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private function SassRuleNode::parentReferencePos in Sassy 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 phamlp/sass/tree/SassRuleNode.php \SassRuleNode::parentReferencePos()

Returns the position of the first parent reference in the selector. If there is no parent reference in the selector this function returns boolean FALSE. Note that the return value may be non-Boolean that evaluates to FALSE, i.e. 0. The return value should be tested using the === operator.


string selector to test:

Return value

mixed integer: position of the the first parent reference, boolean: false if there is no parent reference.

1 call to SassRuleNode::parentReferencePos()
SassRuleNode::hasParentReference in phpsass/tree/SassRuleNode.php
Determines if there is a parent reference in the selector


phpsass/tree/SassRuleNode.php, line 262


SassRuleNode class. Represents a CSS rule. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.tree


private function parentReferencePos($selector) {
  $inString = '';
  for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($selector); $i < $l; $i++) {
    $c = $selector[$i];
    if ($c === self::PARENT_REFERENCE && empty($inString)) {
      return $i;
    elseif (empty($inString) && ($c === '"' || $c === "'")) {
      $inString = $c;
    elseif ($c === $inString) {
      $inString = '';
  return false;