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public static function SassFile::setCachedFile in Sassy 7

* Saves a cached version of the file. *


SassRootNode Sass tree to save: * @param string filename to save * @param string path to cache location * @return mixed the cached file if available or false if it is not

2 calls to SassFile::setCachedFile()
SassFile::getTree in phamlp/sass/SassFile.php
* Returns the parse tree for a file. * If caching is enabled a cached version will be used if possible; if not the * parsed file will be cached. *
SassParser::parse in phamlp/sass/SassParser.php
* Parse a sass file or Sass source code and * returns the document tree that can then be rendered. * The file will be searched for in the directories specified by the * load_paths option. * If caching is enabled a cached version will be used…


phamlp/sass/SassFile.php, line 154


SassFile class. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass


public static function setCachedFile($sassc, $filename, $cacheLocation) {
  $cacheDir = realpath($cacheLocation);
  if (!$cacheDir) {
    @chmod($cacheLocation, 0777);
    $cacheDir = realpath($cacheLocation);
  $cached = $cacheDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($filename) . '.' . self::SASSC;
  return file_put_contents($cached, serialize($sassc));