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public function SchedulerRulesConditionsTest::testNodeTypeEnabledConditions in Scheduler 8

Tests the conditions for whether a nodetype is enabled for Scheduler.


tests/src/Functional/SchedulerRulesConditionsTest.php, line 42


Tests the four conditions that Scheduler provides for use in Rules module.




public function testNodeTypeEnabledConditions() {

  // Create a reaction rule to display a message when viewing a node of a type
  // that is enabled for scheduled publishing.
  // "viewing content" actually means "viewing PUBLISHED content".
  $rule1 = $this->expressionManager
    ->addCondition('scheduler_condition_publishing_is_enabled', ContextConfig::create()
    ->map('node', 'node'));
  $message1 = 'RULES message 1. This node type is enabled for scheduled publishing.';
    ->addAction('rules_system_message', ContextConfig::create()
    ->setValue('message', $message1)
    ->setValue('type', 'status'));
  $config_entity = $this->rulesStorage
    'id' => 'rule1',
    'events' => [
        'event_name' => 'rules_entity_view:node',
    'expression' => $rule1

  // Create a reaction rule to display a message when viewing a node of a type
  // that is enabled for scheduled unpublishing.
  $rule2 = $this->expressionManager
    ->addCondition('scheduler_condition_unpublishing_is_enabled', ContextConfig::create()
    ->map('node', 'node'));
  $message2 = 'RULES message 2. This node type is enabled for scheduled unpublishing.';
    ->addAction('rules_system_message', ContextConfig::create()
    ->setValue('message', $message2)
    ->setValue('type', 'status'));
  $config_entity = $this->rulesStorage
    'id' => 'rule2',
    'events' => [
        'event_name' => 'rules_entity_view:node',
    'expression' => $rule2

  // Create a reaction rule to display a message when viewing a node of a type
  // that is NOT enabled for scheduled publishing.
  $rule3 = $this->expressionManager
    ->addCondition('scheduler_condition_publishing_is_enabled', ContextConfig::create()
    ->map('node', 'node')
  $message3 = 'RULES message 3. This node type is not enabled for scheduled publishing.';
    ->addAction('rules_system_message', ContextConfig::create()
    ->setValue('message', $message3)
    ->setValue('type', 'status'));
  $config_entity = $this->rulesStorage
    'id' => 'rule3',
    'events' => [
        'event_name' => 'rules_entity_view:node',
    'expression' => $rule3

  // Create a reaction rule to display a message when viewing a node of a type
  // that is NOT enabled for scheduled unpublishing.
  $rule4 = $this->expressionManager
    ->addCondition('scheduler_condition_unpublishing_is_enabled', ContextConfig::create()
    ->map('node', 'node')
  $message4 = 'RULES message 4. This node type is not enabled for scheduled unpublishing.';
    ->addAction('rules_system_message', ContextConfig::create()
    ->setValue('message', $message4)
    ->setValue('type', 'status'));
  $config_entity = $this->rulesStorage
    'id' => 'rule4',
    'events' => [
        'event_name' => 'rules_entity_view:node',
    'expression' => $rule4
  $assert = $this

  // View the node and check the default position - that the node type is
  // enabled for both publishing and unpublishing.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node

  // Turn off scheduled publishing for the node type and check the rules.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('scheduler', 'publish_enable', FALSE)

  // Flushing the caches was not required when using WebTestBase but is needed
  // after converting to BrowserTestBase.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node

  // Turn off scheduled unpublishing for the node type and the check again.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('scheduler', 'unpublish_enable', FALSE)
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node