXX floats!
        $col['default'] = intval($r->column_default);
      else {
        $col['default'] = $r->column_default;
    $col['description'] = $r->column_comment;
    $tables[$r->table_name]['fields'][$r->column_name] = $col;

    // At this point, $tables is indexed by the raw db table name - save the unprefixed
    // name for later use
    $tables[$r->table_name]['name'] = $r->new_table_name;
  $sql = 'SELECT table_name, column_name, index_name, sub_part, non_unique
            FROM information_schema.statistics
            WHERE table_schema=:database ';
  if (isset($table_name)) {
    $sql .= 'AND table_name = :table ';
  $sql .= 'ORDER BY table_name, index_name, seq_in_index';
  $res = $this->connection
    ->query($sql, $args);
  foreach ($res as $r) {
    if (isset($r->sub_part) && !is_null($r->sub_part)) {
      $col = array(
    else {
      $col = $r->column_name;
    if ($r->index_name == 'PRIMARY') {
      $type = 'primary key';
      $tables[$r->table_name][$type][] = $col;
    elseif ($r->non_unique == 0) {
      $type = 'unique keys';
    else {
      $type = 'indexes';
    $tables[$r->table_name][$type][$r->index_name][] = $col;

  // Add information about foreign keys by querying tables in the
  // information_schema. This adds a 'foreign keys' key to the array for each
  // table.
  $sql = 'SELECT *
            FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
            WHERE table_schema = :database';
  if (isset($table_name)) {
    $sql .= ' AND table_name = :table';
  $res = $this->connection
    ->query($sql, $args);
  foreach ($res as $r) {
      if (empty($tables[$r->TABLE_NAME]['foreign keys'][$r->CONSTRAINT_NAME])) {
        $tables[$r->TABLE_NAME]['foreign keys'][$r->CONSTRAINT_NAME] = array(
          'table' => $r->REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,
          'columns' => array(),
      $tables[$r->TABLE_NAME]['foreign keys'][$r->CONSTRAINT_NAME]['columns'][$r->COLUMN_NAME] = $r->REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME;

  // Now, for tables which we have unprefixed, index $tables by the unprefixed name
  foreach ($tables as $tablename => $table) {
    $newname = $tables[$tablename]['name'];
    if ($tablename != $newname) {
      $tables[$newname] = $table;
  return $tables;