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public function SchedulerAdminSettingsTest::testAdminSettings in Scheduler 8

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  1. 2.x tests/src/Functional/SchedulerAdminSettingsTest.php \Drupal\Tests\scheduler\Functional\SchedulerAdminSettingsTest::testAdminSettings()

Test the admin settings page.


tests/src/Functional/SchedulerAdminSettingsTest.php, line 19


Tests the admin settings page of Scheduler.




public function testAdminSettings() {

  // Verify that the default values are as expected.
    ->get('allow_date_only'), 'The default setting for allow_date_only is False.');
    ->get('default_time'), '00:00:00', 'The default config setting for default_time is 00:00:00');
    ->get('hide_seconds'), 'The default setting for hide_seconds is False.');

  // Check that a default time can be stored, and that the option is saved.
  // In $settings use '6:30' not '06:30:00' to test flexibility.
  $settings = [
    'allow_date_only' => TRUE,
    'default_time' => '6:30',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/content/scheduler', $settings, 'Save configuration');

  // Verify that the values have been saved correctly.
    ->get('allow_date_only'), 'The config setting for allow_date_only is stored correctly.');
    ->assertEquals('06:30:00', $this
    ->get('default_time'), 'The config setting for default_time is stored correctly.');

  // Try to save an invalid default time value.
  $settings = [
    'allow_date_only' => TRUE,
    'default_time' => '123',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/content/scheduler', $settings, 'Save configuration');

  // Verify that the value has not been saved and an error is displayed.
    ->assertEquals('06:30:00', $this
    ->get('default_time'), 'The config setting for default_time has not changed.');
    ->pageTextContains('The default time should be in the format HH:MM:SS');

  // Select the option to hide seconds on time input.
  $settings = [
    'hide_seconds' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/content/scheduler', $settings, 'Save configuration');

  // Verify that the hide seconds option is saved and the default time is
  // stored in HH:MM format with no seconds.
    ->get('hide_seconds'), 'The config setting for hide_seconds is stored correctly.');
    ->assertEquals('06:30', $this
    ->get('default_time'), 'The config setting for default_time is stored correctly.');

  // Try to save an invalid default time value.
  $settings = [
    'default_time' => '456',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/content/scheduler', $settings, 'Save configuration');

  // Verify that the value has not been saved, and that an error message is
  // displayed showing the correct format HH:MM not HH:MM:SS.
    ->assertEquals('06:30', $this
    ->get('default_time'), 'The config setting for default_time has not changed.');
    ->pageTextMatches('/The default time should be in the format HH:MM[^:S]/');

  // Show the status report, which includes the Scheduler timecheck.