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public function PushQueueTest::testQueue in Salesforce Suite 5.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 modules/salesforce_push/tests/src/Functional/PushQueueTest.php \Drupal\Tests\salesforce_push\Functional\PushQueueTest::testQueue()
  2. 8.3 modules/salesforce_push/tests/src/Functional/PushQueueTest.php \Drupal\Tests\salesforce_push\Functional\PushQueueTest::testQueue()

Test queue features.

Test creation of queue items. Test mocked push queue create and creation of mapped objects. Test mocked push queue update and update of mapped objects. Test deletion of entities and corresponding deletion of SF related records.







modules/salesforce_push/tests/src/Functional/PushQueueTest.php, line 49


Test PushQueue.




public function testQueue() {

  /** @var \Drupal\salesforce_push\PushQueue $queue */
  $queue = \Drupal::service('queue.salesforce_push');
  $mapping = SalesforceMapping::load('test_mapping');

  // Set mapping to async, otherwise the push will be attempted immediately.
    ->set('async', TRUE);

  /** @var \Drupal\salesforce_mapping\MappedObjectStorage $mappedObjectStorage */
  $mappedObjectStorage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->assertEquals(0, $queue
  $node1 = Node::create([
    'type' => 'salesforce_mapping_test_content',
    'title' => 'Test Example',
    ->assertEquals(1, $queue
  $node2 = Node::create([
    'type' => 'salesforce_mapping_test_content',
    'title' => 'Test Example 2',
    ->assertEquals(2, $queue

  // Two items are queued. Run the queue and ensure that mapped objects are
  // created from our mocked results.
    ->assertEquals(0, $queue
  $mappedObject1 = $mappedObjectStorage
    ->loadByEntityAndMapping($node1, $mapping);
  $mappedObject1Vid = $mappedObject1
  $mappedObject2 = $mappedObjectStorage
    ->loadByEntityAndMapping($node2, $mapping);
  $mappedObject2Vid = $mappedObject2

  // Update those nodes and test that they get re-queued.
    ->setTitle('Updated Title')
    ->assertEquals(1, $queue
    ->setTitle('Updated Title 2')
    ->assertEquals(2, $queue

  // Run the queue again and test that mapped objects get updated.
    ->assertEquals(0, $queue

  // Make sure a new revision was created, implying the update.
  $mappedObject1 = $mappedObjectStorage
    ->loadByEntityAndMapping($node1, $mapping);
  $mappedObject1UpdatedVid = $mappedObject1
    ->assertNotEquals($mappedObject1Vid, $mappedObject1UpdatedVid);
  $mappedObject2 = $mappedObjectStorage
    ->loadByEntityAndMapping($node2, $mapping);
  $mappedObject2UpdatedVid = $mappedObject2
    ->assertNotEquals($mappedObject2Vid, $mappedObject2UpdatedVid);

  // Delete nodes and test that corresponding records are deleted.

  // Make sure the mapped object is not deleted yet.
  $mappedObject1 = $mappedObjectStorage
  $mappedObject2 = $mappedObjectStorage

  // Make sure the delete queue items were created.
    ->assertEquals(2, $queue

  // Process the queue to make sure the deletes get sent.
    ->assertEquals(0, $queue

  // Finally, make sure the mapped objects have been deleted.