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scheduler_api_test.install in Scheduler 2.x

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  1. 8 tests/modules/scheduler_api_test/scheduler_api_test.install

Install and uninstall hooks for the Scheduler API Test module.


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 * @file
 * Install and uninstall hooks for the Scheduler API Test module.

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
 * Although not strictly necessary for testing, it is good practice to tidy up
 * module config and content on uninstalling. Plus, when developing this module
 * and enabling it manually as a real module, this code is needed to clean up,
 * otherwise a re-install fails.
 * The entity types, custom fields and storage are deleted automatically by
 * having 'enforced: module: - scheduler_api_test' in the config/install/*.yml
 * files. However, we have to delete the actual entity content here.
function scheduler_api_test_uninstall() {

  // Delete all content for the custom api types.
  $api_data = [
    'node' => [
      'db_id' => 'nid',
      'type' => 'scheduler_api_node_test',
      'bundle_field' => 'type',
    'media' => [
      'db_id' => 'mid',
      'type' => 'scheduler_api_media_test',
      'bundle_field' => 'bundle',
    'commerce_product' => [
      'db_id' => 'product_id',
      'type' => 'scheduler_api_product_test',
      'bundle_field' => 'type',

  // @todo Re-write this using proper entity queries not database select().
  foreach ($api_data as $entityTypeId => $values) {
    $ids_query = \Drupal::database()
      ->select($entityTypeId, 'a')
      ->fields('a', [
      ->condition($values['bundle_field'], [
    ], 'IN')
    if ($ids = $ids_query
      ->fetchCol()) {
      $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      $entities = $storage
      $entity = reset($entities);
        ->formatPlural(count($ids), '1 %bundle has been deleted.', '@count %bundle have been deleted.', [
        '%bundle' => $entity->{$values['bundle_field']}->entity
