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public function ScaldAtomEntityTestCase::testScaldPrivateFileSystem in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

Test Scald with private file system.


tests/scald.test, line 469
Tests for scald.module.


Test the Scald atom entities.


public function testScaldPrivateFileSystem() {
  $image = $this
  $web_user = $this
    'view any atom',
    'fetch any atom',
    'create atom of image type',

  // Create an image atom.
  $edit = array(
    'files[file]' => drupal_realpath($image->uri),
    ->drupalPost('atom/add/image', $edit, t('Continue'));
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Finish'));

  // Check that the image is accessible.
    ->assertIdentical(1, preg_match('/scald=1:full --><img.*?src="(.+?)"/', $this
    ->drupalGetContent(), $match), 'Found image in the atom full page.');
  $url = $match[1];
    ->assertNotIdentical(FALSE, strpos($url, 'system/files/'), 'Private file system is used for this atom.');
    ->assertResponse(200, 'Private image inside the atom is accessible.');