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scheduler_api_legacy_test.module in Scheduler 2.x

Legacy hook implementations for the Scheduler API Test module.

Scheduler provides eight hook functions. As part of the enhancements to cater for non-node entities the hook functions had to be renamed to allow generic and specific variants and to maintain predictable expansion for any future entity type. For backwards-compatibility the original hook function names are maintined for node entities only, and this file provides test coverage.


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 * @file
 * Legacy hook implementations for the Scheduler API Test module.
 * Scheduler provides eight hook functions. As part of the enhancements to cater
 * for non-node entities the hook functions had to be renamed to allow generic
 * and specific variants and to maintain predictable expansion for any future
 * entity type. For backwards-compatibility the original hook function names are
 * maintined for node entities only, and this file provides test coverage.
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_nid_list().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_nid_list($action) {
  $nids = [];
  $request_time = \Drupal::time()

  // Check to see what test nodes exist.
  $results = _scheduler_api_test_get_entities('node');
  foreach ($results as $nid => $node) {

    // If publishing and this is the publish test node, set a date and add
    // the node id to the list.
    if ($action == 'publish' && $node->title->value == 'API TEST nid_list publish me') {
        ->set('publish_on', $request_time)
      $nids[] = $nid;

    // If unpublishing and this is the unpublish test node, set a date and add
    // the node id to the list.
    if ($action == 'unpublish' && $node->title->value == 'API TEST nid_list unpublish me') {
        ->set('unpublish_on', $request_time)
      $nids[] = $nid;
  return $nids;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_nid_list_alter().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_nid_list_alter(&$nids, $action) {
  $request_time = \Drupal::time()
  $results = _scheduler_api_test_get_entities('node');
  foreach ($results as $nid => $node) {
    if ($action == 'publish' && $node->title->value == 'API TEST nid_list_alter do not publish me') {

      // Remove the node id.
      $nids = array_diff($nids, [
    if ($action == 'publish' && $node->title->value == 'API TEST nid_list_alter publish me') {

      // Set a publish_on date and add the node id.
        ->set('publish_on', $request_time)
      $nids[] = $nid;
    if ($action == 'unpublish' && $node->title->value == 'API TEST nid_list_alter do not unpublish me') {

      // Remove the node id.
      $nids = array_diff($nids, [
    if ($action == 'unpublish' && $node->title->value == 'API TEST nid_list_alter unpublish me') {

      // Set an unpublish_on date and add the node id.
        ->set('unpublish_on', $request_time)
      $nids[] = $nid;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_allow_publishing().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_allow_publishing(NodeInterface $node) {

  // If there is no 'Approved for Publishing' field then allow publishing.
  if (!isset($node->field_approved_publishing)) {
    $allowed = TRUE;
  else {

    // Only publish nodes that have 'Approved for Publishing' set.
    $allowed = $node->field_approved_publishing->value;

    // If publication is denied then inform the user why.
    if (!$allowed) {
        ->addMessage(t('%title is scheduled for publishing, but will not be published until approved.', [
        '%title' => $node->title->value,
      ]), 'status', FALSE);

      // If the time is in the past it means that the action has been prevented.
      // Write a dblog message to show this. Give a link to view the node but
      // cater for no nid as the node may be new and not yet saved.
      if ($node->publish_on->value <= \Drupal::time()
        ->getRequestTime()) {
          ->warning('Publishing of "%title" is prevented until approved.', [
          '%title' => $node->title->value,
          'link' => $node
            ->id() ? $node
            ->toLink(t('View node'))
            ->toString() : '',
  return $allowed;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_allow_unpublishing().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_allow_unpublishing(NodeInterface $node) {

  // If there is no 'Approved for Unpublishing' field then allow unpublishing.
  if (!isset($node->field_approved_unpublishing)) {
    $allowed = TRUE;
  else {

    // Only unpublish nodes that have 'Approved for Unpublishing' set.
    $allowed = $node->field_approved_unpublishing->value;

