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31 calls to Phamlp::t() in Sassy 7

PhamlpException::__construct in phamlp/PhamlpException.php
* Phamlp Exception. *
SassColour::op_bw_and in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour bitwise AND *
SassColour::op_bw_or in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour bitwise OR *
SassColour::op_bw_xor in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour bitwise XOR *
SassColour::op_div in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour division *
SassColour::op_minus in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour subraction *
SassColour::op_modulo in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour modulus *
SassColour::op_plus in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour addition *
SassColour::op_shiftl in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour bitwise Shift Left *
SassColour::op_shiftr in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour bitwise Shift Right *
SassColour::op_times in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassColour.php
* Colour multiplication *
SassDebugNode::parse in phamlp/sass/tree/SassDebugNode.php
* Parse this node. * This raises an error. *
SassLiteral::assertInRange in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Asserts that the value of a literal is within the expected range *
SassLiteral::op_bw_and in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Bitwise AND the value of other and this value *
SassLiteral::op_bw_not in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Bitwise NOT the value of other and the value of this *
SassLiteral::op_bw_or in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Bitwise OR the value of other and this value *
SassLiteral::op_bw_xor in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Bitwise XOR the value of other and the value of this *
SassLiteral::op_modulo in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* SassScript '%' operation. *
SassLiteral::op_shiftl in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Shifts the value of this left by the number of bits given in value *
SassLiteral::op_shiftr in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php
* Shifts the value of this right by the number of bits given in value *
SassNumber::op_div in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* Divides this value by the value of other *
SassNumber::op_gt in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* The SassScript > operation. *
SassNumber::op_gte in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* The SassScript >= operation. *
SassNumber::op_lt in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* The SassScript < operation. *
SassNumber::op_lte in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* The SassScript <= operation. *
SassNumber::op_minus in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* Subtracts the value of other from this value *
SassNumber::op_modulo in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* Takes the modulus (remainder) of this value divided by the value of other *
SassNumber::op_plus in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* Adds the value of other to the value of this *
SassNumber::op_times in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassNumber.php
* Multiplies this value by the value of other *
SassString::op_plus in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassString.php
* String addition. * Concatenates this and other. * The resulting string will be quoted in the same way as this. *
SassString::op_times in phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassString.php
* String multiplication. * this is repeated other times *