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public function RestClient::objects in Salesforce Suite 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 src/Rest/RestClient.php \Drupal\salesforce\Rest\RestClient::objects()
  2. 5.0.x src/Rest/RestClient.php \Drupal\salesforce\Rest\RestClient::objects()

Available objects and their metadata for your organization's data.


array $conditions: Associative array of filters to apply to the returned objects. Filters are applied after the list is returned from Salesforce.

bool $reset: Whether to reset the cache and retrieve a fresh version from Salesforce.

Return value

array Available objects and metadata.

Overrides RestClientInterface::objects

1 call to RestClient::objects()
RestClient::getObjectTypeName in src/Rest/RestClient.php
Utility function to determine object type for given SFID.
1 method overrides RestClient::objects()
TestRestClient::objects in src/Tests/TestRestClient.php
Hard-code a short list of objects for testing.


src/Rest/RestClient.php, line 656


Objects, properties, and methods to communicate with the Salesforce REST API.




public function objects(array $conditions = [
  'updateable' => TRUE,
], $reset = FALSE) {

  // Use the cached data if we have it.
  if (!$reset && ($cache = $this->cache
    ->get('salesforce:objects'))) {
    $result = $cache->data;
  else {
    $result = $this
      ->set('salesforce:objects', $result, $this
      ->getRequestTime() + self::CACHE_LIFETIME, [

  // print_r($result);
  $sobjects = [];

  // Filter the list by conditions, and assign SF table names as array keys.
  foreach ($result['sobjects'] as $key => $object) {
    if (empty($object['name'])) {
    if (!empty($conditions)) {
      foreach ($conditions as $condition => $value) {
        if ($object[$condition] == $value) {
          $sobjects[$object['name']] = $object;
    else {
      $sobjects[$object['name']] = $object;
  return $sobjects;