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scald_galleria.tpl.php in Scald: Gallery 7.2

Theme implementation of the Scald Galleria player.


  • $options: An array of settings from the player.
  • $galleria_id: The ID of the gallery instance.
  • $items: An array of items to be displayed in the gallery.


View source

 * @file
 * Theme implementation of the Scald Galleria player.
 * Variables:
 * - $options: An array of settings from the player.
 * - $galleria_id: The ID of the gallery instance.
 * - $items: An array of items to be displayed in the gallery.
if (!empty($options['fullscreen_link'])) {
<div class="galleria-fullscreen"><a class="galleria-fullscreen-link">fullscreen</a></div>

<div class="scald-gallery <?php

print $galleria_id;
?>" style="width: <?php

print $options['width'];
?>; height: <?php

print $options['height'];

foreach ($items as $item) {

  print $item;
