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public function SchedulerRulesActionBase::notEnabledWarning in Scheduler 2.x

Gives a warning when an entity is not enabled for Scheduler.

This is called from actions that attempt to set or remove a Scheduler date value when the entity type is not enabled for that process.


\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity object being processed by the action.

string $process: The process that is not enabled, either 'publish' or 'unpublish'.

4 calls to SchedulerRulesActionBase::notEnabledWarning()
RemovePublishingDate::doExecute in scheduler_rules_integration/src/Plugin/RulesAction/RemovePublishingDate.php
Remove the publish_on date from the entity.
RemoveUnpublishingDate::doExecute in scheduler_rules_integration/src/Plugin/RulesAction/RemoveUnpublishingDate.php
Remove the unpublish_on date from the entity.
SetPublishingDate::doExecute in scheduler_rules_integration/src/Plugin/RulesAction/SetPublishingDate.php
Set the publish_on date on the entity.
SetUnpublishingDate::doExecute in scheduler_rules_integration/src/Plugin/RulesAction/SetUnpublishingDate.php
Set the unpublish_on date on the entity.


scheduler_rules_integration/src/Plugin/RulesAction/SchedulerRulesActionBase.php, line 59


Provides base class on which all Scheduler Rules actions are built.




public function notEnabledWarning(EntityInterface $entity, string $process) {
  $action = $this
  $activity = $process == 'publish' ? $this
    ->t('scheduled publishing') : $this
    ->t('scheduled unpublishing');
  $condition = $this
    ->t('@bundle_label is enabled for @activity', [
    '@bundle_label' => $entity
    '@activity' => $activity,
  $bundle_field = $entity
  $type_name = $entity->{$bundle_field}->entity
  $type_id = $entity->{$bundle_field}->entity
  $url = new Url("entity.{$type_id}.edit_form", [
    $type_id => $entity
  $arguments = [
    '%action' => "'{$action}'",
    '@activity' => $activity,
    '%type' => $type_name,
    '@group' => $entity
    '%condition' => "'{$condition}'",
    '@url' => $url
  $link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
    ->t('@type settings', [
    '@type' => $type_name,
  ]), $url)
    ->warning('Action %action is not valid because @activity is not enabled for %type @group. Add the condition %condition to your Reaction Rule, or enable @activity via the %type settings.', $arguments + [
    'link' => $link,
    ->t('Action %action is not valid because @activity is not enabled for %type @group. Add the condition %condition to your Reaction Rule, or enable @activity via the <a href="@url">%type</a> settings.', $arguments), 'warning', FALSE);