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public static function SassPropertyNode::isPseudoSelector in Sassy 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 phamlp/sass/tree/SassPropertyNode.php \SassPropertyNode::isPseudoSelector()

Returns a value indicating if the string starts with a pseudo selector. This is used to reject pseudo selectors as property values as, for example, "a:hover" and "text-decoration:underline" look the same to the property match regex. It will also match interpolation to allow for constructs such as content:#{$pos}


string the string to test:

Return value

bool true if the string starts with a pseudo selector, false if not

See also


1 call to SassPropertyNode::isPseudoSelector()
SassPropertyNode::isa in phpsass/tree/SassPropertyNode.php
Returns a value indicating if the token represents this type of node.


phpsass/tree/SassPropertyNode.php, line 247


SassPropertyNode class. Represents a CSS property. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.tree


public static function isPseudoSelector($string) {
  preg_match(self::MATCH_PSUEDO_SELECTOR, $string, $matches);
  return isset($matches[0]) && in_array($matches[0], self::$psuedoSelectors) || preg_match(self::MATCH_INTERPOLATION, $string);