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ModeratedContentSchedulingTest.php in Scheduler content moderation integration 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\scheduler_content_moderation_integration\Kernel;

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

 * Tests publishing/unpublishing scheduling for moderated nodes.
 * @group scheduler
class ModeratedContentSchedulingTest extends SchedulerContentModerationTestBase {

   * Tests moderated nodes publish scheduling.
  public function testPublishStateSchedule() {
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'example',
      'title' => 'Published title',
      'moderation_state' => 'draft',
      'publish_on' => strtotime('yesterday'),
      'publish_state' => 'published',
    $revision_id = $node

    // Make sure node is unpublished.
      ->assertEquals(FALSE, Node::load($node
    $node_storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
    $node = $node_storage

    // Assert node is now published.
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $node
      ->assertEquals('published', $node->moderation_state->value);

    // Assert only one revision is created during the operation.
      ->assertEquals($revision_id + 1, $node
      ->setTitle('Draft title');
    $node->moderation_state->value = 'draft';
    $node->publish_on->value = strtotime('yesterday');
    $node->publish_state->value = 'published';
    $node = $node_storage
      ->assertEquals('Draft title', $node
      ->assertEquals('draft', $node->moderation_state->value);
    $node = $node_storage
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $node
      ->assertEquals('published', $node->moderation_state->value);
      ->assertEquals('Draft title', $node

   * Tests moderated nodes unpublish scheduling.
  public function testUnpublishStateSchedule() {
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'example',
      'title' => 'Published title',
      'moderation_state' => 'published',
      'unpublish_on' => strtotime('yesterday'),
      'unpublish_state' => 'archived',
    $revision_id = $node

    // Make sure node is published.
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, Node::load($node

    // Assert node is now unpublished.
      ->assertEquals(FALSE, Node::load($node

    // Assert only one revision is created during the operation.
      ->assertEquals($revision_id + 1, Node::load($node

   * Tests publish scheduling for a draft of a published node.
  public function testPublishOfDraft() {
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'example',
      'title' => 'Published title',
      'moderation_state' => 'published',
    $nid = $node

    // Assert node is published.
      ->assertEquals('Published title', Node::load($nid)

    // Create a new pending revision and validate it's not the deault published
    // one.
      ->setTitle('Draft title');
      ->set('publish_on', strtotime('yesterday'));
      ->set('moderation_state', 'draft');
      ->set('publish_state', 'published');
    $revision_id = $node

    // Test latest revision is not the published one.
      ->assertEquals('Published title', Node::load($nid)

    // Test latest revision is now the published one.
      ->assertEquals('Draft title', Node::load($nid)

    // Assert only one revision is created during the operation.
      ->assertEquals($revision_id + 1, Node::load($node



Namesort descending Description
ModeratedContentSchedulingTest Tests publishing/unpublishing scheduling for moderated nodes.