    // If unpublication is denied then inform the user why.
    if (!$allowed) {
        ->addMessage(t('%title is scheduled for unpublishing, but will not be unpublished until approved.', [
        '%title' => $node->title->value,
      ]), 'status', FALSE);

      // If the time is in the past it means that the action has been prevented.
      // Write a dblog message to show this. Give a link to view the node but
      // cater for no nid as the node may be new and not yet saved.
      if ($node->unpublish_on->value <= \Drupal::time()
        ->getRequestTime()) {
          ->warning('Unpublishing of "%title" is prevented until approved.', [
          '%title' => $node->title->value,
          'link' => $node
            ->id() ? $node
            ->toLink(t('View node'))
            ->toString() : '',
  return $allowed;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_hide_publish_on_field().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_hide_publish_on_field($form, $form_state, $node) {

  // Hide the publish_on field if the node title contains orange or green.
  if (stristr($node->title->value, 'orange legacy') || stristr($node->title->value, 'green legacy')) {
      ->addMessage(t('Scheduler_Api_Test: The publish_on field is hidden for orange or green node titles.'), 'status', FALSE);
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_hide_unpublish_on_field().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_hide_unpublish_on_field($form, $form_state, $node) {

  // Hide the publish_on field if the node title contains yellow or green.
  if (stristr($node->title->value, 'yellow legacy') || stristr($node->title->value, 'green legacy')) {
      ->addMessage(t('Scheduler_Api_Test: The unpublish_on field is hidden for yellow or green node titles.'), 'status', FALSE);
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_publish_action().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_publish_action($node) {
  if (stristr($node->title->value, 'red legacy')) {

    // Nodes with red in the title are simulated to cause a failure and should
    // then be skipped by Scheduler.
      ->set('title', $node->title->value . ' - publishing failed in API test module');
      ->addMessage(t('Scheduler_Api_Test: Red nodes should cause Scheduler to abandon publishing.'), 'status', FALSE);
    return -1;
  elseif (stristr($node->title->value, 'yellow legacy')) {

    // Nodes with yellow in the title are simulated to be processed by this
    // hook, and will not be published by Scheduler.
      ->set('title', $node->title->value . ' - publishing processed by API test module');
      ->addMessage(t('Scheduler_Api_Test: Yellow nodes should not have publishing processed by Scheduler.'), 'status', FALSE);
    return 1;
  return 0;

 * Implements hook_scheduler_unpublish_action().
function scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_unpublish_action($node) {
  if (stristr($node->title->value, 'blue legacy')) {

    // Nodes with blue in the title are simulated to cause a failure and should
    // then be skipped by Scheduler.
      ->set('title', $node->title->value . ' - unpublishing failed in API test module');
      ->addMessage(t('Scheduler_Api_Test: Blue nodes should cause Scheduler to abandon unpublishing.'), 'status', FALSE);
    return -1;
  if (stristr($node->title->value, 'orange legacy')) {

    // Nodes with orange in the title are simulated to be processed by this
    // hook, and will not be published by Scheduler.
      ->set('title', $node->title->value . ' - unpublishing processed by API test module');
      ->addMessage(t('Scheduler_Api_Test: Orange nodes should not have unpublishing processed by Scheduler.'), 'status', FALSE);
    return 1;
  return 0;


Namesort descending Description
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_allow_publishing Implements hook_scheduler_allow_publishing().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_allow_unpublishing Implements hook_scheduler_allow_unpublishing().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_hide_publish_on_field Implements hook_scheduler_hide_publish_on_field().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_hide_unpublish_on_field Implements hook_scheduler_hide_unpublish_on_field().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_nid_list Implements hook_scheduler_nid_list().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_nid_list_alter Implements hook_scheduler_nid_list_alter().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_publish_action Implements hook_scheduler_publish_action().
scheduler_api_legacy_test_scheduler_unpublish_action Implements hook_scheduler_unpublish_action().