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6 calls to scald_config_rebuild() in Scald: Media Management made easy 6

scald_admin_contexts_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for Scald Contexts admin settings form.
scald_admin_provider_reregister in ./
Forces a Scald Provider to re-register with Scald Core, potentially previously-unknown Provisions.
scald_admin_types_form_submit in ./
Submist function for admin settings for Scald Types.
scald_image_update_6001 in scald_image/scald_image.install
Implements hook_update_N(). Converts our imagecache based transcoders to use the presetname instead of the presetid as a key. This is more robust to change such as putting presets in code.
scald_init in ./scald.module
Implementation of hook_init().
scald_update_providers in ./scald.module
Determine if Scald Providers have been enabled or disabled and update the Scald Registries as necessary.