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9 calls to scald_action_permitted() in Scald: Media Management made easy 7

EntityTranslationScaldHandler::getAccess in includes/
Checks whether the current user has access to this product.
scald_atom_access in ./scald.module
Entity integration for access callback.
scald_atom_actions_available in ./scald.module
Builds an array of action available for a given atom.
scald_atom_add in includes/
Creates the page listing possible Scald Atom Types.
scald_atom_add_access in ./scald.module
Access callback for the atom add page.
scald_atom_user_build_actions_links in ./scald.module
Builds an array of action links for a given atom.
scald_fetch_multiple in ./scald.module
Load multiple Scald Atoms.
scald_plugin_display_library::execute in modules/library/scald_dnd_library/includes/
Overrides views_plugin_display_page::execute().
scald_render in ./scald.module
Render a Scald Atom.