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public function SchedulerDefaultTimeTest::testDefaultTimeWithHiddenTime in Scheduler 8

Test that the default times are set if the form time elements are hidden.


tests/src/Functional/SchedulerDefaultTimeTest.php, line 131


Tests the default time functionality.




public function testDefaultTimeWithHiddenTime() {

  // Create a content type that will have both of the time form elements
  // hidden. See hook_form_node_form_alter() in scheduler_extras test module.
  $type = 'hidden_time';
  $typeName = 'Content with hidden times';

  /** @var NodeTypeInterface $nodetype */
  $nodetype = $this
    'type' => $type,
    'name' => $typeName,

  // Add scheduler functionality to the content type.
    ->setThirdPartySetting('scheduler', 'publish_enable', TRUE)
    ->setThirdPartySetting('scheduler', 'unpublish_enable', TRUE)

  // Log in as a user with permission to create and schedule this type.
    'create ' . $type . ' content',
    'edit own ' . $type . ' content',
    'delete own ' . $type . ' content',
    'view own unpublished content',
    'schedule publishing of nodes',
    'view scheduled content',

  // Allow the user to enter only a date with no time.
    ->set('allow_date_only', TRUE)

  // Test that entering a time is required.
  $edit = [
    'title[0][value]' => 'Hidden Time Elements ' . $this
    'publish_on[0][value][date]' => $this->publishTime
    'unpublish_on[0][value][date]' => $this->unpublishTime

  // Create a node and check that the expected default time has been saved.
    ->drupalPostForm('node/add/' . $type, $edit, 'Save');

  // Get the pattern of the 'long' default date format.
  $date_format_storage = $this->container
  $long_pattern = $date_format_storage

  // Check that the message has the correct default time after saving.
    ->pageTextContains(sprintf('%s is scheduled to be published %s and unpublished %s', $edit['title[0][value]'], $this->publishTime
    ->format($long_pattern), $this->unpublishTime

  // Protect this section in case the node was not created.
  if ($node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle($edit['title[0][value]'])) {

    // Check that the correct scheduled dates are stored in the node.
      ->getTimestamp(), (int) $node->publish_on->value, 'The node publish_on value is stored correctly.');
      ->getTimestamp(), (int) $node->unpublish_on->value, 'The node unpublish_on value is stored correctly.');
  else {
      ->fail('The expected node was not found.');