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function SassyBaseUnitTest::requirePHPSassLibrary in Sassy 7.2

Require the PHPSass Library.

We try to include it from the local site if it's around, otherwise we try a few known locations, and then failing all of that we fall back to downloading it from the web.

1 call to SassyBaseUnitTest::requirePHPSassLibrary()
SassyBaseUnitTest::setUp in ./sassy.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.


./sassy.test, line 37


Base class for Sassy tests.


function requirePHPSassLibrary() {

  // Allow people to specify the library before we are called.
  if (isset($this->phpsass_library_path)) {
  elseif (($library_path = libraries_get_path('phpsass')) && file_exists($library_path . '/SassParser.php')) {
    $this->phpsass_library_path = $library_path;
  elseif (file_exists(drupal_get_path('module', 'sassy') . '/phpsass/SassParser.php')) {
    $this->phpsass_library_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'sassy') . '/phpsass';
  else {

    // We try to download the zipball or tarball for PHPSass.
    // Include some files we're going to need.
    include DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
    module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.manager');
    module_load_include('inc', 'system', 'system.archiver');

    // Get details of all archivers.
    $archiver_info = archiver_get_info();
    $url = '';
    if (isset($archiver_info['zip'])) {
      $url = '';
      $extension = '.zip';
    elseif (isset($archiver_info['tar'])) {
      $url = '';
      $extension = '.tar.gz';
    if (!empty($url) && ($local_cache = update_manager_file_get($url))) {
      $local_cache = file_unmanaged_copy($local_cache, $local_cache . '.phpsass' . $extension, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
      $extract_directory = $this
      try {
        update_manager_archive_extract($local_cache, $extract_directory);
        $dirs = file_scan_directory($extract_directory, '/.*/', array(
          'recurse' => FALSE,
        foreach ($dirs as $uri => $dir) {
          if (file_exists($uri . '/SassParser.php')) {
            $this->phpsass_library_path = drupal_realpath($uri);
      } catch (Exception $e) {
  if (isset($this->phpsass_library_path)) {
    require_once $this->phpsass_library_path . '/SassParser.php';
  else {
    throw new Exception('Could not find PHPSass compiler.');