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sassy_compass.module in Sassy 7.2


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require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';
require_once 'functions/';

 * Implementation of hook_sassy_resolve_path_NAMESPACE().
function sassy_compass_sassy_resolve_path_compass($filename, $syntax = 'scss') {

  // Check for compass installed as a Library, if not use ours.
  // The latest Compass build can be found at
  $path = libraries_get_path('compass') . '/core';
  if (!file_exists($path)) {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'sassy_compass');
  if ($filename == '*') {
    $filename = 'compass';
  $filename = str_replace(array(
  ), '', $filename);
  $split = explode('/', $filename);
  if ($split[0] != 'compass' && $split[0] != 'lemonade') {
    array_unshift($split, 'compass');
  $last = array_pop($split) . '.scss';
  if (substr($last, 0, 1) != '_') {
    $last = '_' . $last;
  array_unshift($split, 'stylesheets');
  array_unshift($split, $path);
  $filename = str_replace('/_', '/', implode('/', $split)) . '/' . $last;
  return $filename;

 * Implementation of hook_sassy_functions().
 * Lists all functions defined by the Compass library.
function sassy_compass_sassy_functions() {
  $functions = 'if resolve-path ';
  $functions .= 'adjust-lightness scale-lightness adjust-saturation scale-saturation scale-color-value ';
  $functions .= 'is-position is-position-list opposite-position ';
  $functions .= '-webkit -moz -o -ms -svg -pie -css2 owg prefixed prefix ';
  $functions .= 'elements-of-type ';
  $functions .= 'enumerate ';
  $functions .= 'font-files ';
  $functions .= 'image-width image-height ';
  $functions .= 'inline-image inline-font-files ';
  $functions .= 'blank compact -compass-nth -compass-list -compass-list -compass-space-list -compass-list-size -compass-slice first-value-of ';
  $functions .= 'nest append-selector headers ';
  $functions .= 'pi sin cos tan ';
  $functions .= 'comma-list prefixed-for-transition ';
  $functions .= 'stylesheet-url font-url image-url';
  $output = array();
  $functions = explode(' ', $functions);
  foreach ($functions as $function) {
    $function = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]/', '_', $function);
    $output[$function] = array(
      'name' => $function,
      'callback' => 'sassy_compass__' . $function,
  return $output;

 * Defines the "if" function, used like: if(condition, if_true, if_false)
function sassy_compass__if($condition, $if_true, $if_false) {
  return $condition ? $if_true : $if_false;

 * Resolves requires to the compass namespace (eg namespace/css3/border-radius)
function sassy_compass__resolve_path($file) {
  if ($file[0] == '/') {
    return $file;
  if (!($path = realpath($file))) {
    $path = SassScriptFunction::$context->node->token->filename;
    $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')) . '/';
    $path = $path . $file;
    $last = '';
    while ($path != $last) {
      $last = $path;
      $path = preg_replace('`(^|/)(?!\\.\\./)([^/]+)/\\.\\./`', '$1', $path);
    $path = realpath($path);
  if ($path) {
    return $path;
  return false;

 * Implements hook_sassy_css_preprocessor_settings_form_alter().
 * Adds the "Compass: Implicit compile" option.
function sassy_compass_form_sassy_css_preprocessor_settings_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $local += array(
    'compass_implicit_include' => FALSE,
  $form['compass_implicit_include'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => 'Include full Compass libraries in every file',
    '#description' => 'Should the use of Compass be implicit for every SASS/SCSS file? This will slow down compile time.',
    '#default_value' => $local['compass_implicit_include'],
  return $form;

 * Adds the Compass libraries to all SASS files if the user selected this option in the Prepro admin screen.
function sassy_compass_prepro_precompile_sass_alter(&$contents, $file, $local) {
  if (@$local['compass_implicit_include']) {
    if (strpos($contents, 'compass/compass') === FALSE && strpos($contents, 'compass/*') === FALSE) {
      $comment = '/* ' . t('Including Compass libraries via implicit include') . ' */';
      $contents = $comment . "\n@import 'compass/compass';\n\n" . $contents;

 * Adds the Compass libraries to all SCSS files if the user selected this option in the Prepro admin screen.
function sassy_compass_prepro_precompile_scss_alter(&$contents, $file, $local) {
  sassy_compass_prepro_precompile_sass_alter($contents, $file, $local);


Namesort descending Description
sassy_compass_form_sassy_css_preprocessor_settings_form_alter Implements hook_sassy_css_preprocessor_settings_form_alter(). Adds the "Compass: Implicit compile" option.
sassy_compass_prepro_precompile_sass_alter Adds the Compass libraries to all SASS files if the user selected this option in the Prepro admin screen.
sassy_compass_prepro_precompile_scss_alter Adds the Compass libraries to all SCSS files if the user selected this option in the Prepro admin screen.
sassy_compass_sassy_functions Implementation of hook_sassy_functions(). Lists all functions defined by the Compass library.
sassy_compass_sassy_resolve_path_compass Implementation of hook_sassy_resolve_path_NAMESPACE().
sassy_compass__if Defines the "if" function, used like: if(condition, if_true, if_false)
sassy_compass__resolve_path Resolves requires to the compass namespace (eg namespace/css3/border-radius)