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6 calls to _salesforce_drush_get_mapping() in Salesforce Suite 5.0.x

drush_salesforce_pull_sf_pull_file in modules/salesforce_pull/
Queues records for pull from Salesforce from the given file and mapping.
drush_salesforce_pull_sf_pull_query in modules/salesforce_pull/
Queues records for pull from salesforce for the given mapping.
drush_salesforce_pull_sf_pull_set in modules/salesforce_pull/
Set pull time on all mappings, or the given mapping by name.
drush_salesforce_push_sf_push_queue in modules/salesforce_push/
Implements drush_hook_COMMAND().
drush_salesforce_push_unmapped in modules/salesforce_push/
Implements drush_hook_COMMAND().
_salesforce_pull_load_single_mapping_array_or_all_pull_mappings in modules/salesforce_pull/
Get an array of all pull mappings, or the given mapping by name.