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private function SassRuleNode::explode in Sassy 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 phamlp/sass/tree/SassRuleNode.php \SassRuleNode::explode()

Explodes a string of selectors into an array. We can't use PHP::explode as this will potentially explode attribute matches in the selector, e.g. div[title="some,value"] and interpolations.


string selectors:

Return value

array selectors

1 call to SassRuleNode::explode()
SassRuleNode::addSelectors in phpsass/tree/SassRuleNode.php
Adds selector(s) to the rule. If the selectors are to continue for the rule the selector must end in a comma


phpsass/tree/SassRuleNode.php, line 311


SassRuleNode class. Represents a CSS rule. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.tree


private function explode($string) {
  $selectors = array();
  $inString = false;
  $interpolate = false;
  $selector = '';
  for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($string); $i < $l; $i++) {
    $c = $string[$i];
    if ($c === self::CONTINUED && !$inString && !$interpolate) {
      $selectors[] = trim($selector);
      $selector = '';
    else {
      $selector .= $c;
      if ($c === '"' || $c === "'") {
        do {
          $_c = $string[++$i];
          $selector .= $_c;
        } while ($_c !== $c);
      elseif ($c === '#' && $string[$i + 1] === '{') {
        do {
          $c = $string[++$i];
          $selector .= $c;
        } while ($c !== '}');
  if (!empty($selector)) {
    $selectors[] = trim($selector);
  return $selectors;